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Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China

Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle



Bolelele: 11 cm

Bophara: 33.5 cm

Botebo: 12.2 cm



Thekiso e nyane


Lintlha tsa puisano:


Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Outdoor Wall Lighting LED White Wall Sconce Wholesaler In China-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Khantša Libaka tsa Hao tsa Kantle ka LEDER’s Premium Wall Sconce Lights

Mmala le Moralo:

Mebala: Botsho, Bosweu ba Satin

Lisebelisoa: Aluminium, Acrylic


Bophara: 11 cm

Boemo: 33.5 cm

Botebo: 12.2 cm


Mohloli oa Leseli:

Mofuta oa Bulb: 1 x 20W LED

Bulb e kenyelelitsoe: E

Matla: 20 watts

Li-LED tse kopaneng: E.

Kgetho ya Mmala o Luminous: Bosweu bo Mofuthu (3000K, 4000K, 5000K)

Khanya: 1600 lumens

Mesebetsi e Eketsehileng:

Dimmable: E,

Litlhaloso tsa Technical:

IP Tekanyetso: IP44

Sehlopha sa Tshireletso: I

Supply Voltage: 12V, 24V, 110V, 240V

Fumana ts’ebetso e phethahetseng, setaele, le ho tšoarella ka mefuta ea rona ea mabone a kantle a sconce. E etselitsoe ho ntlafatsa botle ba bokantle ba ntlo ea hau ha e ntse e netefatsa ho tiea ha maemo a leholimo, mabone ana a entsoe ho fihlela maemo a holimo a boleng le ts’ebetso.


Ntlafatsa Boemo ba Hao ba Kantle

Ak’u inahanele sebaka sa hau sa ka ntle se khabisitsoe ka khanya e bonolo ea mabone a sconce a entsoeng ka makhethe. Mabone a rona ha se lisebelisoa feela; ke lipolelo tsa bokhabane le ho rarahana. Hore na o totobatsa likarolo tsa meralo, o theha litsela tse hohelang, kapa o khantša libaka tsa ka ntle tsa kopano, mabone a rona a lebota a etselitsoe ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tsa hau tsa botle le ts’ebetso.

Boqapi bo Emeng Teko ea Nako

E hahiloe ho mamella maemo a leholimo a mabe, mabone a rona a kantle a sconce a entsoe ka lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tse netefatsang bophelo bo bolelele. Ka nako ea bophelo ea lihora tse ka bang 50,000, u ka thabela lilemo tsa mabone a tšepahalang ntle le ho tšoenyeha ka ho nkela sebaka khafetsa. Sebopeho se seng le se seng se entsoe ka bokhabane hore se mamelle lehlabula le bataolang le mariha a batang, ho netefatsa hore se sebetsa ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng selemo ho pota.

Boitsebelo bo Kopana le ho Fetoha

Re na le theknoloji ea LED, mabone a rona a marako a sconce a fana ka matla a ikhethang ntle le ho sekisetsa khanya. E hlahisa khanya e fihlang ho 850, lisebelisoa tsena li fana ka khanya e lekaneng bakeng sa maemo afe kapa afe a kantle. Ho feta moo, li tsamaisana le li-dimmers tsa LED, tse u lumellang hore u fetole khanya hore e lumellane le linako le maikutlo a fapaneng ntle le matla.

Ho Kopanya ka Seamless le Décor ea Hao ea Kantle

Hore na lehae la hau le ithorisa ka botle ba setso kapa bokhabane ba sejoale-joale, mabone a rona a kantle a lebota a tlatselletsa mekhoa e fapaneng ea meralo. Ho tloha ho meralo e metle le ea sejoale-joale ho isa ho tsa khale tsa khale, sebopeho se seng le se seng se entsoe ka bohlale hore se hokahane le masonry, patsi le lisebelisoa tse ling tsa kantle. Ntlafatsa botle ba façade ea hau ha u ntse u totobatsa metako, liphetho le mebala ka mor’a hore letsatsi le likele ka khanya e emeng ea li-sconces tsa rona.

Ho Tiisitsoe Khotsofalo ea Bareki

Ho LEDER, re motlotlo ka ho fana ka liphihlelo tse ntle tsa bareki. Ntle le ho fana ka lihlahisoa feela, re etelletsa pele ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ikhethang. Boleng ba sehlahisoa sa rona le lits’ebeletso tse ikhethileng li fumane thoriso e sa fetoheng ho tsoa ho batsamaisi ba bareki, li-CEO le batsamaisi ba merero lefatšeng ka bophara. Ba fane ka maikutlo a felletseng mabapi le lihlahisoa le lits’ebeletso tsa rona kamora litšebelisano tsa nako e telele.

Thoriso e tsoang ho Bareki ba New Zealand

Bareki ba boetse ba hlahisa khotsofalo e kholo ka lits’ebeletso tse ikhethileng tsa LEDER. Sehlopha sa rona se fetela ka nqane ho thekiso ho rarolla mathata le ho fana ka likhothaletso tse lokiselitsoeng. Re ikemiselitse ho fana ka ts’ehetso le tataiso e felletseng morerong o mong le o mong, ho netefatsa phethahatso e nepahetseng le ka botsebi ea litlhoko tsa mabone tsa bareki ba rona. Bareki ba ananela karabelo ea rona e potlakileng le mokhoa o sebetsang oa ho rarolla mathata, o ntlafatsang boiphihlelo ba bona ba tšebelisano ‘me o eketsa bohlokoa ba merero ea bona.

Thoriso e tsoang ho Bareki ba Ireland

Thoriso e tsoang ho Bareki ba Jeremane

LEDER e ikemiselitse ho theha setumo se setle haholo ‘marakeng oa Jeremane. Re tla tsoelapele ho ntlafatsa boleng ba sehlahisoa le maemo a lits’ebeletso, re fumana ts’epo le ts’ehetso ho tsoa ho bareki ba Jeremane, ‘me re kopane re theha bokamoso bo bocha ba indasteri ea mabone.

Fetola Sebaka sa Hao sa Kantle Kajeno

Eketsa boiphihlelo ba hau ba ho phela kantle ka pokello ea rona ea mabone a kantle a lebota. Hore na o nchafatsa serapa sa hau, o ntlafatsa mathule a hau, kapa litsela tse bonesang, lisebelisoa tsa rona li fana ka tekatekano e phethahetseng ea botle le ts’ebetso. Batla mefuta e mengata ea meralo ea rona ‘me u fumane tharollo e phethahetseng ea mabone e lumellanang le setaele sa hau le ho ntlafatsa botle ba lehae la hau.

Hobaneng o Khetha LEDER?

Boleng ba Premium:

Sebopeho se seng le se seng se entsoe ka lisebelisoa tse tšoarellang ho netefatsa bophelo bo bolelele le ts’ebetso.

Katleho ya Matla:

Theknoloji ea LED e netefatsa ho boloka matla ka mokhoa o nepahetseng ntle le ho senya khanya.

Meralo e fapaneng:

Ho tloha ho tsa khale ho isa ho tsa sejoale-joale, meralo ea rona e tlatselletsa mekhoa e fapaneng ea meralo.

Mathata a Leholimo:

E hahiloe ho mamella maemo a thata a kantle, e netefatsa ho ts’epahala selemo ho pota.

Khotsofalo ea Bareki:

E tšehetsoa ke maikutlo a nepahetseng le bopaki bo tsoang ho bareki ba machaba.

  • Kaelo ea Setsebi: Sehlopha sa rona se nang le tsebo se ikemiselitse ho u thusa ho khetha tharollo e nepahetseng ea mabone bakeng sa merero ea hau.
  • Qetello
  • Fumana phapang eo mabone a kantle a boleng a ka e etsang. Hore na o mong’a ntlo o batla ho ntlafatsa boipiletso kapa mookameli oa projeke ea batlang tharollo ea mabone a tšoarellang, [Lebitso la K’hamphani ea Hao] ke molekane oa hau eo u mo tšepang. Lekola khetho ea rona e pharaletseng ea mabone a kantle a lebota le mabone a boiphihlelo a kopanyang ts’ebetso le setaele. Fetolela libaka tsa hau tsa kantle hore e be libaka tse hohelang tse nang le mabone a bonesang le a khothatsang. Bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi le ho hlahloba lethathamo la rona, etela webosaete ea rona ea semmuso kapa ikopanye le rona kajeno. Khantša lefatše la hau ka LEDER\—moo boleng bo kopanang le boqapi ba mabone a kantle.


  • 1. LEDER e etsa bonnete ba hore o fana ka litaelo ka nako? Ho LEDER, re etelletsa pele ho fana ka nako ka mehato e mengata ea leano:

    Bokhoni bo Ntlafetseng ba Tlhahiso: Re tsoela pele ho tsetela ho holisa bokhoni ba rona ba tlhahiso, lisebelisoa tsa ntlafatso, le ho ntlafatsa phallo ea mosebetsi ho fihlela litlhoko tse ntseng li eketseha tsa tatellano.

    Merero e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso: Ho sebelisa naha -of-the-art ERP systems, re rera ka hloko le ho etsa kemiso ea tlhahiso ho fokotsa botlolo le tšenyo ea lisebelisoa, ho netefatsa hore ho sebetsa hantle.

    Robust Supply Chain Management: Re boloka mehloli e fapaneng ea bafani le ho theha likamano tsa nako e telele, tse tšehetsoeng ke likonteraka tse sireletsehileng . Leano lena le sireletsa khahlanong le litšitiso le ho netefatsa boteng ba lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tse tala.

    Efficient Inventory Management: Ka ho beha maemo a holimo a thepa ho latela lintlha tsa histori le liponelopele tsa ‘maraka, re thibela ho tsoa le ho feta, ho sebelisa melao-motheo ea JIT ho tsamaisa phallo ea thepa.

    Tlhokomelo ea Nako ea ‘Nete le Tiisetso ea Boleng: Ho kenya tšebetsong MES le mehato e thata ea taolo ea boleng, re beha leihlo tlhahiso ka nako ea nnete ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe, ho netefatsa boleng bo tsitsitseng ba sehlahisoa le ho fokotsa tieho.


  • 2. LEDER e laola joang likotsi tsa phepelo le ho netefatsa ts’ebetso ea ts’ebetso? LEDER e sebelisa mehato e potlakileng ho fokotsa likotsi tsa phepelo le ho boloka ts’ebetso e tsoela pele:

    Boitokisetso ba Tšohanyetso: Re na le meralo e felletseng ea ts’ohanyetso e teng, e hlalosang maano a karabelo e potlakileng bakeng sa tšitiso ea tlhahiso, tšitiso ea phepelo ea thepa, le maemo a tšohanyetso a sa lebelloang, a nolofalletsang ho hlaphoheloa kapele le nako e fokolang. tsebahatsa bofokoli bo ka bang teng le ho kenya ts’ebetsong mehato ea pele e kang bafani ba li-backups le strategic inventory reserves likotsi.


  • 3. LEDER e etsa bonnete ba hore boleng bo phahameng ba sehlahisoa le khotsofalo ea bareki? LEDER e ikemiseditse ho fana ka boleng bo phahameng ba sehlahiswa le kgotsofalo e ikgethang ya bareki ka:

    Taolo ya Boleng bo Matla: Nakong yohle ya tshebetso ya tlhahiso, re tiisa melao-motheo ya taolo ya boleng le mekgwa e batsi ya diteko ho boloka maemo a phahameng ka ho fetisisa le ho fokotsa ho sebetsa hape, ho netefatsa bokgabane bo sa fetoheng.

    Puisano ea Bohareng ba Bareki: Re boloka puisano e hlakileng le e sebetsang le bareki ba rona, re itlama ho phethahatsa boitlamo ba ho fana ka thepa le ho fana ka lintlha tsa nako ea sebele mabapi le tsoelo-pele ea tlhahiso le tieho e ka bang teng, e khothalletsang tšepo le boikarabello.

    Setso sa Ntlafatso e Tsoelang Pele: Ho khothaletsa moetlo oa ho tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa, re batla le ho kenya tšebetsong maikutlo a bareki ho ntlafatsa lits’ebetso tsa rona, ho ntlafatsa maemo a lits’ebeletso, le ho boloka nako ea ho fihla, ka ho etsa joalo re matlafatsa boiphihlelo ba bareki ka kakaretso le botšepehi.


Discover the difference that quality outdoor lighting can make. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to enhance curb appeal or a project manager seeking durable lighting solutions, [Your Company Name] is your trusted partner. Explore our wide selection of outdoor wall sconce lights and experience lighting that combines functionality with style. Transform your outdoor spaces into inviting sanctuaries with lights that illuminate and inspire. For more information and to explore our catalog, visit our official website or contact us today. Illuminate your world with LEDER\—where quality meets innovation in outdoor lighting solutions.


1. How does LEDER ensure timely delivery of orders?

At LEDER, we prioritize on-time delivery through several strategic measures:

Enhanced Production Capacity: We continuously invest in expanding our production capabilities, upgrading equipment, and optimizing workflows to meet increasing order demands.

Advanced Production Planning: Utilizing state-of-the-art ERP systems, we meticulously plan and schedule production to minimize bottlenecks and resource wastage, ensuring smooth operations.

Robust Supply Chain Management: We maintain diversified supplier sources and establish long-term partnerships, backed by secure supply contracts. This strategy safeguards against disruptions and guarantees the availability of critical raw materials.

Efficient Inventory Management: By setting optimal inventory levels based on historical data and market forecasts, we prevent stockouts and excess inventory, employing JIT principles to streamline material flow.

Real-time Monitoring and Quality Assurance: Implementing MES and stringent quality control measures, we monitor production in real time to swiftly address any issues, ensuring consistent product quality and reducing delays.

2. How does LEDER manage supply chain risks and ensure continuity of operations?

LEDER employs proactive measures to mitigate supply chain risks and maintain operational continuity:

Emergency Preparedness: We have comprehensive emergency plans in place, outlining swift response strategies for production interruptions, supply chain disruptions, and unforeseen emergencies, enabling rapid recovery and minimal downtime.

Risk Assessment and Management: Regularly conducting thorough supply chain risk assessments, we identify potential vulnerabilities and implement preemptive measures such as backup suppliers and strategic inventory reserves.

Continuous Improvement: By integrating advanced technologies and automation, we enhance production efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and bolster our technical capabilities, reducing dependency on manual processes and mitigating risks.

3. How does LEDER ensure high product quality and customer satisfaction?

LEDER is committed to delivering superior product quality and exceptional customer satisfaction through:

Stringent Quality Control: Throughout the production process, we enforce rigorous quality control protocols and comprehensive testing procedures to uphold the highest standards and minimize rework, ensuring consistent excellence.

Customer-Centric Communication: We maintain transparent and proactive communication with our customers, committing to clear delivery commitments and providing real-time updates on production progress and potential delays, fostering trust and accountability.

Continuous Improvement Culture: Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement, we actively seek and implement customer feedback to refine our processes, enhance service levels, and optimize delivery punctuality, thereby enhancing overall customer experience and loyalty.