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China 8W LED Tri-Warna Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54
LD-DL–99937 Dhukungan: Kustomisasi Grosir cilik
Informasi kontak: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Madhangi Spasi Sampeyan kanthi Kaunggulan: 8W LED Suhu Warna sing Bisa Dilarasake Downlight IP54
Diameter Potongan: \Ø90mm
Nilai IC-4
UGR<19 Excellent Beam Control Compared to Diffused Downlights Reduce Eye Strain Supplied with Dimmable LED Driver Tri-Colour Switchable Weatherproof Rating of IP54 Suitable for installation in Wet Areas 3 Year Replacement Warranty Specifications: Input Voltage (V): 240V AC Power (W): 8W LED IP Rating (IP): IP54 Beam Angle: 45\° Dimmable: Yes Lumen Output: White – 750Lm/840Lm/790Lm Lumen Output: Black – 560Lm/630Lm/570Lm Materials: Aluminium/Polycarbonate Colour Temperature: 3000K/4000K/5700K (Switchable) Dimensions: Cutout Diameter: \Ø90mm Overall Diameter: \Ø106mm Height: 84mm In today\’s fast-paced and high-pressure society, the pursuit of quality in our daily lives has become increasingly important. Lighting, an essential part of our lives, plays a crucial role in enhancing our living environment. Today, I\’m excited to introduce a top-notch product from China that embodies excellence\— the 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54.
Designed with the modern user\’s need for comfortable and healthy lighting in mind, this downlight features a low glare design with a unified glare rating (UGR) of <19. This means the light distribution is even and soft, reducing eye strain and enhancing visual comfort. Whether you\’re working long hours in front of a computer or relaxing in your living room, this downlight ensures a pleasant visual experience. In addition to its low glare design, this downlight offers selectable color temperatures. Users can switch between 3000K warm white, 4000K natural white, and 5700K cool white according to their preferences and needs. This flexibility allows the downlight to adapt to different settings and atmospheres. For instance, using 3000K warm white in the bedroom creates a cozy, comfortable sleep environment, while 5700K cool white in the office enhances productivity and keeps you alert. Another notable feature is the integrated adjustable LED driver. This allows users to easily adjust the light intensity through a knob or button, offering a range of lighting options while conserving energy and promoting environmental sustainability. Whether you need bright light for work or softer light for relaxation, this downlight delivers. Additionally, the IP54 rating of this downlight is a significant advantage. IP54 signifies that the product is protected against dust and water splashes, making it reliable and durable in various environments. Whether installed in a kitchen, bathroom, or outdoor patio, this downlight performs consistently even under challenging conditions. The aesthetic design of this downlight is also noteworthy. With a sleek and modern look, it complements contemporary home d\écor while fitting seamlessly into various design styles. The high-quality materials and craftsmanship highlight its superior quality and attention to detail.
Ulasan Pelanggan
Perusahaan: Luminous Lighting Ltd.
Posisi: Purchasing Manager
Jeneng: Sarah Johnson
8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight: 5.000 unit
10W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight: 3.000 unit
Review: \\“LEDER\’s 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight nyukupi kabutuhan kita kanthi sampurna. Produk kasebut nduweni kualitas dhuwur, dikirim ing wektu sing tepat, lan dilengkapi layanan tambah nilai sing apik banget. Kita seneng banget karo lampu mudhun iki, utamane karo pilihan suhu warna lan fitur dimming, sing nambah keluwesan kanggo proyek cahya kita.\”
Perusahaan: Illumination Pro Inc.
Posisi: Direktur Pengembangan Produk
Jeneng: Michael Lee
Lampu Lampu Sorot Suhu Warna LED 8W: 2.000 unit
Lampu Downlight Tersembunyi 12W: 1.500 unit
Tinjauan: \\ u201cLEDER\\ u2019s unggul ing kontrol kualitas lan pangiriman. 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight nduweni desain modern kanthi efisiensi cahya sing nyengsemake lan kinerja hemat energi. Klien kita wis menehi pujian sing dhuwur kanggo downlight iki. Kita ngarepake kolaborasi luwih lanjut karo LEDER.\”
Perusahaan: Bright Interiors Ltd.
Posisi: Manajer Penjualan
Jeneng: Emily Brown
8W LED Suhu Warna Bisa Disesuaikan Downlight: 3.000 unit
15W Ultra-Thin Recessed Downlight: 2.000 unit
Review: \“Minangka panyedhiya ing industri lampu LED, LEDer 8W LED Suhu Warna Recessed Downlight nggawe kesan sing kuat kanggo kita. Pilihan suhu warna sing fleksibel bisa nampung macem-macem kabutuhan cahya. Pangiriman pas wektune lan layanan tambahan sing berkualitas tinggi wis ngirit wektu lan biaya.\”
The 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54 nggabungake kenyamanan, kepraktisan, lan estetika ing siji solusi cahya sing luar biasa. Ora mung nambah kualitas urip nanging uga menehi pilihan cahya sing fleksibel kanggo macem-macem setelan. Minangka produk unggul digawe ing China, downlight iki nuduhake inovasi lan kaunggulan ing industri cahya. Kita ngajak para penjual hubungi kita kanggo njelajah kesempatan kolaborasi luwih lanjut.
Informasi Kontak:
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
WhatsApp / WeChat: +8615815758133
Website: https://lederillumination.com/
Apa wektu babar pisan kanggo 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54?
Jawaban: 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54 dilengkapi garansi panggantos 3 taun. Garansi iki njamin yen sampeyan nampa panggantos kanggo produk apa wae sing rusak sajrone periode garansi, nyedhiyakake katentreman lan kapercayan nalika tuku.
Lampu mudhun bisa digunakake ing lingkungan ruangan utawa udan?
Jawaban: Ya, 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54 nduweni rating tahan cuaca IP54, tegese dilindhungi saka bledug lan cipratan banyu. Iki ndadekake cocok kanggo instalasi ing wilayah udan kayata jedhing lan pawon, uga ing ruangan ruangan kayata patio.
Kepiyé fitur sing bisa dimmable, lan jinis driver LED sing bisa dimmable apa sing kalebu?
Jawaban: Downlight dilengkapi driver LED dimmable terpadu, sing ngidini pangguna nyetel intensitas cahya miturut kabutuhan. Pembalap sing bisa dimmable bisa dikontrol liwat tombol utawa tombol, nyedhiyakake keluwesan ing tingkat cahya lan uga ningkatake efisiensi energi. Fitur iki ngidini pangguna ngatur padhange kanggo macem-macem setelan, saka area kerja sing padhang nganti ruang istirahat sing luwih alus.