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China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight IP44
LD-DL–99930 Ts’ehetso: Customization Thekiso e nyane haholo
Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Phahamisa Boiphihlelo ba Hao ba Mabone ka China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight
Built-In LED Light Source
Tri-Colour Switchable
Tiisetso ya ho Busetsa ya Selemo tse 2
Input Voltage (V): 240V AC
Matla ( W): 30W
IP Rating (IP): IP44
Beam Angle: 120\°
Dimmable: Yes
Mmala Mocheso: 3000K Bosoeu bo Mofuthu, 4000K Neutral White kapa 5500K Cool E tšoeu (Switchable)
30W : Diameter: \Ø320mm x Width: 58mm
Lefatšeng le ntseng le tsoela pele ho fetoha la mabone, China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight e eme e le bopaki ba boqapi, boleng, le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. Leseli lena la sejoale-joale le etselitsoe ho fihlela litlhoko tse hlokahalang tsa libaka tsa sejoale-joale, ho kopanya ts’ebetso e tsoetseng pele le boipiletso ba botle. E etselitsoe lits’ebetso tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo, e ts’episa ho ntlafatsa tikoloho efe kapa efe ka likarolo tsa eona tse tsoetseng pele le ts’ebetso e ikhethang.
Tlhahlobo ea Sehlahisoa
China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight e etselitsoe ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo ke keng ba lekanngoa ba mabone. E entsoe ka aluminium ea boleng bo holimo, lebone lena le tlase le tiisa ho tšoarella le ponahalo e ntle, ea sejoale-joale. Tekanyetso ea ts’ireletso ea IP44 e tiisa hore e khona ho mamella lerōle le metsi, e etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa maemo a fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa liphaposi tsa ho hlapa, kichine le libaka tsa khoebo.
Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa
- Kaho ea Boleng ba Boemo bo Phahameng: Mohaho o matla oa aluminium ha o kenye letsoho feela moetsong oa ona o boreleli empa o boetse o netefatsa bophelo bo bolelele le ho ts’epahala. Khetho ena ea thepa e nepahetse bakeng sa ho boloka botsitso ba sebopeho sa lebone ha nako e ntse e ea.
The China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight e khona ho ikamahanya le maemo ‘me e ka sebelisoa maemong a mangata. Lisebelisoa tse ling tse tloaelehileng ke tsena:
Libaka tsa Bolulo: E loketse likamore tsa bolulo, kichineng le likamore tsa ho hlapela, leseli lena le fana ka tharollo ea mabone a fapaneng libakeng tse fapaneng tsa lehae. Ts’ebetso ea eona ea mebala e meraro e lumella beng ba matlo ho fetola mabone ho tsamaisana le nako ea letsatsi kapa maikutlo.
Hobaneng o re Khetha
Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea litharollo tsa mabone, boleng, ts’epahalo, le ts’ehetso ea bareki li bohlokoa haholo. Mona ke ka lebaka leo China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight e tsoang k’hamphaning ea rona e hlahelletseng:
Boleng bo Phahameng:
- Mabone a rona a tlase a entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele, ho netefatsa hore o fumana sehlahisoa se fihlelang litebello tsa hau tsa ts’ebetso le ho tšoarella.
- Tshebeletso e Ikgethang ya Bareki:
Re ikemiselitse ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle tsa bareki, ho tloha ho tšehetso ea pele ho thekiso ho isa ho thuso ea kamora ho reka. Sehlopha sa rona se lula se le teng ho araba lipotso tsa hau le ho netefatsa boiphihlelo bo bonolo ba ho reka.
Litheko tsa Tlholisano:
- Re fana ka litheko tsa tlholisano ntle le ho sekisetsa boleng. Sepheo sa rona ke ho u fa boleng bo holimo bakeng sa letsete la hau, ho netefatsa hore u fumana sehlahisoa se sebetsang hantle ka theko e tlase.
Ho tsamaisoa ka potlako:
- Tiisetso e Felletseng: Re ema ka morao ho boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona ka waranti e felletseng. Sena se u fa khotso ea kelello ka ho tseba hore letsete la hau le sirelelitsoe.
- Litekanyetso tsa Barekisi ba Baholo
Litlhahlobo ke tsena tse tsoang ho barekisi ba baholo ba bararo ba tsebahalang ba boneng boleng le ts’ebetso ea China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight:
1. Khampani: Lumina Lighting Solutions
- Boemo: Chief Procurement Officer
Name: Sarah Johnson
Purchase List: 5,000 units of China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight
Tekolo: \“Re khahliloe khafetsa ke boleng ba China 30W LED Tri -Mmala o nyenyefalitsoeng oa Mount Downlight. Karolo e ka fifalang le likhetho tsa mocheso oa mebala e meraro li fana ka mekhoa e metle haholo, ‘me 120° beam angle e netefatsa khanya e nepahetseng. Bareki ba rona ba ananela moralo oa morao-rao le boiketlo ba ho kenya. Phano e ne e potlakile, ‘me sehlopha sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se ne se tšehetsa haholo nakong eohle ea ts’ebetso. Re labalabela ho ntšetsa pele tšebelisano ea rona le LEDER.\”
Boemo: Moqapi oa Leseli
Name: David Lee
Lethathamo la ho Reka: 3,000 units of China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight
Tekolo: \“The China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight e se e le leeto -ho sehlahisoa sa merero ea rona e mengata. Kaho ea eona e matla le tekanyetso ea IP44 e etsa hore e be e loketseng lits’ebetso tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa libaka tsa khoebo. Khanya e feto-fetohang le likhetho tsa mocheso oa mebala li khahla haholo ho bareki ba rona. Tlhahiso e ne e sebetsa hantle, ‘me boleng ba sehlahisoa bo lula bo le holimo. Boleng bo ekelitsoeng ba tšehetso e tšepahalang ea bareki bo tiisitse tšepo ea rona ho LEDER.\”
- 3. Khampani: Urban Glow Lighting
Boemo: Senior Buyer
Name: Emily Thompson
Purchase List: 2,000 units of China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight
Tekolo: \“Re khotsofetse haholo ka Mount ea China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Khanya. Bokhoni ba ho fetola pakeng tsa mocheso oa mebala e meraro le ho lokisa boemo ba ho fifala bo fana ka phetoho e kholo. Moralo le ts’ebetso ea leseli le tlase li fihlella maemo a rona a holimo bakeng sa boleng le ts’epahalo. Re fumane odara ea rona kapele, ‘me boleng ba chelete ka kakaretso bo ikhethile. Ts’ehetso e fanoeng ke LEDER e bile e ntle haholo, ‘me re tla nahana ka lihlahisoa tsa bona bakeng sa merero e tlang.\”
The China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight ke tharollo e feto-fetohang, ea boleng bo holimo e etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa tikoloho ea sejoale-joale. Ka moaho oa eona o tšoarellang, likarolo tse tsoetseng pele, le ts’ebetso e ikhethang, e fana ka khetho e matla bakeng sa lits’ebetso tsa bolulo le tsa khoebo. Bakeng sa barekisi ba baholo le barekisi ba batlang ho fa bareki ba bona likhetho tse phahameng tsa ho bonesa, leseli lena ke tlatsetso e ntle ho lethathamo la lihlahisoa tsa hau.
Haeba u thahasella ho etsa odara kapa ho ithuta haholoanyane ka lihlahisoa tsa rona, ka kopo u se ke oa\ ’ o tsilatsile ho ikopanya le rona. Sehlopha sa rona se teng ho u thusa ka lipotso leha e le life le ho netefatsa hore u fumana litšebeletso tse molemo ka ho fetisisa.
Iteanye le Rona
1. LEDER e etsa bonnete ba hore boleng ba sehlahisoa bo tsitsitse joang?
Ho LEDER, re beha boleng ba sehlahisoa pele ka mokhoa o felletseng o sebetsanang le likarolo tsohle tsa ts’ebetso ea tlhahiso. Mona ke kamoo re netefatsang hore o fumana lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo ka linako tsohle:
Strict Quality Management System: Re khomarela litekanyetso tsa machaba tse kang ISO 9001, re kenya ts’ebetsong tsamaiso e matla ea tsamaiso ea boleng e laolang mohato o mong le o mong oa tlhahiso.
Regular Audits: Re etsa liphuputso tsa ka hare le kantle ho naha ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li lula li kopana le ho feta maemo a machaba.
Thepa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso: Tšebeliso ea rona ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo li tiisa hore sehlahisoa se seng le se seng se boloka botsitso le ts’ebetso e phahameng.
Value-Added Services:
Re fana ka litlaleho tse qaqileng tsa tlhahlobo ea boleng le setifikeiti sa motho oa boraro ho u tiisetsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona.
Mochine oa rona oa ho fana ka maikutlo a boleng bo pepeneneng o tiisa hore ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe kapa maikutlo afe kapa afe, kahoo o ka tšepa hore mathata a tla rarolloa kapele.
Ka ho boloka litekanyetso tsena tse phahameng, LEDER e ikemiselitse ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo ikhethang tse fihlelang litebello tsa hau le ho tšehetsa litlhoko tsa khoebo ea hau.
2. Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e e nkang ho sebetsana le nako ea thomello le thepa ka nepo?
Ho tsamaisoa ka nako le lisebelisoa tse sebetsang hantle li bohlokoa ho boloka ts’ebetso e bonolo le ho fihlela litebello tsa bareki. Mona ke kamoo LEDER e laolang nako ea thomello le thepa:
Moralo oa Tlhahiso ea Mahlale: Re kenya tšebetsong moralo o nepahetseng oa tlhahiso le kemiso ho netefatsa hore liodara li phethoa le ho tlisoa ka nako.
Keketseho ea Bokhoni ba Tlhahiso: Ho sebetsana le keketseho ea tšohanyetso ea tlhoko kapa e sa lebelloang litaelo, re boloka matla a polokelo le ho tsetela thepa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso.
Value-Added Services:
Re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa ho latela litaelo e le hore u tle u hlokomele tsoelo-pele ea litaelo tsa hau ka nako ea sebele, ho u fa khotso ea kelello mabapi le boemo ba hau. shipment.
Ka ketsahalo e sa tloaelehang ea tieho, re na le mokhoa oa ho lefella matšeliso ho matlafatsa boitlamo ba rona ba ho tšepahala le ho tšepa bareki.
Ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo litloaelong tsena, LEDER e leka ka matla ho netefatsa hore litaelo tsa hau li fihla ka nako le ho finyella litlhoko tsa hau. litebello, ho fokotsa litšitiso tšebetsong ea hau.
3. LEDER e sebetsana joang le mathata a amanang le ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale?
Tshireletso ea thepa ea boqapi ke ntho e tlang pele ho rona ho LEDER. Re kenya tšebetsong mehato e mengata ea ho sireletsa meralo le mahlale a hau:
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Re saena NDAs le balekane ba rona ho sireletsa litaba tsa lekunutu le ho netefatsa ts’ireletseho ea meralo le theknoloji ea hau.
Mehato ea ka hare ea Tšireletso: Re na le liprothokholo tse matla tsa ka hare ho thibela phihlello leha e le efe e sa lumelloeng kapa ho lutla ha thepa ea mahlale.
Value-Added Services:
Re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa boeletsi ba kopo ea patent le ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale ho u thusa ho tsamaea le ho boloka lits’ebetso tsa hau.
Koetliso ea khafetsa ea ts’ireletso ea thepa ea bohlale e etsoa ho matlafatsa tlhokomeliso ea sehlopha sa rona le ho netefatsa hore mehato e thata ea ts’ireletso ea lateloa.
Boitlamo ba rona ba ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale bo tiisa hore u ka sebelisana le rona ka kholiseho, u tseba hore mehopolo ea hau ea bohlokoa le mahlale a hau a bolokehile.
For more information or to place an order, please reach out to us:
Phone: +8615815758133 (Available on WhatsApp and WeChat)
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
Website: https://lederillumination.com/
Experience the difference with LEDER\’s China 30W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Surface Mount Downlight and illuminate your spaces with precision and style.
1. How does LEDER ensure consistent product quality?
At LEDER, we prioritize product quality through a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of the manufacturing process. Here\’s how we ensure you receive consistently high-quality products:
Strict Quality Management System: We adhere to international standards such as ISO 9001, implementing a rigorous quality management system that governs every stage of production.
Regular Audits: We conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure that our products consistently meet and exceed international standards.
Advanced Production Equipment: Our use of advanced production and testing equipment guarantees that every product maintains high consistency and performance.
Value-Added Services:
We provide detailed quality inspection reports and third-party certification to assure you of our products’ quality.
Our transparent quality feedback mechanism ensures prompt resolution of any issues or feedback, so you can trust that concerns will be addressed swiftly.
By maintaining these high standards, LEDER aims to deliver exceptional quality products that meet your expectations and support your business needs.
2. What measures does LEDER take to handle delivery time and logistics effectively?
Timely delivery and efficient logistics are critical to maintaining smooth operations and meeting customer expectations. Here\’s how LEDER manages delivery time and logistics:
Scientific Production Planning: We implement precise production planning and scheduling to ensure that orders are completed and delivered on time.
Increased Production Capacity: To handle sudden increases in demand or unexpected orders, we maintain capacity reserves and invest in advanced production equipment.
Value-Added Services:
We offer order tracking services so you can monitor the progress of your orders in real time, giving you peace of mind about the status of your shipment.
In the rare event of a delay, we have a compensation mechanism in place to reinforce our commitment to reliability and customer trust.
By focusing on these practices, LEDER strives to ensure that your orders arrive on time and meet your expectations, minimizing disruptions to your operations.
3. How does LEDER address concerns about intellectual property protection?
Intellectual property protection is a top priority for us at LEDER. We implement several measures to safeguard your designs and technologies:
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): We sign NDAs with our partners to protect confidential information and ensure the security of your designs and technologies.
Internal Protection Measures: We have robust internal protocols to prevent any unauthorized access or leakage of intellectual property.
Value-Added Services:
We offer patent application and intellectual property protection consulting services to help you navigate and secure your innovations.
Regular intellectual property protection training is conducted to enhance our team\’s awareness and ensure stringent protection measures are followed.
Our commitment to intellectual property protection ensures that you can collaborate with us confidently, knowing your valuable ideas and technologies are secure.