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Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier

Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle



Bolelele: 14 cm

Bophara: 30 cm

Botebo: 6.6 cm



Thekiso e nyane


Lintlha tsa puisano:


Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Phahamisa Sebaka sa Hao ka Lisebelisoa tsa Lebone la Hallway Wall Outdoor Mounted Lights

Mmala le Moralo:

Mebala: Silver White, Satin White

Lisebelisoa: Aluminium, Acrylic


Bophara: 14 cm

Bophahamo: 30cm

Botebo: 6.6 cm


Mohloli oa Leseli:

Mofuta oa Bulb: 1 x 9W LED

Bulb e kenyelelitsoe: E

Matla: 9 watts

Li-LED tse kopaneng: E.

Kgetho ya Mmala o Luminous: Bosweu bo Mofuthu (3000K, 4000K, 5000K)

Khanya: 720 lumens

Mesebetsi e Eketsehileng:

Dimmable: Ee

Litlhaloso tsa Technical:

IP Tekanyetso: IP44

Sehlopha sa Tshireletso: I

Supply Voltage: 12V, 24V, 110V, 240V

Fumana Lisebelisoa tsa Lebone la Lebota la Holo ea Kantle

Lebone le phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho theheng tikoloho e amohelehang le e sireletsehileng ho potoloha lehae la hau. The Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier e fana ka tharollo e ncha le e tenyetsehang litlhoko tsa hau tsa mabone. Li rehiloe ka nepo, lisebelisoa tsena li khantša sebaka sa hau ka khanya e khothatsang bosiu, ho netefatsa polokeho le ho ntlafatsa boipiletso ba tikoloho ea hau. Hore na u batla ho kenya khanya e eketsehileng monyakong oa patio kapa ho etsa hore sebaka sa hau sa ka tlung se khahle, mofuta ona o motle ke khetho e ntlehali.

E fumaneha ka botsou bo botšo le tšepe e sa tsitsang, lisebelisoa tsena lia tlatselletsa

mefuta ea sejoale-joale ea meralo ka mokhoa o hlakileng. E entsoe ka aluminium ea boemo bo holimo, Hallway Wall Light Fixtures e tiisa ho tšoarella ho hoholo, esita le maemong a leholimo a mabe, e ba etsa khetho e tšepahalang bakeng sa maemo afe kapa afe a kantle kapa a kahare. Ho feto-fetoha ha tsona le kaho e matla ho netefatsa hore u ka tšepa hore li tla khantša sebaka leha e le sefe ha u ntse u ntlafatsa bophelo ba hau ba letsatsi le letsatsi ka mokhoa o sa reroang.

Moqapi o Felletseng bakeng sa Lisebelisoa tse ngata

The Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures ha e felle feela ts’ebelisong ea kantle. Moralo oa bona o boreleli o etsa hore e be tlatsetso e ntle haholo libakeng tse fapaneng tsa kahare. Hore na o hloka mabone a lebota bakeng sa bokantle ba ntlo ea hau, mabone a kentsoeng leboteng bakeng sa kamore ea hau ea ho robala, kapa mabone a molumo bakeng sa kamore ea hau ea ho phomola, lisebelisoa tsena li ka phethahatsa litlhoko tsohle tsa hau. Ho feto-fetoha ha mabone ana ho netefatsa hore a ka sebelisoa lits’ebetsong tse ngata, ho eketsa boleng ho tsetelo ea hau.

Kaho e tšoarellang

Elegant Aesthetic Appeal

Tshireletso le Tshireletso tse Ntlafetseng

Tharollo ea Mabone a Eketsehileng ka Matla

Ho Kenngwa ha Bonolo le Tlhokomelo

Bopaki ba Moreki

Lihlahisoa tsa mabone tsa k’hamphani ea rona, ho kenyeletsoa mabone a leboteng, mabone a literata, mabone a lirapeng, mabone a merafo, le mabone a likhohola, a fumane thoriso e phahameng ho tsoa ho batsamaisi ba rekang ba li-agent tsa mabone lefatšeng ka bophara. Mona ke bopaki bo tharo bo tsoang ho batsamaisi ba thekiso ba nang le phihlelo ea boleng bo eketsehileng le tšebeletso e ikhethang e fanoeng ke k’hamphani ea rona:

Maria Rodriguez, Spain

Lars Petersen, Denmark

Khaled AlOjyan, Arab

Ntlafatsa Bokantle ba Lehae la Hao ka Mabone a Ka Ntle a Lebota

Mabone a kantle a lebota a bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng boipiletso ba lehae la hau. Ha li fane feela ka khanya ea bohlokoa empa hape li eketsa botle bo botle libakeng tsa hau tsa ka ntle. Mona ke mantsoe a bohlokoa le mehopolo e tla u thusa ho khetha mabone a kantle a lebota a phethahetseng bakeng sa ntlo ea hau. Mehopolo e meraro ea boiqapelo ke ena ea ho u khothatsoa:

1. Totobatsa Likarolo tsa Meaho ka Strategic Placement

Ho kenngwa tshebetsong:

Ho khantša: Beha lisebelisoa ka holim’a mamati, lifensetere kapa li-arches ho khantša leseli tlase. Mokhoa ona o totobatsa bophahamo le sebopeho sa ntlo ea hau, e fanang ka ponahalo e ntle.


2. Khantša Litsela ka Bokhabane bo sebetsang

Ho kenngwa tshebetsong:

Even Spacing: Beha lisebelisoa tsa lebone la lebota ka linako tse itseng tseleng. Sena se tiisa mabone a tsitsitseng le chebahalo e momahaneng.

Ho Beha ka Staggered: Bakeng sa phello e matla haholoanyane, thekesela lisebelisoa ka mahlakoreng a fapaneng a tsela. Sena ha se bonese tsela feela ka katleho empa hape se etsa morethetho o khahlisang oa pono.


  • 3. Theha Patio Ambiance e Mofuthu le e Memang
  • Patios ke sebaka sa ho phomola le ho thabela botsoalle, ‘me mabone a nepahetseng a ka ntlafatsa haholo sebaka. U sebelisa Lisebelisoa tsa Lebone la Hallway Wall, u ka theha sebaka sa bolulo se mabothobotho le se hohelang se loketseng likopano tsa mantsiboea.


  • Task Lighting: Beha lisebelisoa haufi le libaka tsa litulo, kichine tse kantle, kapa libaka tsa ho jella ho fana ka mabone a tsepamisitsoeng mesebetsing e kang ho bala, ho pheha kapa ho jella.


Ak’u nahane ka patio e futhumetseng e nang le Hallway Wall Light Fixtures e behiloeng maboteng a potolohileng, e khantšang khanya e mofuthu holim’a libaka tsa bolulo tse mabothobotho. Ka holimo, mabone a likhoele a benya, a eketsa sebaka se ipiletsang le sa mekete, e leng sebaka se loketseng bakeng sa likopano tsa mantsiboea le ba lelapa le metsoalle.


The Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier e fana ka tharollo ea mabone e feto-fetohang, e tšoarellang, le e khahlisang ka bokhabane bakeng sa lits’ebetso tsa kahare le kantle. Mohaho oa bona oa boemo bo phahameng ba aluminium o tiisa hore o phela nako e telele le ho hanyetsa maemo, ha moralo oa bona o boreleli o tlatsana le mekhoa ea mehleng ea kajeno ea meralo. Hore na o batla ho ntlafatsa polokeho le tšireletseho ea lehae la hau, ho eketsa bokhabane libakeng tsa hau tsa kantle, kapa ho etsa hore ho be le moea o monate ka tlung, lisebelisoa tsena ke khetho e nepahetseng.


Boitlamo ba rona ba ho fana ka maemo a holimo. -lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litšebeletso tse ikhethang li re fumanetse thoriso ho tsoa ho batsamaisi ba thekiso lefatšeng ka bophara. Bopaki ba bona bo totobatsa boleng bo eketsehileng le ho tšepahala ha tharollo ea rona ea mabone, ho matlafatsa boinehelo ba rona ho khotsofalo ea bareki. Ka Lisebelisoa tsa Lebone la Hallway Wall, o ka phahamisa bokantle ba ntlo ea hau, oa theha tikoloho e ntle le e bonesitsoeng hantle e ntlafatsang bophelo ba hau ba letsatsi le letsatsi.



1. Nka buisana hantle joang le sehlopha sa hau ha ke sa bue Sechaena kapa Senyesemane?

Re na le barekisi ba lipuo tse peli le basebeletsi ba litšebeletso tsa bareki, hammoho le basebetsi ba ts’ehetso ea tekheniki ba lipuo tse ngata. Ho feta moo, re fana ka litokomane tsa lipuo tse ngata ‘me re sebelisa litšebeletso tsa phetolelo bakeng sa likhokahano tsa bohlokoa ho netefatsa hore ho na le likamano tse nepahetseng.

  • 2. Ke lokela ho etsa eng haeba ke kopana le bothata ba tekheniki ka lihlahisoa tsa mabone?
  • 3. U laola tsoelo-pele ea morero joang le ho netefatsa puisano e atlehang?

Re sebelisa lipolanete tsa tsamaiso ea merero le litšebelisano tse kang Trello, Asana, le Slack ho laola mesebetsi le lintlafatso. Re theha mecha ea puisano e hlakileng, re hlophisa liboka khafetsa, ‘me re fana ka puisano e ngotsoeng ka botlalo ho netefatsa hore mahlakore ka bobeli a lula a lumellana le tsoelo-pele ea projeke e pepenene ebile e sebetsa hantle.


Envision a garden path lined with Hallway Wall Light Fixtures placed at regular intervals, casting a gentle light that guides guests through the lush greenery. The combination of wall-mounted and ground lights creates a serene and inviting atmosphere.

3. Create a Warm and Inviting Patio Ambiance

Patios are a place for relaxation and socialization, and the right lighting can significantly enhance the ambiance. Using the Hallway Wall Light Fixtures, you can create a cozy and inviting outdoor living space that is perfect for evening gatherings.


  • Ambient Lighting: Install the wall light fixtures around the perimeter of your patio to provide soft, ambient lighting. This ensures the entire area is gently illuminated without harsh glares.
  • Task Lighting: Position the fixtures near seating areas, outdoor kitchens, or dining spaces to provide focused lighting for activities like reading, cooking, or dining.
  • Combine with String Lights: Add string lights above the patio for a whimsical and festive touch. The combination of wall-mounted fixtures and overhead string lights creates a magical atmosphere that is perfect for entertaining.


Picture a cozy patio with Hallway Wall Light Fixtures mounted on the surrounding walls, casting a warm glow over comfortable seating areas. Overhead, string lights twinkle, adding to the inviting and festive ambiance of the space, making it an ideal spot for evening gatherings with family and friends.

The Hallway Wall Light Fixtures Outdoor Wall Mounted Light Fixtures China Supplier offers a versatile, durable, and aesthetically pleasing lighting solution for both indoor and outdoor applications. Their high-grade aluminum construction ensures longevity and resistance to the elements, while their sleek design complements contemporary architectural styles. Whether you’re looking to enhance the safety and security of your home, add elegance to your outdoor spaces, or create a cozy and inviting atmosphere indoors, these fixtures are the perfect choice.

Our commitment to providing high-quality products and exceptional service has earned us praise from purchasing managers worldwide. Their testimonials highlight the added value and reliability of our lighting solutions, reinforcing our dedication to customer satisfaction. With the Hallway Wall Light Fixtures, you can elevate your home’s exterior and interior, creating a beautiful and well-lit environment that enhances your everyday life.


1. How can I communicate effectively with your team if I don’t speak Chinese or English?

  • We have bilingual sales and customer service personnel, as well as multilingual technical support staff. Additionally, we provide multilingual documents and use professional translation services for key communications to ensure smooth and accurate interactions.

2. What should I do if I encounter a technical issue with the lighting products?

  • You can contact our technical support team, which includes members proficient in your language. We provide comprehensive multilingual product manuals and technical documents to help you resolve issues effectively. For critical matters, our team can offer direct assistance to ensure your concerns are addressed promptly and accurately.

3. How do you manage project progress and ensure effective communication?

  • We use project management and collaboration platforms like Trello, Asana, and Slack to centrally manage tasks and updates. We establish clear communication channels, schedule regular meetings, and provide detailed written communication to ensure both parties stay in sync and project progress is transparent and efficient.