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White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory

White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle



Thelese e nyane

Lintlha tsa puisano:


White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 6000K China Best Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Selelekela: Ho Etella Pele Phetohelo ea Lebone ka LEDER Lighting’s Pointless COB LED Strips

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa:

Matheba a LED a se Nang Matheba Ka Mabone a Tšoanang ka Bolelele bo Feletseng

E Khanyang ebile e Sebetsa ho Feta Methapo ea Setso
Mocheso o Tlase ho Feta Mabone a Tloaelehileng a LED setumo joalo ka moetapele oa boqapi le boleng. Re tsebahala ka ho hlahisa litharollo tsa mabone a sejoale-joale tse etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa bareki, re motlotlo ho hlahisa sehlahisoa sa rona sa linaleli: thepa e se nang matheba ea COB LED. Kopanya ho sebetsa hantle, boipiletso ba botle, le moralo o mochaCOB (Chip On Board)  theknoloji, ha e netefatse feela mabone a boleng bo holimo empa hape le ho sebetsa hantle ha matla le ho ikamahanya le maemo. Ho tlohaRGB COB LED strips tolikgetho tse sa keneleng metsi , sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang se fana ka maemo le ts’ebetso bakeng sa ts’ebeliso efe kapa efe, ekaba mabone a ka tlase ho khabinete, mabone a molumo kapa khanya ea phaposi e felletseng.Tlhahiso ea Technical ea Pointless COB LED Light Strips

LEDER Lighting’s e se nang dotless COB LED strips e kopanya tsoelopele ea morao-rao ho

Theknoloji ea COB , e fana ka mabone a boreleli, a se nang moeli, a felisang mathata a chesang hangata a amahanngoang le likhoele tsa setso tsa LED.1. Liphello tse Ts’oarellang le tsa Leseli

E ‘ngoe ea melemo ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ea rona

lihlopha tse se nang ntlha tsa COB tsa LED ke bokhoni ba bona ba ho fanamabone a tšoanang ntle le matheba kapa likheo tse bonahalang. Kabo ena e fella ka ho aho roala ha fluorescent 2. Khanya le Bokhoni bo PhahamengRōna

COB LED strips

 li baballa matla ho feta ha li bapisoa le li-strip tsa khale tsa LED, li fana ka matla 100 lumens ka watt. Bokhoni bona bo tsotehang bo lumella khanya e khanyang ka tšebeliso e fokolang ea matla. Hore na o batla ho khantša kamore ea ho phomola kapa ho kenya COB LED tlas’a khabinete mabone ka kichineng ea hau, lihlahisoa tsa rona li ka u thusa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa motlakase ha li ntse li fana ka khanya e holimo. 3. E feto-fetoha ebile e bonolo bakeng sa ho ItloaetsaRōna

flexible COB LED strips

e entsoe ka boiketlo kelellong, e fana ka monyetla oa ho seha nako le nako 2 inch, e lumellang mokhoa o bonolo oa ho itloaetsa ho lekana libaka tse ikhethileng tsa ho kenya. Hore na o rera ho bonesa sebaka se kopaneng kapa ho etsa meralo e rarahaneng, likhoele tsa rona li bonolo ho sebetsa ‘me li ka ikamahanya le sebopeho sefe kapa sefe. 4. Tshebetso e ka timangHo fetola khanya ea leseli ke moea o fokang ka rona

COB LED stripable dimmable

. Hore na o batla mabone a khanyang, a hlakileng mots’ehare kapa khanya e bonolo le e khutsitseng mantsiboea, likhoele tsa rona tsa LED li ka fifala habonolo ha li tsamaisana Balaoli ba LED kapa li-dimmable transformer5. Khokahano ea Daisy Chain bakeng sa Lisebelisoa tse Seamless Moqapi oa rona oa boqapi o ts’ehetsa habonolo.

daisy chain connections

LEDER Lighting’s Excellent Quality Assurance E le e mong oalik’hamphani tse leshome tse holimo tsa mabone China

, Leseli la LEDER le khomarela litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa boleng ba sehlahisoa le tlhahiso. Boitlamo ba rona ba ho fana ka lihlahisoa tse fetang tebello bo bonahala boitelong ba rona ho bobeli

tlhahiso lets’epehi 1. Commercial-Grade QualityRōna COB LED strips.

2. Warranty ea Lilemo tse 5 bakeng sa Khotso ea Kelello

Ho LEDER Lighting, re ema ka morao ho boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona. Tsa rona matheba a LED a se nang matheba a COB tla le a

waranti ea lilemo tse 5

, e tiisang litokiso kapa tse nchafalitsoeng mahala haeba sehlahisoa se hloleha (ha se bakoe ke tšenyo ea motho). Tiisetso ena e bonts’a ts’epo ea rona ea ho tšoarella le ts’ebetso ea nako e telele ea lihlahisoa tsa rona. 3. Ts’ehetso ea Setsebi ea Setsebi le TšebeletsoSetsebi sa rona sehlopha sa tshehetso ya tekheniki e ikemiselitse ho u thusa ka lipotso kapa liphephetso life kapa life tseo u ka tobanang le tsona. Hore na o hloka thuso ho khetha sehlahisoa se nepahetseng, tataiso mabapi le ts’ebetso, kapa ts’ehetso ea kamora ho reka, re fana ka ts’ebeletso e felletseng e netefatsang boiphihlelo ba bareki ba rona.

LEDER Lighting’s High-Quality Service Experience

Ho phaella ho fana lihlahisoa tsa pele, LEDER Lighting e ikemiseditse ho fana ka ntho e ke keng ya lekanngwa

tshebeletso ya bareki

. Re utloisisa hore moreki e mong le e mong o na le litlhoko tse ikhethang, ‘me re ea holimo le ho feta ho fana ka ts’ehetso ea motho ka mong le e arabelang. 1. Nako ea Karabelo e potlakilengRea utloisisa hore nako e bohlokoa ha ho tluoa mererong ea mabone. Tsa rona karabelo e potlakileng tiisetso e netefatsa hore lipotso kapa mathata afe kapa afe a tla rarolloa ka har’a

Lihora tse 24

, e fana ka litharollo tse potlakileng ho boloka merero ea hau e le tseleng. 2. Litšebeletso tse ikhethileng tse etselitsoeng litlhoko tsa hauRe fana ka litharollo tsa litšebeletso tse ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa moreki ka mong. Ho tloha ho khetha tokelo

COB LED strip

to tataiso ea ho kenya, sehlopha sa rona se sebetsa le uena ho netefatsa hore o fumana tharollo e lumellanang le litlhoko tsa hau, ho netefatsa liphetho tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tse ka khonehang. 3. Tlhokomelo ea Bareki e Tsoelang PeleHo LEDER Lighting, re ikemiselitse ho aha likamano tse tšoarellang le bareki ba rona. Tsa rona tlhokomelo e tsoelang pele ea bareki lenaneo le netefatsa hore re lula re buisana le uena, re fana ka ts’ehetso e tsoelang pele le ho sebetsana le litlhoko kapa lipotso leha e le life tse tsoelang pele.

Tekolo ea Sehlahisoa ho tsoa ho Barekisi ba Bataro ba ka Sehloohong ba Bochabela bo Hare

Khampani 1: Al-Faisal Electronics Co. (Saudi Arabia) Boemo: Mookameli oa Theko


: Monghali Ahmed Al-Mohammed

  • Lethathamo la Lihlahisoa5,000 metres of
  • COB LED strip mabone(bosoeu bo mofuthu)
  • 2,500 metres of:
    • RGB COB LED strip leseli 11,000 metres ofmetsi a se nang metsi COB LED strips
    • Tlhahlobo : Re ntse re batla
    • COB LED strip mabone ho tloha ho Lebone la LEDER ka nako e fetang selemo, ‘me re khotsofetse haholo ka boleng le ts’ebetso. The

high-density COB LED strips re fana ka leseli le ts’oanang le le khanyang leo bareki ba rona ba le ratang. The sebopeho se timang e molemo ka ho khetheha mererong ea tloaelo, e re lumellang ho fana ka litharollo tse ikhethileng ho bareki ba rona. The seamless COB LED strip theknoloji e fetotse tsela eo re nahanang ka mabone ka eona ka bobeli ka tlung le likopo tsa kantle.

Tshebeletso e bile mohlala, ‘me LEDER Lighting e lula e fana ka likarabo tse potlakileng lipotsong tsa rona. Bona 5m COB LED strip kits e nolofalletsa ho laola thepa, ha bona flexible COB LED strips re lumella ho fana ka meralo e fapaneng. Re lebeletse ho tsoela pele ho sebelisana le ho atolosa litaelo tsa rona. Company 2: Dubai Light Works (UAE)Boemo : Hlooho ea ThekoLebitso

: Mofumahali Sara Al-Hassan

  • Lethathamo la Lihlahisoa1,000 metres of
  • COB LED strip 24V13,000 metres of
  • high ​​lumen COB LED strip:
    • 2,000 metres of COB LED strip light kit
    • Tlhahlobo : Lihlahisoa tsa LEDER Lighting e bile phetoho-papali tharollong ea rona ea mabone. The
    • COB LED tlas’a khabinete mabone re kentsoeng ka kicheneng le liofising e bile katleho e kholo. Bareki ba rata

high ​​lumen COB LED strip bakeng sa khanya le bokhoni ba eona. Ho fetoha ha maemo ho COB LED strips, e kopantsoe le daisy chain connection feature, e re lumelletse ho sebetsana le maemo a thata a ho kenya ka bonolo.

Nako ea bona ea ho fana e ‘nile ea fihla ka nako,’ me lihlahisoa tsa bona li lula li finyella litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa boleng. Re boetse re ananela tsa bona seaparo sa LED se sa keneleng metsi sa COB options, tse bileng le tšusumetso e kholo lits’ebetsong tsa kantle le tsa indasteri. Tiisetso ea nako e telele e re fa khotso ea kelello, ho tseba hore re rekisetsa bareki ba rona lihlahisoa tse tšoarellang. Company 3: Noor Lighting Supplies (Oman)Boemo : Motsamaisi e Moholo oa Ts’ebelisoLebitso

: Monghali Faisal Jaber

  • Lethathamo la Lihlahisoa4,000 metres of
  • COB LED hlobolisa mofuthu bosoeu2,500 metres of
  • RGB COB LED strip leseli:
    • 1,5000 metres of COB LED hlobolisa mocheso dissipation
    • (ts’ebeliso e khethehileng) Tlhahlobo
    • : Joalo ka e mong oa barekisi ba kholo ka ho fetisisa ba lihlahisoa tsa LED sebakeng sena, re lula re batlana le barekisi ba tšepahalang ba ka fanang ka boleng bo holimo, flexible COB LED strips. LEDER Lighting e bile molekane oa rona ea tšepahalang ka lilemo tse fetang tse peli. Lihlahisoa tsa bona, joalo ka

2700K COB LED strip, esale re feta tebello ea rona.

Their COB LED hlobolisa mocheso dissipation feature e bohlokoa bakeng sa merero e hlokang nako e telele le ts’ebetso tlas’a mocheso o phahameng. Ho tšepahala ha sehlahisoa, ho tsamaisana le tsa bona tšehetso ea botekgeniki ea litsebi, e netefatsa ts’ebetso e bonolo bakeng sa rona le bareki ba rona. Re khahliloe haholo ke bona tšebeletso e hlophisitsoeng, e re lumellang ho rala litharollo tsa merero e ikhethang. Qetello: Kenela Lebone la LEDER ho Bopa Bokamoso ba LeseliLEDER Lighting\’s matheba a LED a se nang matheba a COB fana ka tharollo e fetang feela ea mabone a ikhethang; li emela bokamoso ba mekhoa e mecha, ho sebetsa hantle ha matla, le boipiletso bo botle. Hore na o hloka

flexible COB LED strips

ea mokhabiso oa lapeng kapa high-density COB LED strips bakeng sa merero e meholo ea khoebo, lihlahisoa tsa LEDER Lighting li fana ka ts’epahalo, ts’ebetso le setaele.

Ka boitlamo ba rona bo sa thekeseleng ba boleng, tshebeletso ya bareki, le boqapi ba tekheniki, LEDER Lighting ke molekane ea loketseng bakeng sa ba batlang ho ntlafatsa tharollo ea bona ea mabone. Eba le rona kajeno, ‘me re ke re bonese lefatše hammoho le COB LED strip mabone e etellang pele phetohong ea moralo oa mabone. Ikopanye le rona ho ithuta haholoanyane ka lihlahisoa tsa rona le hore na re ka u thusa joang ho fihlela sepheo sa hau sa mabone. FAQsKe eng e etsang hore likhoele tsa LEDER Lighting tsa COB tse se nang ntlha tse se nang ntlha li fapane le likhoele tsa setso tsa LED? Melemo ea bohlokoa ea lisebelisoa tsa LEDER Lighting COB LED mabapi le ts’ebetso ea matla le nako e telele ke efe?Lebone la LEDER le ka thusa joang ka liodara tse ikhethileng le tšehetso ea ho kenya merero e meholo?

Ho LEDER Lighting, re utloisisa hore morero o mong le o mong o na le litlhoko tse ikhethang, haholo-holo ha o sebetsana le lisebelisoa tse kholo kapa tse hlophisitsoeng. Re fana ka ts’ehetso e felletseng ho barekisi ba holimo, ho tloha ho likhothaletso tsa sehlahisoa ho isa ho liodara tse ikhethileng ho latela lintlha tsa hau. Sehlopha sa rona sa ts’ehetso ea tekheniki se teng ho fana ka tataiso ea ts’ebetso, ekaba ke ho seha likhoele, ho li fifatsa, kapa ho etsa likhokahano tsa daisy-chain bakeng sa bolelele bo atolositsoeng. Ho feta moo, sehlopha sa rona sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se lula se ikemiselitse ho thusa ka likarabo tse potlakileng lipotsong leha e le life, ho netefatsa hore u fumana tšehetso e nepahetseng nakong ea karolo e ‘ngoe le e ‘ngoe ea morero. Re ikemiselitse ho theha likamano tsa nako e telele le balekane ba rona, ho netefatsa hore litlhoko tsa hau li khotsofatsoa ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litšebeletso tse ikhethang mohatong o mong le o mong.


1. What makes LEDER Lighting’s point-free COB LED strips different from traditional LED strips?

LEDER Lighting\’s point-free COB (Chip On Board) LED strips use the latest COB technology, which ensures that multiple LED chips are directly mounted on a single printed circuit board (PCB). This eliminates the visible hot spots typically found in traditional LED strips. The result is a seamless and consistent light output along the entire length of the strip. Our COB LED strips also offer higher brightness with greater energy efficiency, achieving up to 100 lumens or more per watt, making them more efficient compared to standard LED strips. This advanced design, combined with flexibility for installation and cutting, creates the ideal lighting solution for commercial, residential, and decorative applications.

2. What are the key advantages of LEDER Lighting\’s COB LED strips in terms of energy efficiency and durability?

LEDER Lighting\’s COB LED strips offer substantial energy savings by providing higher lumen output with less power consumption. Compared to traditional LED strips, our COB LED strips can deliver up to 100+ lumens per watt, ensuring brighter lighting while consuming less electricity. Additionally, these LED strips are built for durability with high-quality materials and construction, providing reliable performance over long periods of use. They are also designed to perform well in harsh environments, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. With a 5-year warranty, these products have been rigorously tested to meet high standards, ensuring that they will serve your business and customers reliably for years to come.

3. How can LEDER Lighting help with customized orders and installation support for large projects?

At LEDER Lighting, we understand that each project has unique requirements, especially when dealing with large-scale or customized installations. We offer comprehensive support to super sellers, from personalized product recommendations to customized orders based on your specifications. Our technical support team is available to provide installation guidance, whether it’s about cutting the strips, dimming them, or making daisy-chain connections for extended lengths. Moreover, our customer service team is always ready to assist with quick responses to any inquiries, ensuring that you receive the right support during every phase of the project. We aim to build long-term relationships with our partners, ensuring that your needs are met with high-quality products and exceptional service at every step.