- 06
- Sep
Modern Hotel Lobby Lighting: Gadzira Ambiance Inogamuchirwa 24/7
Modern Hotel Lobby Lighting: Kuenzanisa Masikati neHusiku kune Chiitiko Chekugamuchira
= Haisi chete chikamu chakakosha chenzvimbo yehotera asiwo chiratidzo chakananga chehunhu hwehotera uye kunaka. Imba yekutambira yakanyatsogadzirwa, inoyevedza inowanzotora pfungwa dzevaenzi nekukasika, ichivasiya vaine fungidziro yenguva refu uye isingakanganwiki.
Sezvo indasitiri yemahotera iri kuramba ichishanduka, kunyanya nemakwikwi ari kuramba achiwedzera mumusika wemahotera, mahotera akawanda. vari kutarisa kugadziridza nekuvandudzwa kwenzvimbo dzavo dzekutandarira. Kugadziridza uku kunowanzo tarisa nzvimbo yekusvikira, nechinangwa chekusimudzira ruzivo rwevaenzi kuburikidza nemagadzirirwo azvino uye zvivakwa.
Mumahotera mazhinji akavakwa kuma1990s, vagadziri vakaedza kubatanidza mwenje wepanyama mukugadzira dhizaini yekusvikira. Nekushandisa marongero akangwara uye magadzirirwo emafafitera, vaivavarira kubvumira mwenje wechisikigo kuti upinde mukati, uchigadzira mhepo inopenya uye yakagadzikana. Zvakadaro, zvisinei nekuedza uku kwekuvandudza nharaunda yekuvhenekesa nechiedza chakasikwa, nyaya nemagetsi emukati ekunze anoenderera mberi.
Nyaya dzakasangana nemwenje dzekare dzelobby dzakapetwa:
- Insufficient Indoor Lighting: Pamazuva anopenya, kuine zuva, vaenzi vanochinja kubva kuchiedza chekunze vachipinda munzvimbo ine mwenje usina kujeka vanowanzosangana nekusagadzikana nekuda kwekusiyana kukuru kwemwenje. Izvi hazvinyanyi kuoneka pamazuva ane makore, asi zvichiri kunetsa.
- Unbalanced Key Lighting Distribution: Kare, dhizaini yemwenje yemumba mumahotera ehotera yaisanganisira kurongeka kwakafanana kwezvigadziriso, zvinowanzoiswa panguva dzakaenzana padenga pasina kutarisisa nzvimbo chaidzo kana zvinhu zvinoda kuvhenekerwa. Izvi zvakakonzera matambudziko akawanda:
- Suboptimal Highlighting of Decor: Central fenicha, kazhinji yakasarudzwa zvine hungwaru nevagadziri, yakanga isina kuvhenekerwa zvakanaka, ichideredza kushanda kwayo.
- Zvakaoma Kutsvaga: Vaenzi vakanetsekana kuona nzvimbo dzinoshanda zvakanyanya nekuda kwekushaikwa kwemwenje.
- Glare Issues munzvimbo dzekuzororera: Magetsi asina kumira zvakanaka akakonzera kupenya kwakanyanya mune dzimwe nzvimbo dzekugara, zvichitadzisa vashanyi kuashandisa.
Rethinking Hotel Lobby Lighting for Modern Standards
Musati matanga dhizaini yekuvhenekesa mwenje muhotera, zvakakosha kuti vagadziri vanzwisise zvinodiwa neprojekti. Iko kugadziridzwa kwehotera yechinyakare, kana chivakwa chitsva chine runako rwemazuva ano? Kukurumidza kushanduka kweindasitiri yemahotera kunoreva kuti mwenje wemhando imwe chete wemakore gumi apfuura hauchakwane.
Nzvimbo yekusvikira hotera ndiyo kadhi rebhizinesi,” kuseta matauriro. zvemuenzi ruzivo. Kuvheneka kwenzvimbo dzinoshanda kunofanirwa kukoshesa kugadzira mamiriro ekugamuchira anosimudzira kutaurirana pakati pevaenzi nevashandi. Izvi zvinosanganisira kufunga mabatiro anoita mwenje nevanhu panguva dzakasiyana dzemasikati neusiku.
Zvakakosha Kufunga Kwemazuva Ano Lobby Lighting
Human-Centric Lighting Design:
- Kuchinjira kune Diverse Design Schemes:
- Kudyidzana nevagadziri vemukati:
Kusiyanisa Mahotera Emahotera Kuburikidza Nemwenje
Mheni inogona kuita basa rinokosha mukusiyanisa mhando yehotera kubva kune imwe. Mahotera echinyakare ehotera, anoratidzwa neakareba sirin’i (kazhinji anopfuura 9 metres) uye machandeliers makuru, anowanzo tarisira kugadzikana, kugadzikana. Kudzika pasi kunopa chiedza chakakwana chenzvimbo dzebasa, ukuwo mwenje usina kunanga, chandeliers, uye pasi kana marambi etafura anowedzera kune ambient mwenje. Desk rekugamuchira vanhu rine mwenje wakajeka, kunyangwe zvigadziriso zvepachivande zvakanyanyisa dzimwe nguva zvinogona kuvharidzira chimiro chechiso, zvichiita kuti kutaurirana kwevaenzi kusashande.
Kusiyana, mahotera emazuva ano, kunyanya mabhureki anonangana nedhizaini, kazhinji ane hukama hwepedyo. Izvo zvinodikanwa zvekuvhenekesa zvenzvimbo yekugamuchira zviri kubuda, nekuwedzera kuvhenekera mazinga (kubva pa500 kusvika 800 lux) kuve nechokwadi chekuonekwa. Rusvingo rwekumashure, rwunoita kuti vaenzi vatarisire, rinoramba riri nzvimbo yakatariswa uye rinowanzo wedzerwa nehunyanzvi hwakaita sekuwacha mudhuri kana kuti backlit accent lighting.
Mumahotera echinyakare, bhawa rekutambira kazhinji rine mwero weruvheneko wakaderera pane wenzvimbo huru yekutandarira, zvichiita kuti pave nemhepo inotonhorera inoita hurukuro nekuzorora. Mwenje hausi wakananga, uine mwenje wakanangwa patafura.
Zvisinei, bhawa rekusvikira mumahotera emazuva ano rine mabasa akawanda. Vaenzi vanogona kusangana nevamwe, kushanda, kana kutodyira munzvimbo ino. Naizvozvo, iyo yekuvhenekesa sisitimu inofanirwa kuve yakasiyana-siyana, ichipa akasiyana mazinga ekuvhenekera zvichienderana nezvinodiwa chaizvo chero nguva. Chinangwa ndechekugadzira imba yekutandarira isingangotaridzike chete asiwo inoshanda, inoenderana nezvinodiwa zvakasiyana-siyana zvevafambi vemazuva ano.
Lighting can play a significant role in distinguishing one hotel brand from another. Traditional hotel lobbies, characterized by tall ceilings (often over 9 meters) and grand chandeliers, typically aim for a comfortable, serene ambiance. Downlighting provides sufficient illumination for work surfaces, while indirect lighting, chandeliers, and floor or table lamps add to the ambient light. The reception desk is well-lit, though overly private designs can sometimes obscure facial expressions, making guest-staff interactions less effective.
In contrast, modern hotels, particularly design-focused brands, often have more intimate lobbies. The lighting needs of the reception area are evolving, with increased illumination levels (ranging from 500 to 800 lux) to ensure visibility. The background wall, which directs guests’ attention, remains a focal point and is often enhanced with techniques like wall washing or backlit accent lighting.
The Lobby Bar: A Multifunctional Space
In traditional hotels, the lobby bar typically has lower illumination levels than the main lobby, creating a cozy atmosphere conducive to conversation and relaxation. Lighting is primarily indirect, with targeted lighting on tables.
However, the lobby bar in modern hotels serves multiple functions. Guests might meet others, work, or even dine in this space. Therefore, the lighting system must be versatile, offering different levels of illumination based on the specific needs at any given time. The goal is to create a lobby that is not only visually appealing but also functional, catering to the diverse needs of today’s travelers.
Modern hotel lobby lighting design has transcended the basic function of illumination, becoming an art form and a means of creating unique experiences. In this process, lighting professionals meticulously balance natural and artificial light to fully harness the art of light and shadow.
Natural light, a gift from the sky, brings vitality and energy to the hotel lobby with its soft and warm presence. Artificial light, with its versatile and adaptable nature, compensates for the limitations of natural light by adding layers and depth to the space. When these two elements coexist harmoniously and complement each other, they create a lighting environment that is both inviting and functional.
To achieve this, lighting professionals need to maintain close collaboration with interior designers. Together, they explore factors such as spatial layout, color schemes, and furniture arrangement to ensure that the lighting design is highly cohesive with the overall space style. During this process, lighting professionals carefully consider guests’ visual experiences and psychological needs, using a thoughtful combination of light intensity, color, and projection angles to create a lighting atmosphere that is both comfortable and layered.
This thoughtfully designed lighting environment not only enhances guests’ experiences both day and night but also transforms the hotel lobby into a captivating space. During the day, the lobby appears bright and spacious under the ample natural light, while at night, the clever use of artificial light creates a warm and romantic ambiance. This design not only highlights the hotel’s brand identity and cultural essence but also strengthens guests’ sense of belonging and loyalty.
In conclusion, modern hotel lobby lighting design plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall guest experience.
About Our Design Team
Designer Name: Li Ming
Years of Experience: 20 years
Design Philosophy: We are dedicated to providing unique and creative lighting design solutions for hotel lobbies. We understand that the lobby is not only the first point of contact between guests and the hotel but also a direct reflection of the hotel’s character and quality. By integrating modern lighting design principles, we skillfully balance natural and artificial light to create a warm and functional lighting environment, enhancing the guest experience. Our design solutions are tailored to different styles of hotel lobbies, whether traditional luxury or contemporary chic, and are aimed at bringing unique visual effects and comfort to every space through precise light arrangement and fixture selection.
Services: We offer professional lighting design services, including the development of design concepts, fixture selection, and installation. Our team has extensive industry experience and is committed to transforming each lighting project into a distinctive and captivating space. If you need professional hotel lobby lighting design, please feel free to contact us. Our expert factory and team will provide you with the highest quality service to ensure your project achieves the best results.
Contact Information:
Phone: +8615815758133
Email: hello@lederillumination.com
Website: https://lederillumination.com/
Whether you are planning to renovate an existing hotel lobby or design the lighting for a new hotel, we are eager to assist you, ensuring your lobby lighting meets modern standards while showcasing the unique charm of your hotel brand.