- 07
- Aug
Bath Vanity Light Seipone With Vanity Lights China Wholesaler
Litekanyo: Boemo: 68.6 cm Bophara: 14.5 cm Botebo: 13 cm
Ts’ehetso: Customization Thelese e nyane
Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Phahamisa Sebaka sa Hao ka Seipone se Hlollang sa Bath Vanity Light
Mmala le Moralo:
Mebala: Silver White, Satin White
Lisebelisoa: Aluminium, Acrylic
Bophara: 68.6 cm
Boemo: 14.5 cm
Botebo: 13 cm
Mohloli oa Leseli:
Mofuta oa Bulb: 1 x 22W LED
Bulb e kenyelelitsoe: E
Matla: 22 watts
Li-LED tse kopaneng: E.
Kgetho ya Mmala o Luminous: Bosweu bo Mofuthu (3000K, 4000K, 5000K)
Khanya: 1600 lumens
Mesebetsi e Eketsehileng:
Dimmable: E,
Litlhaloso tsa Technical:
IP Tekanyetso: IP44
Sehlopha sa Tshireletso: I
Supply Voltage: 12V, 24V, 110V, 240V
Ha ho tluoa tabeng ea ho fetola kamore ea hau ea ho hlapa hore e be sehalalelo sa mabothobotho, lintlha tsohle li bohlokoa. The Bath Vanity Light Mirror e nang le mabone a kopantsoeng a lefeela a tsoang ho LEDER Illumination e etselitsoe ho feta ho sebetsa feela; ke polelo e kopanyang bokhabane, boleng, le theknoloji e ncha. Re le morekisi ea ka sehloohong oa China, re motlotlo ho fana ka tharollo ena e ikhethang ea mabone e tšepisang ho ntlafatsa boemo ba kamore efe kapa efe ea ho hlapa.
Moqapi o Hlollang o Kopana le Tshebetso
Ha u beha mahlo a hau khanyeng ena ea lefeela ea chrome, u tla khahloa ke mokhoa oa eona o benyang le botle ba sejoale-joale. Ka li-diffuser tse ‘ne tsa boleng bo holimo, sebaka sena sa ho hlapela se nang le lefeela se fana ka khanya e bonolo, e ntle e ka fetolang sebaka sa hau. Mokhabiso oa chrome o bentšitsoeng ha o kenye letsoho la sejoale-joale empa o boetse o netefatsa ho tšoarella le ho hanyetsa mongobo, o e etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa libaka tse mongobo joalo ka likamore tsa ho hlapela. meetlo, ebang u itlotsa ka makeup kapa u thabela ho hlapa hamonate. Moralo o na le lintho tse ngata, o o lumella ho tsamaisana le mefuta e fapaneng ea mekhabiso—ho tloha ho ea sejoale-joale ho ea ho ea khale.
Innovative Adjustable White Light Technology
Ho Khanya ho Ikhethang le Bophelo bo Bolelele
Lebone lena le kentsoeng leboteng le fana ka kakaretso e makatsang ea li-lumens tse 1,600, le fana ka leseli le lekaneng ho khantša kamore ea hau ea ho hlapela. Ntle le ho khanya ha eona, mabone a kopantsoeng a LED a ithorisa ka bophelo bo tsotehang ba tšebeletso ea lihora tse 50,000, ho bolelang hore u ka thabela sebopeho sena se setle ntle le bothata ba ho nkela sebaka khafetsa. Ke letsete la boleng bo holimo le ntlafatsang sebaka sa hau ha o ntse o fokotsa boiteko ba tlhokomelo.
Tsamaiso le Taolo
The Bath Vanity Light Mirror e sebeletsana le li-dimmers tse ngata tsa LED, e u fa taolo ea ho qetela holim’a maemo a khanya. Hore na o batla ho theha moea o thobang bakeng sa boiphihlelo bo kang ba spa kapa o hloka mabone a khanyang bakeng sa mesebetsi e rarahaneng, sesebelisoa sena se ikamahanya le likhetho tsa hau ntle le matla. Ho tenyetseha ha sehlahiswa sena ho etsa hore e ratwe hara baqapi le beng ba matlo ka ho tshwana.
Hobaneng o Khetha Leseli la LEDER?
Tlhahiso e Potlakileng le e Tšepahalang: Re utloisisa bohlokoa ba ho tlisa thepa ka nako lefatšeng la mabenkele, ke ka lebaka leo re netefatsang hore liodara tsa hau li sebetsoa le ho romelloa hang-hang.
Tšehetso ea Bareki ba Inehetseng: Sehlopha sa rona se lula se le teng ho u thusa ka lipotso leha e le life kapa tšehetso eo u ka e hlokang nakong eohle ea leeto la hau la ho reka.
Seo Bareki ba Rona ba se Buang
Ho LEDER Illumination, re motlotlo ka khotsofalo ea bareki ba rona. Mona ke seo ba bang ba barekisi ba rona ba kholo ba se buang ka liphihlelo tsa bona ka lihlahisoa tsa rona:
1. Johnson Lighting Solutions
Sarah Thompson
Boemo: Mookameli oa ho Reka
Lethathamo la ho Reka: Bath Vanity Light Seipone: 2500 units
Mabone a Eketsehileng a Chrome Vanity: 1500 units
“Lihlahisoa tsa LEDER Illumination’s li fetola khoebo ea rona. Boleng ba kamore ea ho hlapela ea lefeela eo re e fumaneng e ne e ikhethile, ‘me bareki ba rona ba rata moralo oa sejoale-joale. Thomello e ne e potlakile,’ me sehlopha sa bona sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se ne se lula se ikemiselitse ho thusa. Re thabetse ho ntšetsa pele tšebelisano ‘moho le ho holisa liodara tsa rona.”
2. Mehaho e Ntle ea Lehae
David Carter
Boemo: Motsamaisi oa Theko
Lethathamo la ho Reka: Bath Vanity Light Seipone: 3000 units
Crystal Vanity Light: 2000 diyuniti
3. Meetso ea Kamore ea ho hlapela e Luxe
Moreki e Moholo
Lethathamo la ho Reka: Bath Vanity Light Seipone: 4000 units
Gold Vanity Light Fixture: 1000 units Tlhahlobo:
“Boiphihlelo ba rona ka LEDER Illumination e bile e ikhethang. Likhetho tsa mabone tsa khale tsa lefeela tseo ba fanang ka tsona li ntlafalitse mefuta ea lihlahisoa tsa rona haholo. Boleng le nako e telele ea mabone a bona a khahlile bareki ba rona, e leng se entseng hore khoebo e boele e phete. sehlopha, ho etsa hore tšebelisano ea rona e be bonolo le e atlehileng.”
Ikopanye le Rona Kajeno
WhatsApp: +8615815758133
Websaete: lederillumination.com
U seke oa fetoa ke monyetla oa ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa hau ka litharollo tsa rona tse hlollang tsa mabone. Eba karolo ea barekisi ba kholo ba khotsofetseng ba tšepang LEDER Illumination bakeng sa boleng, boqapi, le litšebeletso tse ikhethang.
1. LEDER e netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa eona joang?
Elevate your business and offer your customers the finest in bathroom lighting with the Bath Vanity Light Mirror from LEDER Illumination. As a reputable China wholesaler, we invite you to explore our extensive range of products and discover how we can meet your lighting needs.
For inquiries and to place your orders, please reach out to us via:
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
Ho LEDER, re kenya tšebetsong tsamaiso e thata ea boleng, joalo ka ISO 9001, ho boloka maemo a holimo ho pholletsa le lits’ebetso tsa rona tsa tlhahiso. Re etsa tlhahlobo ea ka hare le kantle ho naha khafetsa ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li fihlella maemo a machaba a boleng. Lihlahisoa tsa rona tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo li thusa ho netefatsa hore sehlahisoa se tsitsitse. Ho feta moo, re fana ka litlaleho tse qaqileng tsa tlhahlobo ea boleng le litifikeiti tsa batho ba bang, ‘me re thehile mokhoa o hlakileng oa ho fana ka maikutlo ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe a bareki.
2. Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e nang le eona bakeng sa puisano e sebetsang le bareki?
Ho felisa litšitiso tsa puisano, LEDER e hira basebetsi ba lipuo tse peli ‘me e na le sehlopha se inehetseng sa bafetoleli ho netefatsa puisano e hlakileng le e nepahetseng le bareki ba rona. Hape re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa sejoale-joale tsa puisano, joalo ka seboka sa video le melaetsa ea hang-hang, ho ntlafatsa ts’ebetso. Sehlopha sa rona sa tšehetso ea bareki se fumaneha 24/7 ho araba lipotso le litlhoko, ‘me re buisana khafetsa le bareki ba rona ho utloisisa litlhoko tsa bona le ho bokella maikutlo.
3. LEDER e sebetsana joang le linako tsa thomello le thepa bakeng sa litaelo?
LEDER e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho moralo oa tlhahiso ea mahlale le kemiso ho netefatsa ho fana ka litaelo ka nako. Re boloka mehloli ea tlhahiso ea tlhahiso ho amohela keketseho ea tšohanyetso ea tlhokeho. Sistimi ea rona ea taolo ea thepa e ntlafalitsoe bakeng sa katleho, ‘me re sebelisana le balekane ba tšepahalang ba thepa ho netefatsa lipalangoang tse bolokehileng le tse nakong. Ho boloka bareki ba rona ba tsebisitsoe, re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa ho latela litaelo tse ba lumellang ho lekola tsoelo-pele ea tlhahiso le thomello ka nako ea nnete. Ho feta moo, re fana ka mokhoa oa matšeliso bakeng sa ho lieha ho tlisa thepa ho matlafatsa tšepo ea bareki.
2. What measures does LEDER have in place for effective communication with clients?
To eliminate communication barriers, LEDER employs bilingual staff and has a dedicated professional translation team to ensure clear and accurate communication with our clients. We also utilize modern communication tools, such as video conferencing and instant messaging, to enhance efficiency. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to respond to inquiries and needs, and we regularly engage with our clients to understand their requirements and gather feedback.
3. How does LEDER handle delivery times and logistics for orders?
LEDER focuses on scientific production planning and scheduling to ensure on-time delivery of orders. We maintain production capacity reserves to accommodate sudden increases in demand. Our logistics management system is optimized for efficiency, and we collaborate with reliable logistics partners to guarantee safe and timely transportation. To keep our clients informed, we provide order tracking services that allow them to monitor the progress of production and shipping in real-time. Additionally, we offer a compensation mechanism for delayed deliveries to reinforce customer trust.