China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54

China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

LD-DL99937 Taic:


Slàn-reic beag

Fiosrachadh conaltraidh:


China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

China 8W LED Tri-Color Dimmable Deepset Downlight IP54-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

Soillseachadh an àite agad le Sàr-mhathais: 8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh air cùl solais sìos IP54

Trast-thomhas gearraidh: \\ u00d890mm

IC-4 Rated

UGR<19 Excellent Beam Control Compared to Diffused Downlights Reduce Eye Strain Supplied with Dimmable LED Driver Tri-Colour Switchable Weatherproof Rating of IP54 Suitable for installation in Wet Areas 3 Year Replacement Warranty Specifications: Input Voltage (V): 240V AC Power (W): 8W LED IP Rating (IP): IP54 Beam Angle: 45\° Dimmable: Yes Lumen Output: White – 750Lm/840Lm/790Lm Lumen Output: Black – 560Lm/630Lm/570Lm Materials: Aluminium/Polycarbonate Colour Temperature: 3000K/4000K/5700K (Switchable) Dimensions: Cutout Diameter: \Ø90mm Overall Diameter: \Ø106mm Height: 84mm In today\’s fast-paced and high-pressure society, the pursuit of quality in our daily lives has become increasingly important. Lighting, an essential part of our lives, plays a crucial role in enhancing our living environment. Today, I\’m excited to introduce a top-notch product from China that embodies excellence\— the 8W LED Adjustable Color Temperature Recessed Downlight IP54.

Designed with the modern user\’s need for comfortable and healthy lighting in mind, this downlight features a low glare design with a unified glare rating (UGR) of <19. This means the light distribution is even and soft, reducing eye strain and enhancing visual comfort. Whether you\’re working long hours in front of a computer or relaxing in your living room, this downlight ensures a pleasant visual experience. In addition to its low glare design, this downlight offers selectable color temperatures. Users can switch between 3000K warm white, 4000K natural white, and 5700K cool white according to their preferences and needs. This flexibility allows the downlight to adapt to different settings and atmospheres. For instance, using 3000K warm white in the bedroom creates a cozy, comfortable sleep environment, while 5700K cool white in the office enhances productivity and keeps you alert. Another notable feature is the integrated adjustable LED driver. This allows users to easily adjust the light intensity through a knob or button, offering a range of lighting options while conserving energy and promoting environmental sustainability. Whether you need bright light for work or softer light for relaxation, this downlight delivers. Additionally, the IP54 rating of this downlight is a significant advantage. IP54 signifies that the product is protected against dust and water splashes, making it reliable and durable in various environments. Whether installed in a kitchen, bathroom, or outdoor patio, this downlight performs consistently even under challenging conditions. The aesthetic design of this downlight is also noteworthy. With a sleek and modern look, it complements contemporary home d\écor while fitting seamlessly into various design styles. The high-quality materials and craftsmanship highlight its superior quality and attention to detail.

Lèirmheasan teachdaiche

Companaidh: Luminous Lighting Ltd.

Suidheachadh: Manaidsear Ceannach

Ainm: Sarah Johnson


8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le solas sìos: 5,000 aonad

10W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le solais cùlaichte: 3,000 aonad

Lèirmheas: \\ u201cLEDER \ u2019s 8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le solais cùlaichte a’ coinneachadh gu foirfe ri ar feumalachdan. Tha an toradh de chàileachd àrd, air a lìbhrigeadh ann an àm, agus a’ tighinn le seirbheisean le luach sàr-mhath. Tha sinn glè riaraichte leis an t-solas seo, gu h-àraidh leis na roghainnean teòthachd dath agus feart lasachaidh, a chuireas sùbailteachd ris na pròiseactan solais againn.\”

Companaidh: Illumination Pro Inc.

Suidheachadh: Stiùiriche Leasachadh Bathar

Ainm: Michael Lee


8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le solas sìos: 2,000 aonad

12W Solais fosaidh a ghabhas atharrachadh: 1,500 aonad

Lèirmheas: \\ u201cLEDER \ u2019s tha toraidhean air leth math ann an smachd càileachd agus lìbhrigeadh. Tha an 8W LED Teòthachd Adjustable Color Recessed Downlight a’ nochdadh dealbhadh ùr-nodha le èifeachdas solais drùidhteach agus coileanadh sàbhalaidh lùtha. Tha ar luchd-dèiligidh air moladh àrd a thoirt don t-solas seo. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri tuilleadh co-obrachaidh le LEDER.\”

Companaidh: Bright Interiors Ltd.

Suidheachadh: Manaidsear Reic

Ainm: Emily Brown


8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le solas sìos: 3,000 aonad

15W Ultra-Thin Reic Recessed Downlight: 2,000 aonad

Lèirmheas: \\ u201c Mar sholaraiche ann an gnìomhachas solais LED, thug LEDER \\ u2019s 8W LED Teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh le Recessed Downlight buaidh làidir oirnn. Bidh na roghainnean teòthachd dath sùbailte aige a’ frithealadh air diofar fheumalachdan solais. Tha lìbhrigeadh ùineail agus seirbheisean a bharrachd àrd-inbhe air ùine agus cosgais a shàbhaladh dhuinn.\”


Tha an 8W LED Teòthachd Dhathan Adjustable Recessed Downlight IP54 a’ cothlamadh comhfhurtachd, practaigeach, agus bòidhchead ann an aon fhuasgladh solais air leth. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil e ag àrdachadh do chàileachd beò ach cuideachd a’ toirt seachad roghainnean solais sùbailte airson diofar shuidheachaidhean. Mar thoradh adhartach air a dhèanamh ann an Sìona, tha an solas sìos seo a’ nochdadh ùr-ghnàthachadh agus sàr-mhathas ann an gnìomhachas an t-solais. Tha sinn a’ toirt cuireadh do luchd-reic fios a chuir thugainn gus tuilleadh chothroman co-obrachaidh a sgrùdadh.

Fiosrachadh conaltraidh:


WhatsApp / WeChat: +8615815758133



  1. \\ u00a0Dè an ùine barantais a th’ ann airson an 8W LED Teòthachd Dhathan Adjustable Recessed Downlight IP54?

Freagair: Tha an 8W LED Teòthachd Dhathan Adjustable Recessed Downlight IP54 a’ tighinn le barantas ùr 3-bliadhna. Bidh am barantas seo a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum faigh thu stuth eile airson bathar easbhaidheach sam bith taobh a-staigh ùine a’ bharantais, a’ toirt dhut fois inntinn agus misneachd anns a’ cheannach agad.

  1. An gabh an solas sìos a chleachdadh ann an àrainneachdan a-muigh no fliuch?

Freagair: Tha, tha ìre dìon-sìde de IP54 aig an 8W LED Teòthachd Dhathan Adjustable Recessed Downlight IP54, a tha a’ ciallachadh gu bheil e air a dhìon an aghaidh duslach is uisge a’ frasadh. Tha seo ga dhèanamh freagarrach airson a chuir a-steach ann an àiteachan fliuch leithid seòmraichean-ionnlaid agus cidsinean, a bharrachd air ann an àiteachan a-muigh leithid patios.

  1. Ciamar a tha am feart dimmable ag obair, agus dè an seòrsa de dhràibhear LED dimmable a tha air a ghabhail a-steach?

Freagair: Tha an downlight air a uidheamachadh le draibhear LED dimmable aonaichte, a leigeas le luchd-cleachdaidh an dian solais atharrachadh a rèir am feumalachdan. Faodar smachd a chumail air an draibhear so-ruigsinneach tro chnap no putan, a’ toirt sùbailteachd ann an ìrean solais agus aig an aon àm a’ brosnachadh èifeachdas lùtha. Leigidh am feart seo le luchd-cleachdaidh an soilleireachd a ghnàthachadh airson diofar shuidheachaidhean, bho raointean obrach soilleir gu àiteachan fois nas buige.