- 15
- Aug
Mirror Vanity With Lights Bathroom Lighting Fixtures Over Seipone China Supplier
Litekanyo: Boemo: 60.96 cm Bophara: 21.1 cm Botebo: 10.4 cm
Ts’ehetso: Customization Thekiso e nyane haholo
Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Mirror Vanity e Nang le Mabone a Mabone a Bateng: Khetho ea ho Fetisisa bakeng sa Mabone a Bateng a Makhabane le a Sebeletsang
Mmala le Moralo:
Mebala: Botsho, Bosweu ba Satin
Lisebelisoa: Aluminium, Acrylic
Bophara: 60.96 cm
Boemo: 21.1 cm
Botebo: 10.4 cm
Mohloli oa Leseli:
Mofuta oa Bulb: 1 x 9W LED
Bulb e kenyelelitsoe: E
Matla: 9 watts
Li-LED tse kopaneng: E.
Kgetho ya Mmala o Luminous: Bosweu bo Mofuthu (3000K, 4000K, 5000K)
Khanya: 850 lumens
Mesebetsi e Eketsehileng:
Dimmable: E,
Litlhaloso tsa Technical:
IP Tekanyetso: IP44
Sehlopha sa Tshireletso: I
Supply Voltage: 12V, 24V, 110V, 240V
Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea ho theha ntloana ea setaele le e sebetsang hantle, mabone a phetha karolo ea bohlokoa. Mabone a kamore ea ho hlapela ha aa tlameha ho khantša sebaka feela empa a boetse a ntlafatsa botle ba ona ka kakaretso le tšebetso. Mirror Vanity ea rona e nang le Mabone a Bathroom Lighting Fixtures e etselitsoe ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tsena le tse ling. Ka phello ea eona e khahlang ea holographic, khanya e phahameng, le mefuta e fapaneng ea mocheso oa mebala, sebopeho sena ke mohlala oa mabone a rarahaneng le a sebetsang a kamore ea ho hlapela.
Tlhahlobo ea Sehlahisoa
- Moqapi le Mosebetsi
Hobaneng re Khetha Lefeela la Seipone sa Rona le Mabone?
Leseli le Ikhethang:
- Ka tlhahiso e phahameng ea lumens tse 1,200 le theknoloji e feto-fetohang ea ho leka-lekanya mebala, sesebelisoa sa rona se fana ka ts’ebetso e phahameng ea mabone e tsamaellanang le litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethileng.
- Moqapi o Ikhethang:
Tlhahiso ea holographic le moralo oa moriti oa khalase li arola thepa ea rona ho likhetho tse tloaelehileng tsa mabone a kamore ea ho hlapela, e leng se eketsang botle bo ikhethang sebakeng sa hau.
Ho phela nako e telele le ho tshepeha:
- Sebaka sena sa bophelo sa lihora tse 50,000 se netefatsa tšebeliso ea nako e telele, se etsa hore e be letsete le baballang litšenyehelo bakeng sa litlhoko tsa mabone a kamore ea hau ea ho hlapela. Versatility:
- E loketse mefuta e fapaneng ea litlhophiso le mekhoa ea ho hlapela, mochini oa rona o fana ka bokhabane bo botle le ts’ebetso e sebetsang. Ho Bonolo Ho Kopanya:
- E lumellana le li-dimmers tse ngata, Mirror Vanity ea rona e nang le Lebone e fana ka tharollo ea mabone e feto-fetohang ho lumellana le seo u se ratang le maikutlo a hau.
- Litekanyetso tsa Morekisi e Moholo Ho u fa kutloisiso e betere ea hore na Mirror Vanity with Lights e sebetsa joang maemong a sebele a lefats’e, mona ke litlhahlobo tse tsoang ho barekisi ba rona ba bararo ba tsebahalang:
Company: Luxe Lighting Solutions
- Boemo: Motsamaisi oa Litheko Lebitso: Emily Roberts
Lenane la ho Reka: 1200 diyuniti tsa Mirror Vanity with Lights
Palo e Rekiloeng: 1200 diyuniti
” The Mirror Vanity with Lights e ‘nile ea fetola lipapali bakeng sa linyehelo tsa rona tsa mabone a kamore ea ho hlapela. Phello e ikhethang ea holographic le likhetho tse feto-fetohang tsa mocheso oa mebala li khahla bareki ba rona ka ho khetheha. Phano e ne e potlakile, ‘me boleng ba lisebelisoa bo ile ba finyella litekanyetso tsa rona tse phahameng. .Litšebeletso tsa LEDER tse ekelitsoeng boleng le ho ela hloko lintlha li etsa hore e be mofani oa rona ea ratoang.”
Company: Bright Spaces Inc.
Boemo: Moreki e Moholo
Lebitso: Michael Lee
Lenane la ho Reka: 1500 diyuniti tsa Mirror Vanity with Lights Palo e Rekiloeng: 1500 diyuniti
Khampani: Mehaho ea Lehae ea Kajeno
Boemo: Motsamaisi oa Theko
Lebitso: Sarah Thompson
Lenane la ho Reka: 1000 diyuniti tsa Mirror Vanity with Lights
Palo e Rekiloeng: 1000 diyuniti Tlhahlobo:
“The Mirror Vanity with Lights ke tlatsetso e ntle molemong oa lihlahisoa tsa rona. Moralo oa eona oa setaele le likarolo tsa eona tsa ts’ebetso li amohetsoe ke bareki ba rona. Nako e telele ea ho phela ha sesebelisoa sena le ho sebelisana le li-dimmers ho eketsa bohlokoa ba bohlokoa. Ho tšepahala ha LEDER le netefatso ea boleng li li etsa molekane ea tšepahalang bakeng sa rona.”
Bakeng sa barekisi ba baholo le litsebi tsa indasteri ba batlang ho fa bareki ba bona litharollo tsa mabone tsa kamore ea ho hlapela ea maemo a holimo, Mirror Vanity with Lights e hlahella e le khetho ea mantlha. Ka motsoako oa eona oa ho rarahana le ho sebetsa, e fana ka tekanyo e phethahetseng ea sebopeho le ts’ebetso.
Qetello Bakeng sa barekisi ba baholo le litsebi tsa indasteri ba batlang ho fa bareki ba bona litharollo tsa mabone tsa kamore ea ho hlapela ea maemo a holimo, Mirror Vanity with Lights e hlahella e le khetho ea mantlha. Ka motsoako oa eona oa ho rarahana le ho sebetsa, e fana ka tekanyo e phethahetseng ea sebopeho le ts’ebetso.
Ikopanye le Rona Kajeno
- Phone: +8615815758133 (WhatsApp le WeChat lia fumaneha)
- Websaete ea Marang-rang: https://lederillumination.com/
Phahamisa mabone a kamore ea hau ea ho hlapela ka Mirror Vanity e nang le Mabone ‘me u latsoe mokhoa o phethahetseng oa ho sebetsa le ho sebetsa.
- FAQs
1. LEDER e netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa eona joang?
- Ho LEDER, re utloisisa hore boleng ke ba bohlokoa ho barekisi ba rona ba baholo. Re rarolla bothata bona ka ho kenya tšebetsong tsamaiso e tiileng ea boleng, joalo ka ISO 9001, ho boloka maemo a holimo nakong eohle ea ts’ebetso ea rona ea tlhahiso. Re etsa liphuputso tsa ka hare le kantle ho naha ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li fihlella maemo a machaba a boleng. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo li tiisa ho ts’epahala le ho ts’epahala ha sehlahisoa.
Litšebeletso tse ekelitsoeng ka boleng:
- Ho u fa khotso ea kelello, re fana ka litlaleho tse qaqileng tsa tlhahlobo ea boleng le litifikeiti tsa motho oa boraro tse netefatsang boleng ba sehlahisoa sa rona. Ho feta moo, re thehile mokhoa o hlakileng oa ho fana ka maikutlo a boleng ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe ao u ka bang le ‘ona le ho a rarolla ka nepo. Sena se tiisa hore maikutlo afe kapa afe ao u fanang ka ‘ona a nkeloa khato kapele, e leng se tla matlafatsa khotsofalo ea hau ka lihlahisoa tsa rona.
- 2. Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e e nkang ho sebetsana le mathata a nako ea thomello le thepa?
Re hlokomela bohlokoa ba ho fana ka thepa ka nako le thepa e sebetsang bakeng sa barekisi ba rona ba baholo. Ho sebetsana le litlhoko tsena, re kenya tšebetsong moralo oa tlhahiso ea mahlale le kemiso ea ho etsa bonnete ba ho fana ka nako. Re boetse re eketsa matlotlo a rona a tlhahiso ho laola litaelo tsa tšohanyetso le ho feto-fetoha ha tlhokahalo ka katleho.
Value-added Services:
For more information or to place an order, reach out to us at:
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
Ho u tsebisa le ho fana ka ponaletso e kholoanyane, re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa ho latela litaelo tse u lumellang hore u shebe tsoelo-pele ea tlhahiso ea hau le lipalangoang ka nako ea nnete. Ho feta moo, re na le mokhoa oa ho lefa matšeliso bakeng sa ho lieha ho fihla ha thepa, e leng se re thusang ho haha tšepo le kholiseho ho bokhoni ba rona ba ho fihlela litebello tsa hau.
3. LEDER e sebetsana joang le ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale?
Rea utloisisa hore ho sireletsa thepa ea hau ea bohlale ho bohlokoa ho boloka boemo ba tlholisano. Ho sireletsa meralo ea hau le mahlale a hau, re kenya tšebetsong mehato e thata ea ka hare ea ts’ireletso ea thepa ea bohlale ‘me re hloka litumellano tsa ho se senole (li-NDA) le balekane ba rona. Mehato ena e thusa ho thibela ts’ebeliso efe kapa efe e sa lumelloeng kapa ho lutla ha tlhahisoleseling ea hau.
Litšebeletso tse ekelitsoeng ka boleng:
Re feta tshireletso ya motheo ka ho fana ka kopo ya patent le ditshebeletso tsa boeletsi ba thepa ya mahlale. Sehlopha sa rona se boetse se fana ka koetliso ea kamehla ho basebetsi ba rona ho matlafatsa temoho ea bona ea ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale. Mokhoa ona o felletseng o netefatsa hore lintlafatso tsa hau tsa bohlokoa li bolokehile ts’ebelisanong eohle ea rona
At LEDER, we understand that quality is paramount for our big sellers. We address this concern by implementing a rigorous quality management system, such as ISO 9001, to maintain high standards throughout our production process. We conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure our products meet international quality standards. Our advanced production and testing equipment further guarantees product consistency and reliability.
Value-added Services:
To provide you with peace of mind, we offer detailed quality inspection reports and third-party certifications that validate our product quality. Additionally, we have established a transparent quality feedback mechanism to promptly address any concerns you may have and resolve them efficiently. This ensures that any feedback you provide is acted upon quickly, enhancing your overall satisfaction with our products.
2. What measures does LEDER take to handle delivery time and logistics issues?
We recognize the importance of timely delivery and efficient logistics for our big sellers. To address these needs, we implement scientific production planning and scheduling to ensure on-time delivery. We also increase our production capacity reserves to manage sudden orders and fluctuations in demand effectively.
Value-added Services:
To keep you informed and provide greater transparency, we offer order tracking services that allow you to monitor the progress of your production and transportation in real time. In addition, we have a compensation mechanism in place for any delayed deliveries, which helps build trust and confidence in our ability to meet your expectations.
3. How does LEDER handle intellectual property protection?
We understand that protecting your intellectual property is crucial in maintaining a competitive edge. To safeguard your designs and technologies, we implement stringent internal intellectual property protection measures and require non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with our partners. These measures help prevent any unauthorized use or leakage of your proprietary information.
Value-added Services:
We go beyond basic protection by offering patent application and intellectual property consulting services. Our team also provides regular training to our employees to enhance their awareness of intellectual property protection. This comprehensive approach ensures that your valuable innovations are secure throughout our collaboration.