


  1. 不平衡的重點照明:在許多舊酒店中,照明以統一的網格安裝在天花板上,沒有考慮需要照明的物體或區域。這種方法導致了幾個問題:



在飯店業,塑造強大的品牌形象至關重要,而照明設計對於提升飯店的品牌形象起著關鍵作用。飯店大廳作為客人的第一接觸點,需要對燈光進行細緻的關注,營造出獨特而吸引人的氛圍。豪華的吊燈作為點綴。在此類空間中,筒燈用於提供功能照明,而不會產生刺眼的眩光。間接光源、裝飾吊燈、落地燈的結合,營造出柔和、富有層次的燈光效果,為客人帶來愉悅的視覺體驗。 。為了凸顯飯店的設計風格和個人化特色,燈光必須更加動感和創意。以下是飯店如何透過功能性照明提升品牌形象的三個範例:

  1. 範例1:「萬家飯店」高科技接待台照明

  1. 範例2:「優雅套房」的藝廊壁燈

範例3:「Harbor Inn」溫馨舒適的休息室照明










Example 3: Cozy and Comfortable Lounge Lighting at “Harbor Inn”

In the lounge area, “Harbor Inn” uses a warm and inviting lighting design. A mix of floor lamps, table lamps, and indirect lighting creates a tranquil and relaxed atmosphere. This lighting not only meets guests’ basic lighting needs but also provides a cozy space for them to unwind, thereby enhancing the hotel’s brand image and quality of service.


Multifunctional Lighting for Lobby Bars

In the bustling and lively atmosphere of a hotel, the lobby bar stands as a serene haven, inviting travelers to pause and unwind. It\’s both an essential classic feature in traditional hotels and a hub of multifunctionality in modern establishments.

Walking into a lobby bar in a traditional hotel, you\’re immediately drawn to the subdued, soft lighting. The lighting level here is intentionally set lower than the main lobby, creating a warm and intimate ambiance. Indirect lighting techniques cleverly conceal the light fixtures themselves, allowing the light to flow freely through the space. It interacts with the walls, furniture, and other elements, producing rich and soft shadows. On the tables, focused task lighting provides a bright yet comfortable setting, allowing guests to share stories and laughter in an inviting glow.

In modern hotels, however, the role of the lobby bar has evolved far beyond its traditional function. It\’s no longer just a place to sip drinks and chat\—it\’s also a space for business meetings, relaxation, entertainment, and even work or study. As a result, the lighting design must adapt to meet these diverse needs.

To achieve this, modern lobby bars incorporate versatile lighting designs. Through carefully planned lighting layouts and smart control systems, the lighting can be adjusted to suit different activities. When guests need to conduct business meetings, the lighting can be brightened, with cooler tones to create a professional and efficient atmosphere. On the other hand, when guests are looking to relax, the lighting can be dimmed and warm-toned, casting a soft and soothing glow throughout the space.


Effective lighting design in hotel lobbies is essential for creating a welcoming, functional, and brand-aligned space. By addressing the unique challenges of both traditional and modern hotels, lighting designers can enhance the guest experience, making lobbies not just a transition space but a memorable part of the hotel stay. Whether dealing with a grand, chandelier-lit lobby or a sleek, modern space, the key lies in thoughtful, adaptive lighting solutions that cater to the diverse needs of guests throughout the day and night.


Designer Name: Matt John

Position: CEO and Co-founder

For lighting design or custom lighting fixture needs, please contact our company. With our professional service and experience, we are committed to providing you with reliable lighting solutions.