led strip trough aluminum 5/8 cob strip trough aluminum 45 degree


led strip trough aluminum 5/8  cob strip trough aluminum 45 degree-LEDER,Lampu bawah air,Lampu terkubur,Lampu rumput,Lampu sorot,Lampu dinding,Lampu taman,Lampu Washer Dinding,Lampu garis,Sumber cahaya titik,Lampu track,Lampu bawah,strip lampu,Lampu gantung,Lampu meja,Lampu jalan,Lampu teluk tinggi , Tumbuhkan cahaya, Cahaya khusus non-standar, Proyek pencahayaan interior, Proyek pencahayaan luar ruang

1. Thicken the material to make the decorative strip sturdy and durable
2. Smooth surface, comfortable appearance
3. Waterproof and moisture-proof, easy to clean and maintain, good anti-oxidation ability
4. Support customization