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12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China

12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle



Thelese e nyane

Lintlha tsa puisano:


12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

12W LED Dimmable Round Surface Mount Downlight IP54 China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Khantša Libaka tsa Hao tsa Kantle ka Lebone la Rōna la 12W LED E Dimmable Round Surface-Mounted Downlight (IP54)

LED e hahiloeng ka har’a

Warranty ea ho Busetsa ea Lilemo tse 3

Tlhahiso ea Boemo ba Leholimo


Motlakase O Kenang (V): 240V AC

Matla (W): 12W LED

IP Rating (IP): IP54

Beam Angle : 60 

Diameter: \Ø90mm

Bolelele: 120mm

Sebakeng sa moralo oa mabone oa sejoale-joale, mabone a LED a nyolohile e le khetho e ratoang bakeng sa lits’ebetso tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Melemo ea bona e mengata, ho kenyelletsa ts’ebetso e phahameng, ho boloka matla, le nako e telele ea bophelo, e ba etsa matsete a bohlale. Ka pele-pele ea ho iphetola ha lintho ke rona 12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase, e etselitsoe ka ho khetheha bakeng sa libaka tse patiloeng ka ntle. Leseli lena le iqapetsoeng le emela tharollo e nepahetseng bakeng sa mang kapa mang ea batlang ho ntlafatsa boiphihlelo ba bona ba mabone a kantle.

1. Ts’ebetso e sa Bapisoeng

Rōna 12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase e sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED ho fana ka khanya e ikhethang, ho sebetsa hantle ha matla, le tšebeliso e tlase ea matla. Ka matla a eona a matla a 12W, lebone lena le tlase le khona ho phethahatsa litlhoko tsa mabone a kantle ha le ntse le fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla ka nepo. Sena se fana ka chelete e ngata ea ho boloka likoloto tsa motlakase bakeng sa basebelisi.

E ‘ngoe ea likarolo tse hlahelletseng tsa leseli lena ke mosebetsi o ka timang, e lumellang basebelisi ho fetola khanya ho latela maemo a fapaneng. Ebang u tšoara ‘moka o monate lepatlelong la hau kapa u natefeloa ke mantsiboea a khutsitseng u le tlas’a linaleli, u ka etsa hore ho be bonolo ho theha moea o motle oa mabone o lumellanang le seo u se ratang.

2. Mebala e Fapanong le Likhetho tsa Wattage

Ho utloisisa hore litlhoko tsa mabone ha li lekane ka boholo, leseli la rona le tla ka mefuta e fapaneng mebala le likhetho tsa metsi. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo hona ho u fa monyetla oa ho khetha mocheso o loketseng oa ‘mala le boemo ba khanya ho lumellana le litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethileng. Hore na o rata ho phatsima ho bosehla bo futhumetseng ho etsang tikoloho e monate kapa lebone le lesoeu le hlabollang le khothaletsang ho falimeha, leseli la rona le tlase le ka fihlela sephetho se lakatsehang habonolo.

Ho ikamahanya le maemo hona ho etsa hore leseli la rona le lekane lits’ebetso tse fapaneng, ho tloha ho lirapa tsa bolulo to libaka tsa ka ntle tsa khoebo3. Tshebetso e Ikgethileng ya ho Thibela Metsi

Ho tšoarella le ho ts’epahala ke tsona tsa bohlokoa, haholo bakeng sa tharollo ea mabone a kantle. Tsa rona

IP54 e bonts’itse leseli la tlase  e etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a thata a tikoloho ea kantle. Tekanyetso ena e bontša hore khanya e sirelelitsoe khahlanong le lerōle le metsi a phatlohang, ho netefatsa hore ts’ebetso ea eona e lula e tsitsitse esita le maemong a thata.

Whether you need lighting for abalcony lebaleng, , kapa sebaka se seng le se seng se ka ntle se pepesehileng ke maemo a leholimo, khanya ea rona e fana ka khanya e tšepahalang le e sireletsehileng. U ka kholiseha hore letsete la hau le tla sebetsa ka botšepehi lilemo tse tlang, ho sa tsotellehe boemo ba leholimo.4. Moqapi o patiloeng oa ho Kena

E ‘ngoe ea likarolo tse khethollang khanya ea rona ke eona

moralo oa ho kenya holim’a selikalikoe 5. Boitlamo ho Boleng le TšebeletsongRōna

12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase

6. Monyetla o Moholo oa Mmaraka Bakeng sa barekisi ba mabone le barekisi, rona12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase

 e fana ka monyetla o moholo. Ts’ebetso ea eona e holimo, mebala e fapaneng le likhetho tsa metsi, le matla a ikhethang a sa keneleng metsi li e etsa hore e be sehlahisoa sa tlholisano ‘marakeng.

Ka ho khetha leseli la rona, ha u fe bareki ba hau feela tharollo ea mabone ea boleng bo holimo empa hape le ho eketsa ntlha e ikhethang ho mofuta oa hau. Lefatšeng le ntseng le tsepamisitse maikutlo holima mabone a baballang matla le a khahlisang botle, sehlahisoa sena se maemong a ho kopana le tlhokahalo e ntseng e hola ea tharollo ea mabone a kantle.

Ka kakaretso, the

12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase Maikutlo a Bareki: Maikutlo a tsoang ho Barekisi ba Baholo ba Bochabela bo Hare1. Al Noor Lighting Solutions Lebitso: Ahmed Al-Mansoori


: Mookameli oa Theko

Khampani: Al Noor Lighting Solutions

Lethathamo la ho Reka: 1,500 diyuniti tsa 12W LED Dimmable Round Round Surface-Mounted Downlights

Maemo a Mang: 1,300 diyuniti tsa 15W Integrated LED Downlights

Tlhahlobo\“Re bile le boiphihlelo bo monate ka mabone a tlase a 12W a LEDER a 12W. Boleng ba sehlahisoa boa ikhetha, ‘me bareki ba rona ba rata ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho fanoang ke tšobotsi e sa bonahaleng. Re ‘nile ra fumana maikutlo a nepahetseng mabapi le tshebetso le moralo oa sehlahisoa. Ho feta moo, nako ea ho fana e ne e tsoteha, ‘me sehlopha sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se ne se thusa haholo nakong eohle ea ho reka. Re lebelletse litšebelisano tse ling le LEDER.\”

2. Mabone a Gulf le LitokisoLebitso

: Fatima Hassan:


: Hlooho ea Theko

Khampani: Gulf Lighting and Fixtures

Lethathamo la ho Reka: 1,000 diyuniti tsa 12W LED Dimmable Round Round Surface-Mounted Downlights

Maemo a Mang: 1,600 diyuniti tsa 12W Surface Mount Downlights

Tlhahlobo“LEDER e bile tlatsetso ea bohlokoa molemong oa lihlahisoa tsa rona. Ts’ebetso e sa keneleng metsi ea moralo o hlophisitsoeng oa IP54 o re lumella ho bapatsa ka kholiseho mabone ana bakeng sa tšebeliso ea kantle. Mokhoa oa ho kenya o otlolohile, oo bareki ba rona ba o ananelang. Ho feta moo, phano e potlakileng le tšehetso e fanoeng ke sehlopha sa LEDER e feta tebello ea rona. Ha ho pelaelo hore sehlahisoa sena se ekelitse boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona.\”

3. Bright Future Lighting Co.Lebitso

: Omar Al-Fahad:


: Moreki e Moholo

Khampani: Bright Future Lighting Co.

Lethathamo la ho Reka: 1,700 diyuniti tsa 12W LED Dimmable Round Round Surface-Mounted Downlights

Maemo a Mang: 4,000 diyuniti tsa 10W Smart Downlights

Tlhahlobo\“tšebelisano ea rona le LEDER e bile le litholoana. The

12W mabone a phahamisoang a chitja a theohetseng holimo ha li baballe matla feela empa hape li fana ka boipiletso bo botle boo bareki ba rona ba bo batlang. Ts’ebetso ea sehlahisoa e bile e tšepahalang, ‘me re hlokometse phokotso e kholo ea tšebeliso ea matla, eo bareki ba rona ba e ratang. Nako ea ho fana e ne e potlakile, ‘me mekhoa ea bona ea ho netefatsa boleng e re fa kholiseho ho lihlahisoa tseo re li rekisang. Re rerile ho tsoela pele ho reka ntho ena kaha e ipakile e le e rekoang haholo.\”

Hobaneng re Khetha Lebone la Rōna la 12W LED e ka senyehang e Round Surface-Mounted Down?:

Qetellong, the 12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlaseKakaretso ea Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa:

Leseli la LED

: Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED bakeng sa khanya le bokhoni bo nepahetseng. Dimmable Downlight: Khanya e feto-fetohang bakeng sa maemo a mabone a fapaneng.

Mosebetsi o sa keneleng metsi

  • : Tekanyetso ea IP54 bakeng sa tšebeliso e tšepahalang ea kantle.Easy Installation Downlight
  • Litšebeletso tse Ekelitsoeng Boleng: Ts’ehetso e felletseng pele, nakong, le kamora ho reka.
  • Bakeng sa barekisi ba mabone le barekisi ba batlang ho phahamisa linyehelo tsa bona, leseli lena le emela monyetla oa bohlokoa. Ea eonamonyetla oa mmaraka
  • , ho kopantswe le boitlamo ba rona ba boleng le tshebeletso, e netefatsa hore o ka kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa bareki ba hao ka botshepehi.

    Ho ithuta ho eketsehileng ka rona12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase

  • ‘me u fane ka odara, ka kopo ikopanye le rona kapa u etele sebaka sa rona sa Marang-rang hoLEDER Illumination

. Ha re bonese libaka tsa hau tsa kantle hammoho! FAQs1. Ke mehato efe eo u e nkang ho netefatsa boleng ba sehlahisoa le ho latela maemo a machaba? Rea utloisisa hore boleng ba sehlahisoa ke taba ea bohlokoa ho bareki ba rona. Lihlahisoa tsa rona, ho kenyeletsoa le 12W LED e ka timang khanya e pota-potileng-e phahamisitsoeng tlase 2. Nako ea hau ea ho fana ka liodara tse ngata ke efe, ‘me u tsamaisa thepa joang?Re etelletsa pele ho tlisa thepa ka nako ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki ba rona. Bakeng sa litaelo tse ngata, nako e tloaelehileng ea ho fana ke libeke tse 4 ho isa ho tse 6, ho itšetlehile ka boholo ba taelo le sebaka sa thomello. Re sebetsa le balekane ba tšepahalang ba thepa ho netefatsa thomello e nepahetseng mme re ka fana ka tlhaiso-leseling hang ha odara ea hau e rometsoe. Haeba u na le matsatsi a behiloeng, ka kopo ikopanye le rona, ‘me re tla etsa sohle se matleng a rona ho fana ka litlhoko tsa hau.

3. U fana ka tšehetso ea mofuta ofe ka mor’a thekiso?

Khotsofalo ea bareki e bohlokoa ho rona, ke ka lebaka leo re fanang ka tšehetso e felletseng ka mor’a thekiso. Sehlopha sa rona se teng ho u thusa ka lipotso leha e le life kapa mathata a ka hlahang ka mor’a theko ea hau, ebang e amana le ho kenya, ho sebetsa ha sehlahisoa, kapa likopo tsa waranti. Re fana ka waranti e tloaelehileng bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa rona, ‘me baemeli ba rona ba litšebeletso tsa bareki ba ikemiselitse ho thusa ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe hanghang, ho netefatsa boiphihlelo bo se nang mathata.

We understand that product quality is a top concern for our buyers. Our products, including the 12W LED dimmable round surface-mounted downlight, undergo rigorous quality control processes throughout production. We ensure compliance with international standards by using high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques. Additionally, our products are tested for performance, safety, and durability, allowing us to provide you with reliable lighting solutions that meet the necessary certifications for various regions.

2. What is your delivery time for bulk orders, and how do you handle shipping?

We prioritize timely delivery to meet the needs of our customers. For bulk orders, the typical delivery time is 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the order size and shipping location. We work with reputable logistics partners to ensure efficient shipping and can provide tracking information once your order is dispatched. If you have specific deadlines, please communicate them with us, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

3. What kind of after-sales support do you offer?

Customer satisfaction is essential to us, which is why we offer comprehensive after-sales support. Our team is available to assist you with any questions or issues that may arise after your purchase, whether related to installation, product performance, or warranty claims. We provide a standard warranty for our products, and our customer service representatives are ready to help resolve any concerns promptly, ensuring a hassle-free experience.