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China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65

China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

LD-DL99922 Ts’ehetso:


Thekiso e nyane haholo

Lintlha tsa puisano:


China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

China 13W LED Mmala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Bo Metsi Sebaka Leseli IP65-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

China 13W LED Mobala o le Mong o Hatellehang Botebong Sebaka se Metsi Leseli Leseli la IP65 le Recessed Downlight Series: The Ultimate Tharollo bakeng sa Tikoloho e Tloaelehileng ea Mongobo

Cutout Diameter: \Ø90-95mm

E fumaneha ka 3000K Warm White, 4000K Neutral White kapa 5000K Cool White

E Felletse ka Driver, Flex le Plug

Powder e tlotsitsoeng ka Botsho kapa Bosoeu

Lilemo tse 3 Tiisetso ea ho Fetola Mocheso: 3000K Bosoeu bo Mofuthu / 4000K Neutral White / 5000K White Ø88mm

Rea u amohela ho tataiso ea rona e felletseng ea China 13W LED Single Color Dimmable Deep Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series. Joaloka moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa tharollo ea mabone a LED a boleng bo phahameng, re motlotlo ho hlahisa sehlahisoa sena se ikhethang se etselitsoeng ho finyella litlhoko tse thata tsa libaka tse metsi le tse ka ntle. Hore na o morekisi e moholo ea batlang ho ntlafatsa lethathamo la sehlahisoa sa hau kapa setsebi sa meralo se batlang litharollo tse tšepahalang tsa mabone bakeng sa tikoloho e thata, letoto la rona la leseli le fana ka ts’ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. Ka kakaretso ea sehlahisoa sena, re tla hlahloba likarolo tsa bohlokoa, melemo le ts’ebeliso ea letoto la rona la khanya ea 13W LED, ha re ntse re bonts’a litlhahlobo tsa lefats’e la nnete ho tsoa ho barekisi ba etelletseng pele indastering.


Tlhahlobo ea Sehlahisoa: Ts’ebetso e Phahameng le Moqapi

Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa

  1. Theknoloji ea LED e Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa: Mabone a tlaase a tsamaisoa ke COB e nang le ntlha e le ‘ngoe (Chip on Board) LED e sebetsang hantle, e fanang ka khanya e khanyang le e sebetsang hantle. 60° optical reflector e tsamaisana hantle le LED, e fana ka khanya e tsepamisitsoeng le ea boleng bo holimo.

  1. Likopo

The China 13W LED Single Color Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight e nepahetse bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa, ho kenyeletsa:


  1. Libaka tsa Kantle: Ntlafatsa polokeho le ponahalo libakeng tse kantle ka mabone a thibelang mongobo.

  1. Hobaneng o Khetha letoto la rona la Mabone a Mabone?

Boleng bo ke keng ba Bapisoa le Botšepehi

Letoto la rona la mabone a tlase le entsoe ka nepo le tlhokomelo ho lintlha, ho netefatsa ts’ebetso e holimo le bophelo bo bolelele. Motsoako oa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea ho tiisa, likarolo tsa LED tsa boleng bo holimo, le moralo o motle o etsa hore mabone a rona e be khetho e hlahelletseng bakeng sa tikoloho e hlokang matla.

  1. Boleng bo Ikgethileng
  2. Re utloisisa bohlokoa ba ho fana ka boleng bo holimo ho bareki ba rona. Mabone a rona a tlase a 13W LED a fana ka tharollo e theko e boima ntle le ho sekisetsa boleng. Ka theknoloji ea LED e baballang matla le nako e telele ea bophelo, u ka fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo ‘me ua thabela ho boloka nako e telele.

  3. Tshehetso e Hlollang ea Bareki

Ka khanya ea LEDER, re motlotlo ka ho fana ka tšehetso e ikhethang ea bareki. Sehlopha sa rona se inehetseng se teng ho thusa ka lipotso tsa sehlahisoa, tataiso ea ho kenya, le litlhoko life kapa life tseo u ka bang le tsona. Re ikemiselitse ho etsa bonnete ba hore bareki ba rona ba na le boiphihlelo ho tloha qalong ho isa qetellong.

Litekanyetso tse tsoang ho Baetapele ba Indasteri

  1. Marcus Cave, Motsamaisi oa Light Lab Ltd.

Karini Veloso, Mookameli oa Mabone ho Mobit Brasil

  1. Jeremy Bramley, Motsamaisi oa Tsamaiso ho Illumino Ignis

Company: Illumino Ignis

Boemo: Managing Director

Name: Jeremy Bramley

Purchase List: 2,000 units of China 13W LED Single Color Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlights

Hatello: “Re khotsofetse haholo ka China 13W LED Mabone a Single Dimmable Downlights Ts’ebetso ea bona libakeng tse metsi e bile mohlala, ‘me moralo o sebetsa hantle ebile o khahleha ka mokhoa o hlakileng, o re fa monyetla oa ho fana ka tharollo ea mabone ho bareki ba rona boleng ba sehlahisoa bo ‘nile ba lula bo le holimo. Litšebeletso tsa boleng bo eketsehileng tse fanoang ke khanya ea LEDER lia babatseha, li ba etsa balekane ba tšepahalang bakeng sa litlhoko tsa rona tsa mabone.”


  1. Iteanye le Rona


LEDER e netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa eona joang?

Ho LEDER, boleng ke ntho e tlang pele bophelong ba rona. Re kenya tšebetsong tsamaiso e thata ea boleng, joalo ka ISO 9001, ho boloka maemo a holimo nakong eohle ea ts’ebetso ea rona ea tlhahiso. Boitlamo ba rona ba boleng bo kenyelletsa:

Liphuputso tsa Kamehla: Re etsa liphuputso tsa ka hare le tsa ka ntle ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li finyella litekanyetso tsa machaba.

Thepa e tsoetseng pele: Re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tsa tlhahiso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo ho netefatsa hore sehlahisoa se tsitsitse le reliability.

Value-Added Services:

Detailed Quality Inspection Reports: Re fana ka litlaleho tse felletseng tsa tlhahlobo le litifikeiti tsa motho oa boraro ho u fa kholiseho e felletseng ho lihlahisoa tsa rona.

Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Sistimi ea rona ea maikutlo a boleng bo pepeneneng e re fa monyetla oa ho fana ka maikutlo hang hang. bua le ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe ao u ka kopanang le ‘ona.

Ka mehato ena, u ka tšepa hore lihlahisoa tsa LEDER ke tsa boleng bo holimo, tse u thusang ho boloka khotsofalo le tšepo ea bareki.


  1. Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e e nkang ho sebetsana le nako ea ho fana le thepa ka nepo?

Rea utloisisa hore ho fana ka thepa ka nako ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka ketane ea hau ea phepelo le ho fihlela litebello tsa bareki. Ho netefatsa phano e potlakileng, re:

Moralo oa Tlhahiso ea Saense: Kenya ts’ebetsong kemiso e nepahetseng ea tlhahiso ho kopana le linako tse behiloeng ka nako e sa fetoheng.

Eketsa Bokhoni ba Tlhahiso: Boloka lipolokelo le scalability tlhahisong ho sebetsana le keketseho ea tšohanyetso kapa tlhokahalo ea liphetoho.

Value-Added Services:

Litšebeletso tsa ho Track Track: Re fana ka ho lateloa ha liodara tsa hau ka nako ea ‘nete, re u boloka u tseba ka tsoelo-pele ea tlhahiso le lipalangoang.

Matšeliso bakeng sa Thomelo e Liehileng: Re na le mokhoa oa mats’eliso oa ho haha ​​​​le ho matlafatsa tšepo ea hau boitlamo ba rona ho -time delivery.

Sistimi ea rona ea tsamaiso ea thepa le balekane ba tšepahalang ba netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa hau li tsamaisoa ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng le hantle, ho fokotsa litšitiso tse ka bang teng.

  1. LEDER e sebetsana joang le ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale?

Ho sireletsa thepa ea hau ea bohlale ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka monyetla oa tlholisano le boqapi. Ho LEDER, re nka mehato e mengata ho sireletsa meralo le mahlale a hau:

Litumellano tsa Non-Disclosure (NDAs): Re saena NDAs ho netefatsa hore litaba tsa hau li lula e le lekunutu.

Mehato ea Ts’ireletso ea ka hare: Re kenya tšebetsong mehato e thata ea kahare ho thibela theknoloji. dutla le phihlello e sa dumellwang.

Value-Added Services:

Patent Application and IP Consulting: Re fana ka ditshebeletso tsa boeletsi bakeng sa dikopo tsa patent le tshireletso ya thepa ya mahlale.

Koetliso e Tsoelang Pele: Re fana ka lithupelo tse tsoelang pele bakeng sa basebetsi ba rona ho matlafatsa temoho ea bona le ho khomarela ho melaoana ea ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale.

Ka ho sebelisana le LEDER, u ka ba le ts’epo ea hore thepa ea hau ea bohlale e bolokehile, e u fa monyetla oa ho shebana le boqapi le kholo ntle le ho tšoenyeha.

  1. Jeremy Bramley, Managing Director at Illumino Ignis

Company: Illumino Ignis

Position: Managing Director

Name: Jeremy Bramley

Purchase List: 2,000 units of China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlights

Evaluation: “We are very satisfied with the China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Downlights. Their performance in wet areas has been exemplary, and the design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The dimmable feature is a great advantage, allowing us to offer customized lighting solutions to our clients. The delivery was efficient, and the product quality has been consistently high. The value-added services provided by LEDER illumination are commendable, making them a reliable partner for our lighting needs.”

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about the China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series or wish to place an order, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries and provide the support you need to make an informed decision.


WhatsApp & WeChat: +8615815758133


At LEDER illumination, we are committed to delivering high-quality lighting solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients. We look forward to partnering with you and providing exceptional products and services that exceed your expectations.

In this comprehensive guide, we have delved into the details of our China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series, highlighting its key features, applications, and the positive feedback from industry leaders. This product is designed to deliver superior performance in moisture-prone environments, making it a valuable addition to any lighting project. We invite big sellers and industry professionals to reach out and explore the benefits of our downlight series for themselves.


  1. How does LEDER ensure the quality of its products?

At LEDER, quality is our top priority. We implement a strict quality management system, such as ISO 9001, to maintain high standards throughout our production process. Our commitment to quality includes:

Regular Audits: We perform both internal and external audits to ensure that our products meet international standards.

Advanced Equipment: We use state-of-the-art production and testing equipment to ensure product consistency and reliability.

Value-Added Services:

Detailed Quality Inspection Reports: We provide comprehensive inspection reports and third-party certifications to give you full confidence in our products.

Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Our transparent quality feedback system allows us to promptly address and resolve any issues you may encounter.

With these measures, you can trust that LEDER\’s products are of the highest quality, helping you maintain customer satisfaction and trust.

  1. What measures does LEDER take to handle delivery time and logistics efficiently?

We understand that timely delivery is crucial for maintaining your supply chain and meeting customer expectations. To ensure prompt delivery, we:

Scientific Production Planning: Implement precise production scheduling to meet deadlines consistently.

Increase Production Capacity: Maintain reserves and scalability in production to handle sudden order increases or demand changes.

Value-Added Services:

Order Tracking Services: We offer real-time tracking of your orders, keeping you updated on production and transportation progress.

Compensation for Delayed Deliveries: We have a compensation mechanism in place to build and enhance your trust in our commitment to on-time delivery.

Our logistics management system and reliable partners ensure that your products are transported safely and efficiently, minimizing any potential disruptions.

  1. How does LEDER handle intellectual property protection?

Protecting your intellectual property is vital for maintaining competitive advantage and innovation. At LEDER, we take several steps to safeguard your designs and technologies:

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): We sign NDAs to ensure that your proprietary information remains confidential.

Internal Protection Measures: We implement stringent internal measures to prevent technology leakage and unauthorized access.

Value-Added Services:

Patent Application and IP Consulting: We offer consulting services for patent applications and intellectual property protection.

Regular Training: We conduct ongoing training for our employees to enhance their awareness and adherence to intellectual property protection protocols.

By partnering with LEDER, you can be confident that your intellectual property is secure, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth without concern.