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China 13W LED Imwechete Ruvara Dimmable Yakadzika Face Yet Area Downlight IP65
LD-DL–99922 Support: Customization Small wholesale
Ruzivo rwekusangana: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
China 13W LED Imwechete Muvara Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 Recessed Downlight Series: The Ultimate Solution for Moisture-Prone Environments
Cutout Diameter: Ø90-95mm
Inowanikwa mu3000K Warm White, 4000K Neutral White kana 5000K Cool White
Yakazara neDriver, Flex and Plug
Powder coated in Black or White
3 Year Replacement Warranty
Input Voltage: 240V AC
Simba (W): 13W LED
IP Rating (IP): 65
Dimmable: Yes
LED type: COB
Colour Temperature: 3000K Warm White / 4000K Neutral White / 5000K White
Cutout Diameter: Ø90-95mm
Diameter: Ø110mm
Height: 64.3mm
Top Diameter: Ø88a0
Tinokugamuchirai kune yedu yakazara gwara paChina 13W LED Imwe Ruvara Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series. Semugadziri anotungamira wemhando yepamusoro-yemhando yemwenje ye LED mhinduro, tinodada kuunza ichi chigadzirwa chakasarudzika chakagadzirirwa kusangana nekuomesera kwenzvimbo dzakanyorova uye dzekunze. Kunyangwe iwe uri mutengesi mukuru ari kutsvaga kukwidziridza chigadzirwa chako mutsara kana mugadziri ari kutsvaga mhinduro dzemwenje dzakavimbika dzenzvimbo dzakaoma, yedu yemwenje yekudzika inopa isingaenzaniswi kuita uye kuita kwakasiyana-siyana. Mune ino yakadzama chigadzirwa chekutarisa, isu tichaongorora akakosha maficha, mabhenefiti, uye mashandisiro eyedu 13W LED downlight series, tichiratidzawo ongororo dzepasirese kubva kune vatengesi vanotungamira mumaindasitiri.
Chigadzirwa Chekutarisisa: Kuita Kwepamusoro uye Dhizaini
Zvinhu Zvikuru
Dimmable LED Driver uye Flexible Plug: Yakashongedzerwa neakazara dimmable LED mutyairi, yedu yekudzika yakatevedzana inopa customizable mwenje mazinga kuti aenderane nezvinodiwa zvakasiyana. Iyo inochinjika plug inopa kuisirwa nyore uye kuchinjika.
- Applications
The China 13W LED Single Color Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight yakakwana kune zvakasiyana siyana zvekushandisa, kusanganisira:
- Mabathroom: Gadzira chitarisiko chakachena uye chemazuva ano uchisimbisa kuita kwakavimbika mumamiriro ehunyoro.
Nzvimbo dzekunze: Wedzera kuchengetedzeka uye kuoneka munzvimbo dzekunze nemwenje unodzivirira mwando.
Sei Kusarudza Yedu Yedu Yekudonha Series?
Unhu Husingaenzaniswi uye Kuvimbika
- Yedu yemwenje yekudzika yakatevedzana yakagadzirwa nemazvo uye kutarisa kune zvakadzama, kuve nechokwadi chekuita kwepamusoro uye hupenyu hurefu. Iko kusanganiswa kwehunyanzvi hwekuisa chisimbiso, zvemhando yepamusoro dze LED, uye dhizaini inoyevedza inoita kuti mwenje yedu ive sarudzo yakasarudzika yenzvimbo dzinodiwa.
- Kukosha Kunoshamisa
- Tinonzwisisa kukosha kwekupa kukosha kwakanyanya kune vatengi vedu. Yedu 13W LED mwenje pasi inopa mhinduro inodhura pasina kukanganisa pamhando. Nesimba rinoshanda nesimba reLED tekinoroji uye hupenyu hurefu, unogona kuderedza mari yekugadzirisa uye kunakidzwa nekuchengetedza kwenguva refu.
Yakatanhamara Mutengi Tsigiro
Pakuvheneka kweLEDER, tinodada nekupa rubatsiro rwakanyanya rwevatengi. Chikwata chedu chakazvitsaurira chiripo kuti chibatsire nemivhunzo yechigadzirwa, nhungamiro yekuisa, uye chero zvimwe zvaunoda zvaungave nazvo. Takazvipira kuve nechokwadi chechiitiko chisina musono kune vatengi vedu kubva pakutanga kusvika pakupedzisira.
Ongororo kubva kuIndasitiri Vatungamiriri
Marcus Cave, Director kuChiedza Lab Ltd.
Karini Veloso, Lighting Manager paMobit Brasil
Jeremy Bramley, Managing Director kuIllumino Ignis
Contact Us
LEDER inovimbisa sei kunaka kwezvigadzirwa zvayo?
Pa LEDER, mhando ndiyo yedu yekutanga. Isu tinoshandisa yakasimba yemhando yekutonga system, senge ISO 9001, kuchengetedza yakakwira mwero mukati memaitiro edu ekugadzira. Kuzvipira kwedu kumhando yepamusoro kunosanganisira:
Kuongorora Kwenguva Dzose: Tinoita ongororo yemukati nekunze kuti tive nechokwadi chekuti zvigadzirwa zvedu zvinosvika pasi rose.
Midziyo Yepamusoro: Tinoshandisa michina yemazuva ano yekugadzira uye yekuongorora kuti tive nechokwadi chekuenderana kwechigadzirwa uye chokwadi gadzirisa uye kugadzirisa chero nyaya dzaungasangana nazvo.
Nezviyero izvi, unogona kuvimba kuti zvigadzirwa zveLEDER ndezvemhando yepamusoro, zvinokubatsira kuchengetedza kugutsikana uye kuvimba nevatengi.
Ndeapi matanho anotorwa neLEDER kubata nguva yekutumira uye zvinhu zvakanaka?
Tinonzwisisa kuti kuendesa nenguva kwakakosha kuchengetedza cheni yako yekugovera uye kusangana nezvinotarisirwa nevatengi. Kuti tive nechokwadi chekutumira nekukurumidza, isu:
Sainzi Kugadzira Kuronga: Implementation chaiyo yekugadzira kuronga kusangana nenguva yakatarwa
Order Tracking Services: Tinokupa nguva chaiyo yekutevera maodha ako, tichiita kuti ugare uchizivikanwa nezvekugadzirwa uye mafambiro ekufambisa.
Muripo weKunonoka Kutumirwa: Tine nzira yemuripo iripo yekuvaka uye kuwedzera kuvimba kwako mukuzvipira kwedu -time delivery.
Our logistics management system uye vatinoshanda navo vanovimbika vanovimbisa kuti zvigadzirwa zvako zvafambiswa zvisina njodzi uye nemazvo, zvichideredza kuvhiringika kungangoitika.
LEDER inobata sei kuchengetedzwa kwepfuma yenjere?
Kuchengetedza pfuma yako yehungwaru kwakakosha kuchengetedza mukana wemakwikwi uye hunyanzvi. Ku LEDER, tinotora matanho akati wandei kuchengetedza magadzirirwo ako uye matekinoroji:
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Tinosaina NDAs kuti tive nechokwadi chekuti ruzivo rwako rwemuridzi runoramba rwuri zvakavanzika.
Internal Protection Measures: Isu tinoshandisa matanho akasimba emukati kudzivirira tekinoroji. leakage and unauthorized access.
Value-Added Services:
Patent Application and IP Consulting: Tinopa mazano ekukumbira patent uye kudzivirira zvinhu zveuchenjeri.
Kugara Nokudzidzisa: Tinodzidzisa vashandi vedu zvinoenderera mberi kuti vawedzere kuziva uye kutevedzera kune intellectual property protection protocols.
Nekubatana neLEDER, unogona kuva nechivimbo chekuti intellectual property yako yakachengeteka, zvichiita kuti uise pfungwa dzako pakuvandudza nekukura pasina kunetseka.
Jeremy Bramley, Managing Director at Illumino Ignis
Company: Illumino Ignis
Position: Managing Director
Name: Jeremy Bramley
Purchase List: 2,000 units of China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlights
Evaluation: “We are very satisfied with the China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Downlights. Their performance in wet areas has been exemplary, and the design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The dimmable feature is a great advantage, allowing us to offer customized lighting solutions to our clients. The delivery was efficient, and the product quality has been consistently high. The value-added services provided by LEDER illumination are commendable, making them a reliable partner for our lighting needs.”
Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more about the China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series or wish to place an order, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries and provide the support you need to make an informed decision.
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
WhatsApp & WeChat: +8615815758133
Website: https://lederillumination.com
At LEDER illumination, we are committed to delivering high-quality lighting solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients. We look forward to partnering with you and providing exceptional products and services that exceed your expectations.
In this comprehensive guide, we have delved into the details of our China 13W LED Single Colour Dimmable Deep Face Wet Area Downlight IP65 recessed downlight series, highlighting its key features, applications, and the positive feedback from industry leaders. This product is designed to deliver superior performance in moisture-prone environments, making it a valuable addition to any lighting project. We invite big sellers and industry professionals to reach out and explore the benefits of our downlight series for themselves.
How does LEDER ensure the quality of its products?
At LEDER, quality is our top priority. We implement a strict quality management system, such as ISO 9001, to maintain high standards throughout our production process. Our commitment to quality includes:
Regular Audits: We perform both internal and external audits to ensure that our products meet international standards.
Advanced Equipment: We use state-of-the-art production and testing equipment to ensure product consistency and reliability.
Value-Added Services:
Detailed Quality Inspection Reports: We provide comprehensive inspection reports and third-party certifications to give you full confidence in our products.
Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Our transparent quality feedback system allows us to promptly address and resolve any issues you may encounter.
With these measures, you can trust that LEDER’s products are of the highest quality, helping you maintain customer satisfaction and trust.
What measures does LEDER take to handle delivery time and logistics efficiently?
We understand that timely delivery is crucial for maintaining your supply chain and meeting customer expectations. To ensure prompt delivery, we:
Scientific Production Planning: Implement precise production scheduling to meet deadlines consistently.
Increase Production Capacity: Maintain reserves and scalability in production to handle sudden order increases or demand changes.
Value-Added Services:
Order Tracking Services: We offer real-time tracking of your orders, keeping you updated on production and transportation progress.
Compensation for Delayed Deliveries: We have a compensation mechanism in place to build and enhance your trust in our commitment to on-time delivery.
Our logistics management system and reliable partners ensure that your products are transported safely and efficiently, minimizing any potential disruptions.
How does LEDER handle intellectual property protection?
Protecting your intellectual property is vital for maintaining competitive advantage and innovation. At LEDER, we take several steps to safeguard your designs and technologies:
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): We sign NDAs to ensure that your proprietary information remains confidential.
Internal Protection Measures: We implement stringent internal measures to prevent technology leakage and unauthorized access.
Value-Added Services:
Patent Application and IP Consulting: We offer consulting services for patent applications and intellectual property protection.
Regular Training: We conduct ongoing training for our employees to enhance their awareness and adherence to intellectual property protection protocols.
By partnering with LEDER, you can be confident that your intellectual property is secure, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth without concern.