- 22
- Aug
China 4W 12V Recessed / Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light
LD-DL–99907 Ts’ehetso: Customization Thekiso e nyane haholo
Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Fumana Mabone a ho qetela a Khabinete ea LED: China 4W 12V e Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light
E hloka: 12V DC LED Constant Voltage Driver – Wire in parallel
E fumaneha ka 3000K Warm White kapa 5000K Cool White
Warranty ea Phetoho ea Lilemo tse 3
Input Voltage: 12V DC (12V DC Constant Voltage Driver hlokahala)
Matla (W): 3.6W LED
Diameter: \Ø65mm
Bolelele: 21mm
Cut- boholo ba kantle: D \Ø57mm x H 11mm
Sebakeng sa litharollo tse tsoetseng pele tsa mabone, China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light e hlahella e le khetho e phahameng bakeng sa litlhoko tsa mabone tsa sejoale-joale. Sehlahisoa sena sa boqapi se etselitsoe ho nkela mehloli ea mabone a halogen sebaka, se fana ka ts’ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa le matla a matla. Ka moralo oa eona o feto-fetohang le theknoloji ea morao-rao, lebone lena la khabinete ea LED le mothating oa ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa lisebelisoa tsa kajeno tsa mabone.
Tlhahlobo ea Sehlahisoa
The China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light e na le khanya e phahameng ea 3W COB (Chip on Board) LED e netefatsang khanya e phahameng ha e ntse e boloka tšebeliso e fokolang ea matla. Mohloli ona oa leseli o sebelisa feela 3.6W ea matla a felletseng, e leng se etsang hore e be sebaka se seng se sa sebetseng hantle ho feta mabone a tloaelehileng a halogen. Ebang u lokisa kichine, khabinete ea pontšo, kapa sebaka leha e le sefe se hlokang mabone a nepahetseng le a sebetsang hantle, lebone lena la khabinete ea LED le etselitsoe ho fana ka tšebetso e nepahetseng.
Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa:
- Li-LED tsa COB tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa: Katleho ya Matla:
- E sebelisa feela 3.6W ea matla a felletseng, lebone lena la khabinete ea LED le fana ka phokotso e kholo ea tšebeliso ea matla ha e bapisoa le mehloli ea setso ea halogen. Ts’ebetso ena ha e thuse feela ho fokotsa likoloto tsa motlakase empa hape e tšehetsa tikoloho e tsitsitseng haholoanyane. Likhetho tse peli tsa ho phahamisa:
- Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho bohareng ba moralo ona. Leseli la Khabinete la China 4W 12V LED le ka behoa morao kapa la behoa holim’a metsi, le lumella ho kenngoa habonolo maemong a sa tšoaneng. Hore na o batla ho kopanya leseli sebakeng se khutsitseng kapa ho le hokela holimo, sehlahisoa sena se ikamahanya le litlhoko tsa hau. Smooth and Even Lighting:
- E na le letheba le le leng la khanya le lense ea serame, lebone lena la khabinete ea LED le fana ka khanya e tšoanang le e sa phatsimang. Tšobotsi ena e molemo haholo libakeng tseo ho tsona ho leng bohlokoa ho khantša ka linako tsohle, joalo ka ka kichineng kapa ka har’a likhabinete. Moqapi o Kopanetsoeng:
- Hobaneng re Khetha Leseli la Rōna la Khabinete ea LED?
Tshebetso e Phahameng:
Katleho ya Matla:
- Versatility: Likhetho tse peli tsa ho kenya li fana ka phetoho ea ho kenya, ho lumella leseli hore le sebelisoe maemong a fapaneng le litlhophiso. Hore na o hloka lebone le khaotsoeng bakeng sa kichine ea sejoale-joale kapa lebone le behiloeng holimo bakeng sa khabinete ea ponts’o, sehlahisoa sena se khahlametsa litlhoko tsa hau.
- Kemiso e Bonolo: Ts’ebetso e otlolohileng ea ho kenya e etsa hore ho be bonolo ho litsebi le batho ba chesehelang DIY ho kenya leseli sebakeng seo ba se batlang. Likhetho tse kenyellelitsoeng tsa ho kenya li netefatsa hore u na le lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng bakeng sa mosebetsi.
- Ho tšoarella ha Nako e Telele: E hahiloe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED, leseli lena la khabinete le etselitsoe ho tšoarella le ho phela nako e telele. Mohaho o matla o tiisa ts’ebetso e tšepahalang mme o fokotsa tlhoko ea ho nkela sebaka khafetsa.
- Tekolo ea Sehlahisoa ke Baetapele ba Indasteri
- James Carter, Mookameli oa Theko ho Elite Home Fixtures
Company: Elite Home Fixtures
Boemo: Purchasing Manager
Name: James Carter
Tekolo ea Sehlahisoa: “The China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light ke phetoho-papali bakeng sa lethathamo la lihlahisoa tsa rona. COB ea eona e phahameng haholo Li-LED li fana ka ts’ebetso e ikhethang ea mabone, ‘me matla a sebetsa hantle haholo Re sebelisitse mabone ana lits’ebetsong tse ngata tsa kichineng tsa boemo bo holimo, ‘me liphetho e bile tse ntle haholo.”
Delivery Time: “Leder’s deliver is a sently trusted. . Re bile le phihlelo ea ho romelloa ka potlako le ho phethahatsa taelo e nepahetseng, e leng ntho ea bohlokoa bakeng sa merero ea rona.”
Boleng: “Boleng ba mabone ana a khabinete ea LED bo totobetse, ‘me bareki ba rona ba bonahetse ke thabetse ts’ebetso ea bona haholo.”
Litšebeletso tsa Keketso ea Boleng: “Tšehetso ea bareki ba LEDER ea ikhetha, sehlopha sa bona se arabela hantle ebile se na le tsebo, se fana ka thuso ea bohlokoa mabapi le lipotso tsa ho kenya thepa le lihlahisoa.”
Lethathamo la ho Reka: Li-unit tse 50,000 tsa Chaena. 4W 12V LED Cabinet Lights
Mangata a Mang: 1,000 diyuniti tsa LED Flush Mount Lights, 3,000 diyuniti tsa Recessed Downlights
Sophia Lee, Motsamaisi oa Ts’ebetso ho Tharollo ea Lebone la Kajeno
Company: Modern Lighting Solutions
Boemo: Operations Director
Name: Sophia Lee
Tekolo ea Sehlahisoa: “Re’ nile ra sebelisa Lebone la Khabinete la China 4W 12V LED bakeng sa lits’ebetso tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa le mabone a phomotsoeng ka kichineng le likhabineteng tsa lipontšo. . Ho bonesoa ha junifomo le ho e kenya habonolo ho entse hore e ratehe har’a bareki ba rona.”
Delivery Time: “Ho sebetsa hantle ha litšebeletso tsa LEDER Re fumana liodara tsa rona ka nako, e leng se re thusang ho boloka linako tsa merero ea rona .”
Boleng: “Boleng bo botle haholo. Mabone a matla ‘me a fana ka ts’ebetso e tsitsitseng, e tsamaellanang le litekanyetso tsa rona tse phahameng bakeng sa tharollo ea mabone.”
Litšebeletso tsa Keketso ea Boleng: “LEDER e fana ka tšehetso le tataiso e babatsehang, e leng se eketsang bohlokoa ba ho fana ka tšehetso le tataiso, e leng se eketsang bohlokoa ba ho fana ka litšebeletso. bohlokoa
Michael Robinson, CEO ho Premier Lighting Supply
Company: Premier Lighting Supply
Boemo: CEO
Name: Michael Robinson
Tekolo ea Sehlahisoa: “China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light ke sehlahisoa se setle. khetho e fapaneng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea likopo. Boleng ba mabone boa tsoteha. A fana ka ts’ebetso e tšoarellang le e ts’oanang, e leng ntho ea bohlokoa ho bareki ba rona.”
Value-Added Services: “Litšebeletso tsa LEDER’s tsa tlatsetso ea boleng li bohlokoa haholo ka lipotso tsa sehlahisoa le likeletso tsa ho kenya, ho matlafatsa boiphihlelo ba bareki ka kakaretso.”
Lethathamo la ho Reka: Li-unit tse 1,000 tsa China 4W 12V LED Cabinet Lights
Maemo a mang: 6,000 units of LED Spotlights Recessed, 3,500 units of Disk Light
Sebedisana le Rona bakeng sa Tharollo ya Mabone a Phahameng
The China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light ke khetho e behang mohlala bakeng sa ba batlang litharollo tsa mabone tse sebetsang hantle, tse baballang matla. Ka theknoloji ea eona e tsoetseng pele ea COB LED, mekhoa e mengata ea ho kenya lisebelisoa, le moralo o motle, sehlahisoa sena se fana ka boleng bo ikhethang le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo bakeng sa mefuta e fapaneng ea lisebelisoa. boleng. Ka maikutlo a matle a tsoang ho batšehetsi ba bohlokoa indastering ea mabone, u ka tšepa hore lebone la rona la khabinete ea LED le kopana le maemo a holimo ka ho fetisisa a bokhabane.
Ikopanye le Rona Kajeno: Ho hlahloba hore na China 4W 12V Recessed/Surface Mounted LED Cabinet Light e ka ntlafatsa sehlahisoa sa hau joang. linyehelo, kapa ho etsa odara, ka kopo ikopanye le rona.
Lintlha tsa Khokahano:
LEDER e netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa eona joang?
Litšebeletso tsa Keketso ea Boleng:
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
WhatsApp/WeChat: +8615815758133
Discover the future of lighting with LEDER’s innovative solutions and join our growing network of satisfied partners and clients.
Re fana ka litlaleho tse qaqileng tsa tlhahlobo ea boleng le setifikeiti sa motho oa boraro ho fa balekane ba rona pepeneneng mabapi le boleng ba sehlahisoa. Ho feta moo, re thehile mokhoa o hlakileng oa ho fana ka maikutlo a boleng ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe a bareki kapa mathata a ka hlahang. Mokhoa ona oa ts’ebetso o netefatsa hore re rarolla kapele maikutlo afe kapa afe a amanang le boleng le ho tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa rona.
Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e e nkang ho rarolla litšitiso tsa puisano le balekane ba machaba?
- Tharollo:
Litšebeletso tsa Keketso ea Boleng:
- Ho ts’ehetsa balekane ba rona ho feta, re fana ka tšehetso ea bareki 24/7, ho netefatsa likarabo tse nakong lipotsong kapa litlhoko. Re boetse re kopanela kamehla lipuisanong le bareki ba rona ho utloisisa litlhoko tsa bona le ho bokella maikutlo, ho re thusa ho lokisa litšebeletso tsa rona ho finyella litebello tsa bona hamolemo.
LEDER e sebetsana joang le nako ea ho fana le ho netefatsa hore o fana ka litaelo ka nako?
- Litšebeletso tsa Keketso ea Boleng:
Re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa ho lata liodara e le hore balekane ba rona ba tsebe ho bona tsoelo-pele ea liodara tsa bona ka nako ea nnete. Ho aha ts’epo le ts’epahalo, re boetse re itlama ka mokhoa oa matšeliso bakeng sa tieho efe kapa efe ea phano. Mokhoa ona o netefatsa hore basebetsi-‘moho le rona ba tsebisitsoe le ho itšepa ka phethahatso e nakong ea litaelo tsa bona.
- Value-Added Services:
To further support our partners, we offer 24/7 customer support, ensuring timely responses to any questions or needs. We also engage in regular communication with our customers to understand their requirements and gather feedback, helping us tailor our services to better meet their expectations.
How does LEDER handle delivery time and ensure timely delivery of orders?
- Solution:
Meeting delivery deadlines is a top priority at LEDER. We carry out scientific production planning and scheduling to ensure that orders are delivered on time. Our ability to increase production capacity reserves helps us handle sudden orders and fluctuations in demand effectively.
- Value-Added Services:
We provide order tracking services so that our partners can monitor the progress of their orders in real time. To build trust and reliability, we also commit to a compensation mechanism for any delays in delivery. This approach ensures that our partners are informed and confident about the timely fulfillment of their orders.