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Solas tunail

Modail: LD-TLL017

Teisteanas: CE

Gnàthaichte: THA

Barantas: 5 BLIADHNA






Modail: LD-TLL017-100W

Meud: 229 * 370 * 100MM
Cumhachd: 100W
Chip LED: CREE / Osram / Epistar / Lumileds / Bridgelux
Dràibhear: MEAN WELL/Philips/OSRAM/Lifud/Tridonic/MOSO/Eaglerise
CCT: 3000K / 4000K / 6000K
Voltage a-steach: AC220V
Material: aluminium
IP Rangachadh: IP66


Modail: LD-TLL017-150W

Meud: 310 * 370 * 100MM
Cumhachd: 150W
Chip LED: CREE / Osram / Epistar / Lumileds / Bridgelux
Dràibhear: MEAN WELL/Philips/OSRAM/Lifud/Tridonic/MOSO/Eaglerise
CCT: 3000K / 4000K / 6000K
Voltage a-steach: AC220V
Material: aluminium
IP Rangachadh: IP66


Modail: LD-TLL017-200W

Meud: 391 * 370 * 100MM
Cumhachd: 200W
Chip LED: CREE / Osram / Epistar / Lumileds / Bridgelux
Dràibhear: MEAN WELL/Philips/OSRAM/Lifud/Tridonic/MOSO/Eaglerise
CCT: 3000K / 4000K / 6000K
Voltage a-steach: AC220V
Material: aluminium
IP Rangachadh: IP66


Modail: LD-TLL017-250W

Meud: 472 * 370 * 100MM
Cumhachd: 250W
Chip LED: CREE / Osram / Epistar / Lumileds / Bridgelux
Dràibhear: MEAN WELL/Philips/OSRAM/Lifud/Tridonic/MOSO/Eaglerise
CCT: 3000K / 4000K / 6000K
Voltage a-steach: AC220V
Material: aluminium
IP Rangachadh: IP66