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—-LEDER፣የውሃ ውስጥ ብርሃን፣የተቀበረ ብርሃን፣የሳር ብርሃን፣የጎርፍ ብርሃን፣የግድግዳ ብርሃን፣የአትክልት መብራት፣የግድግዳ ማጠቢያ መብራት , ብርሃን ማሳደግ, መደበኛ ያልሆነ ብጁ ብርሃን, የውስጥ ብርሃን ፕሮጀክት, ከቤት ውጭ ብርሃን ፕሮጀክት

Non-standard custom crystal lamp, also called special-shaped crystal lamp, means non-standard size design.

According to the requirements of customers, without changing the quality of the product, the style of the crystal lamp or the increase or decrease of the width, height and thickness can be changed within a certain range; the original lamp body can be replaced with another type of lamp body, etc.

In this era of personalization, the word customization is mentioned in various industries and social groups. As small as a piece of household utensils and as large as a luxury item, this has become more and more popular with the rapid process of human industrialization. Customization of non-standard lamps is no longer the privilege of the rich, and more and more common Social groups have also joined the ranks.