- 13
- Jun
Kitchen Wall Lights Indoor Wall Lights China Supplier
Litekanyo: Bolelele: 14 cm Bophara: 32.5 cm Botebo: 12 cm
Ts’ehetso: Customization Thekiso e nyane
Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Khantša Keno ea Hao ka Bokhabane ba Sejoale-joale ba Indasteri: Ho Tsebahatsa Tokiso ea Lebone la Lebota la Lebota la Lebota la LED le tšoarellang le le sebetsang hantle ka ntle ho Matla
Mmala le Moralo:
Mmala: Botsho, Bosweu ba Satin
Lisebelisoa: Aluminium, Acrylic
Bophara: 14 cm
Boemo: 32.5 cm
Botebo: 12 cm
Mohloli oa Leseli:
Mofuta oa Bulb: 1 x 9W LED
Bulb e kenyelelitsoe: E
Matla: 9 watts
Li-LED tse kopaneng: E.
Kgetho ya Mmala o Luminous: Bosweu bo Mofuthu (3000K, 4000K, 5000K)
Khanya: 720 lumens
Mesebetsi e Eketsehileng:
Dimmable: Ee
Litlhaloso tsa Technical:
IP Tekanyetso: IP44
Sehlopha sa Tshireletso: I
Supply Voltage: 12V, 24V, 110V, 240V
Re hlahisa tharollo e phethahetseng ea ho ntlafatsa botle ba monyako oa hau: lebone la rona le letle le kopanyang mokhoa oa sejoale-joale oa indasteri le ts’ebetso ea maemo a holimo. Mohlolo ona oa mabone o etselitsoe ho khahla ka khanya ea ona e tlang, e matlafatsoa le ho feta ke moriti oa acrylic o sirelletsang khahlano le brittleness ea UV, le mochini o pharalletseng oa tšepe o netefatsang kabo e bobebe. Khase e ntšo e matte e hokahane hantle le mokhabiso oa lebota la hau, e etsa hore e be tlatsetso ea setaele ntlong efe kapa efe.
Setaele sa Kajeno sa Indasteri le Boleng bo Phahameng
Mabone a rona ha a kenye maikutlo a rarahaneng feela monyako oa hau empa hape a ts’episa ho tšoarella le ho phela nako e telele. Mabone a kopantsoeng a LED a ithorisa ka bophelo bo bolelele ‘me a tla le waranti ea lilemo tse 3, e nang le khetho e bonolo ea ho e atolosetsa waranti ea lilemo tse 5 ha u e kopa. Mabone ana a baballang matla a fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla haholo, a o thusa ho boloka likoloto tsa motlakase ha o ntse o fokotsa sebaka sa hau sa khabone.
Katleho ya Matla le Moshwelella
Durability le Meteo Resistance
Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le Khotsofalo e Phahameng ea Bareki
Maria Santos, Brazil
Joaloka mookameli oa ho reka setsing se etelletseng pele sa mabone, esale ke batla lihlahisoa tse fanang ka boleng le setaele. Mabone a mabone a kantle a k’hamphani ea hau le litharollo tsa mabone a kantle a LED li ntse li khahlametsa litekanyetso tsa rona. Lisebelisoa tsa mabone a lebota le mehopolo ea mabone ea lebota eo u fanang ka eona e fetotse merero e mengata. Tšebeletso ea hau ea bareki e ikhethile, ‘me re lebelletse ho tsoela pele ka tšebelisano ea rona.
Liang Wei, Singapore
Tlhokomelo ea k’hamphani ea hau ho lintlha le boleng ha li bapisoe. Bareki ba rona ba Chaena ba khotsofetse haholo ke mabone a kentsoeng leboteng bakeng sa likamore tsa ho robala le mabone a kantle a mabone ao u fanang ka ona. Ho tšoarella le ho sebetsa ha lihlahisoa tsa hau, esita le maemong a mabe a leholimo, lia babatseha. Re ananela bohlokoa ba hau bo ekelitsoeng mme re lebelletse merero e mengata e atlehileng hammoho: “Fatou Diop, Senegal“
Qetellong, mabone a rona a sejoale-joale a mofuta oa indasteri ke tlatsetso e phethahetseng monyakong oa hau le libakeng tse ling tse kantle. Boleng ba ona bo holimo, e sebetsa hantle ka matla, e tšoarella, le litšebeletso tse ikhethang tsa bareki li etsa hore e be khetho e ikhethang bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tsa mabone. Re tšepe ho khantša lefatše la hau, morero o le mong ka nako.: “ .”
FAQs: “1. Re moemeli oa mabone a tsoang kantle ho naha. Re ka etsa bonnete ba hore re buisana hantle joang le k’hamphani ea hau le ho qoba litšitiso tsa puo?Ho netefatsa puisano e bonolo le k’hamphani ea hau, re sebelisitse mehato e latelang:
Sehlopha sa lipuo tse peli:
Re na le barekisi ba lipuo tse peli le sehlopha sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se tsebang puo ea morekisi le Senyesemane, se netefatsang puisano e se nang mathata.
Tshehetso ea lipuo tse ngata
: Re fana ka liphetolelo tsa lipuo tse ngata tsa tlhahisoleseding ea sehlahisoa le litaba tsa sebaka sa marang-rang, ho kenyeletsoa libuka tsa lihlahisoa le litlhaloso, ho nolofalletsa batho ba tsoang kantle ho naha ho utloisisa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa ka nepo.
- Litšebeletso tsa phetolelo ea profeshenale: Re sebelisa litšebeletso tsa phetolelo ho netefatsa phetolelo e nepahetseng ea litokomane tsa bohlokoa le lintlha tsa botekgeniki. Re boetse re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tsa phetolelo tse kang Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, DeepL Translator, iTranslate, le SDL Translate bakeng sa puisano ea nako ea sebele.
- Mehato ena e etselitsoe ho felisa litšitiso tsa puo, ho netefatsa kutloisiso e nepahetseng, le ho nolofatsa puisano e sebetsang ho khothaletsa tšebelisano e ntle.2. Ha re ntse re sebetsa le k’hamphani ea hau, re ka etsa bonnete ba hore re khona ho lula re tseba tsoelo-pele ea morero le ho rarolla mathata?
- Ho netefatsa hore o dula o tsebiswa ka tswelopele ya morero le ho rarolla mathata hanghang, re kentse tshebetsong maano a latelang: Puisano ea kamehla:
Re hlophisa likopano tsa kamehla tsa mohala kapa tsa video ho latela mekhoa le linako tseo u li ratang. Ha ho na le likhohlano tse kang matsatsi a phomolo a China, re u tsebisa matsatsi a 7 esale pele ho netefatsa litlhophiso tsa liboka tse thellang.
Taolo ea Morero:
Tsehetso ea sebakeng sa marang-rang:
- Ha ho hlokahala, re romela litsebi kapa batsamaisi ba li-account sebakeng sa hau ho fana ka thuso le litharollo sebakeng sa hau. Ka mohlala, mererong ho pholletsa le United States le Europe, re ile ra arabela ka potlako mathateng a ho kenya lisebelisoa ka ho romela sehlopha sa litsebi. Ka tataiso ea rona, lits’ebetso li ile tsa tsoela pele hantle, ‘me tsa fumana thoriso e phahameng ka lebaka la botsebi ba rona. Ka mehato ena, re ikemiselitse ho khothaletsa puisano e sebetsang, ho rarolla mathata hang-hang, le ho boloka tsoelopele ea tšebelisano mererong.
- 3. Haeba re kopana le mathata ha re sebelisa lihlahisoa tsa mabone tsa k’hamphani ea hau, re ka fumana tšehetso le tharollo joang kapele? Ka ho utlwisisa diphephetso tse ka bang teng mabapi le ho sebedisa dihlahiswa tsa rona, re thehile mehato e latelang ho netefatsa tshehetso le ditharollo tsa tekheniki ka potlako:
- Sehlopha sa profeshenale sa tšehetso ea tekheniki: Mochine oa ho rarolla mathata:
Mochine oa maikutlo:
Ka mehato ena, re ikemiseditse ho fana ka tshehetso e hlwahlwa ya botekgeniki, ho netefatsa tshebediso ya dihlahiswa tsa rona ntle le mathata le ho phethela merero ya hao ka katleho.
Understanding the potential challenges in using our products, we have established the following measures to ensure prompt technical support and solutions:
- Professional technical support team: Our team boasts extensive technical knowledge and experience, coupled with proficiency in your language. This enables us to swiftly respond and provide expert support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting needs.
- Problem-solving mechanism: We have instituted an efficient process for addressing issues. Should you encounter a problem, you can reach out through our customer service channels or directly to our technical support team. We commit to investigating promptly and devising solutions tailored to the urgency of the issue. For routine matters, we pledge initial feedback and solutions within 24 hours, while complex issues receive comprehensive tracking and resolution until complete satisfaction.
- Feedback mechanism: We value your feedback and suggestions immensely. Thus, we maintain a structured feedback mechanism to regularly engage with you, gauge satisfaction levels with our products and services, and incorporate your insights for continuous improvement.
Through these measures, we are dedicated to delivering efficient and professional technical support, ensuring seamless use of our products and successful completion of your projects.