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Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory

Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle



Thelese e nyane

Lintlha tsa puisano:


Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K China Factory-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Daylight White Shine: Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K – Phahamisa Merero ea Hao ea Mabone a Setsebi

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa:

Matheba a LED a se Nang Matheba ka Mabone a Tšoanang ho Bolelele Wohle

E Khanyang ebile e sebetsa ka Bokhabane ho Feta Methapo ea Setso

Mocheso o Tlase ho Feta Lithapa Tsa Setso tsa LED

E kholo bakeng sa Mabone a Undercabinet le Leseli la Linear Ho hlahisa rona Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED StripRevolutionizing Lighting with COB Technology

Mochine oa rona oa COB LED strip 24V o sebelisa theknoloji ea chip-on-board (COB), e lumellang hore li-diode tsa LED li kenngoe ka ho toba ho PCB. Moralo ona o mocha o felisa liphutheloana tsa setso tsa LED, ho fihlela a

dotless, khanya e sa sitisoeng Sehlahisoa se nang le khanya e ts’oanang le kabo ea mabone a seamless ka har’a lebala lohle. Ka mocheso oa ‘mala oa 4000K, mohala ona o khanya aho se nke lehlakore le bosoeu ba mots’eare e nepahetse bakeng sa libaka tse fapaneng tse hlokang khanya e khanyang, ea boleng bo holimo, ho tloha tikolohong e ntle ea liofisi ho ea ho lipontšuoa tse pharalletseng tsa mabenkele.

Ho feta moo,high-density COB LED strips COB LED bakeng sa mekhabiso ea lapeng kapa lits’ebetso tsa khoebo li ka fetoha habonolo ho tloha khanyeng e poteletseng ho ea ho mabone a matla, a matla, a loketseng ba batlang ho theha maemo a leholimo a ikhethileng libakeng tsa bona. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho nepahala ha ho BapisoeThe Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED strip e fana ka

ho feto-fetoha ho sa bapisweng

le ho ikamahanya le maemo, ho etsa hore e tšoanele likarolo tse fapaneng tsa meralo. Lesela le ka sehoa ka lisenthimithara tse ling le tse ling tse peli, ho netefatsa hore u ka khona ho le fetola hantle ho ea ka libaka tse itseng\—ebang ke ho koahela siling e kobehileng kapa ho kenella libakeng tse thata, tse sa tloaelehang. Ea eona flexible COB LED strips kaho e o dumella ho e bopa le ho e etsa hore e tsamaellane le ditlhoko tsa boiqapelo kapa tsa tshebetso, ho e fetola sesebediswa se phethahetseng bakeng sa baqapi le ba ba kenyang.

Haholo, strip’s seamless COB LED strip design e thibela hotspots, ho netefatsa phano ea khanya e tsitsitseng le e khahlisang ka bolelele bohle. Sena se na le molemo ka ho khetheha ha lesela le kenngoa libakeng tse bonahalang, moo khanya e hloekileng le e ts’oanang e matlafatsang ponahalo ea pono. Ho tloha libakeng tse pharalletseng tsa liofisi ho ea ho libaka tsa mabenkele tse haufi-ufi, lesela la LED la Daylight White COB LED le tiisa hore a leseli le boreleli, le khahlehang ka botle e phahamisang tikoloho. Dimming bokgoni ba DynamicRōna

filimi ea COB LED strip

 e ts’ehetsa mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea litokiso tsa khanya, e lumellang basebelisi ho laola maikutlo le matla a lebone. E hokahana ka mokhoa o ts’oanelang le balaoli ba LED, li-transformer tse finyang, kapa li-dimmers ho hlahisa mabone a feto-fetohang a loketseng maemo a fapaneng. Ka dimmability le customization, Letlapa lena le fana ka menyetla e sa feleng, hore na o hloka mabone a khanyang ka har’a pokello ea mesebetsi kapa mabone a poteletseng sebakeng sa baeti. Sephetho se Phahameng sa Lumen bakeng sa Tšebeliso ea SetsebiNtho ea bohlokoa ea lesela lena le phahameng la lumen COB LED ke khanya ea eona e khahlang. The strip e fana ka lumens e eketsehileng ka watt ha e bapisoa le likhoele tse tloaelehileng tsa LED, e fana ka khanya e ikhethang bakeng sa tikoloho eo ho eona ho hlokahalang khanya e matla. Seaparo sa rona se feta litekanyetso tse tloaelehileng, ‘me se fana ka khanya e tsitsitseng ntle le ho fokotsa matla a sebetsang hantle. Lesela’s

moqapi oa ho senya mocheso

 hape e ntlafatsa ho tšoarella, ho fokotsa likotsi tsa mocheso o feteletseng le ho netefatsa hore e boloka ts’ebetso ea maemo a holimo ha nako e ntse e ea. Ho Tsebahatsa ka Mefuta-futa le Tšireletseho PeleKa rona

COB LED strip light kit

, o ka fihlella lihokelo tse fapaneng le lisebelisoa tse ntseng li hola ho lekana tlhokahalo efe kapa efe ea ho kenya. Ebang u kenya ka tlas’a lik’habote ka kichineng, liofising, kapa maboteng libakeng tsa mabenkele, lisebelisoa tsa rona li nolofatsa ts’ebetso, le ts’ehetso ea eona ea maemo COB LED tlas’a khabinete mabone le lits’ebetso tse ling tse fapaneng. The Moetso o tlase oa motlakase oa 24V e matlafatsa tšireletseho, ka mocheso o fokotsehileng o fokotsang likotsi tsa mollo—e leng tšobotsi ea bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa libaka tse koaletsoeng le lits’ebetso tsa setsebi.

Bakeng sa libaka tse ka ntle, sekoahelo se ka kenngoa likhethong tsa ho thibela metsi, ho se fetola a seaparo sa LED se sa keneleng metsi sa COBMaemo a fapaneng a Kopo The Daylight White Dotless COB LED Strip e sebetsa ka mefuta-futa ho lekana litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa mabone. E sebetsa ka ho khetheha libakeng tse nang le mekhoa e fokolang ea ho pata, moo khanya ea eona e khanyang e ntlafatsang botle ba eona. E loketse bakeng salinear public lighting

kapa setupo efe kapa efe e hlokang mohala o molelele, o tsoelang pele oa khanya, mohala ona o ka tlisa bokhabane bo eketsehileng le khanya ea ts’ebetso libakeng tsa sechaba, libaka tsa ho amohela baeti, le mabenkele a maemo a holimo.

Tshireletso e Matlafalitsoeng le Tšepahalang Mohala oa rona oa COB LED o etselitsoe polokeho e nepahetseng, o sebetsa ka matla a tlase a 24V mme o hlahisa mocheso o fokolang, o fokotsa haholo kotsi leha e le efe ea mollo. E hahiloe bakeng sa ho tšoarella leho qhala mocheso o matlafalitsoeng

Bopaki bo tsoang ho Bareki ba Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa ba Bochabela bo Hare

Abdullah Al Rashid, Mookameli e Moholo oa Theko, LightWave Ltd., UAE Lihlahisoa tse Rekiloeng:Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip (75W 4000K) \– 1,000 diyuniti; RGB COB LED Strip Light \– 5,000 units; E sa keneleng metsi COB LED Strip \– 17,000 diyuniti


Mots’eare o Mosoeu oa COB LED strips

  1.  re rekileng re phahamisitse merero ea rona ea ho bonesa ka botlalo ka mabone a bona a khanyang, a se nang moeli. Leseli le lesoeu le sa nke lehlakore la 4000K le fana ka tekanyo e phethahetseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa ka hare le tsa ka ntle, ‘me phello e se nang matheba e re file qetello e hloekileng, ea setsebi morerong o mong le o mong. Delivery e lula e potlakile, e netefatsa hore re kopana le linako tsa projeke, ‘me tšehetso ea bona ea bareki e sebetsa ebile e na le tsebo. The strips’ dimmability re lumelletse ho hlokomela bareki ba bangata, ‘me tlhokomelo ea LEDER ka lintlha tse mabapi le ho paka le lisebelisoa e ba khetholla ho barekisi ba bang.”Noura Karim, Hlooho ea Ts’ebetso, Radiant Solutions, Saudi Arabia
  2. Lihlahisoa tse Rekiloeng:Flexible COB LED Strips \– 8,000 diyuniti; COB LED Strip bakeng sa Home Décor \– 1,600 diyuniti; 2700K COB LED Strip \– 13,000 diyuniti Tlhahlobo:“LEDER e bile mofani oa rona ea tšepahalang oa litharollo tsa LED tsa premium, ‘me ha rea ​​ka ra khotsofala ho feta ka lihlahisoa tsa bona. Re ipabola mesebetsing ea lapeng, le ea bona

flexible COB LED strips

  1.  e nepahetse bakeng sa libaka tse thata le tse kobehileng. Mofuta oa 2700K, haholoholo, o thehile moea o futhumetseng, o hohelang matlong a matle le meaho ea bolulo. Puisano e sebetsang ea LEDER le kemiso e tšepahalang ea ho tsamaisa thepa li entse hore e be khetho e se nang mathata ho rona. Letlapa le leng le le leng la COB LED le boloka khanya e phahameng ha le ntse le boloka litšenyehelo tsa matla li le tlase, mme waranti e atolositsoeng e fana ka khotso ea kelello ho bareki ba rona. LEDER e se e le molekane oa bohlokoa, ka lebaka la boleng ba bona bo ikhethang le meralo e ncha.”Omar Said, CEO, NoorLux Enterprises, Egypt
  2. Lihlahisoa tse Rekiloeng:High-Density COB LED Strips \– 1,200 diyuniti; Seamless COB LED Strip \– 1,000 diyuniti; Lebone la COB LED Tlas’a Khabinete \– 4,000 units Tlhahlobo:high-density COB LED strips

re odara ha di bapiswe ka kganya le botsitso. Li loketse bareki ba rona ba indasteri ba hlokang mabone a tšepahalang, a sebetsang hantle. Merero ea rona e hloka mabone a nepahetseng, ‘me likhoele tsa LEDER COB LED li fana ka phetoho e tsotehang le mocheso oa mebala o se nang sekoli, haholo-holo mefuta e sa tsitsang, e loketseng ho kenya nako e telele. Ho fana esale ho fihla ka nako, e leng se re thusitseng ho phethela merero e mengata ea maemo a holimo ka nako. Thepa e tsoang mocheso o tlase le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo li netefatsa bophelo bo bolelele ba sekhahla ka seng, se eketsang boleng bo boholo matsete a rona.”

  1. Ikopanye le Rona bakeng sa Tharollo e Ikhethang ea COB LEDHaeba u setsebi sa mabone kapa u batla setsebi sa indasteri
  2. , Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 75W 4000K ke sehlahisoa seo u lokelang ho se nahana. Ka eonaseamless light output , ho tenyetseha, ts’ebetso e phahameng ea lumen, le litekanyetso tse phahameng tsa polokeho, ke khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa tsa mabone. Eba setho sa marang-rang a rona a ntseng a hola a bareki ba lefats’e ba tšepang LEDER bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse ncha, tse tšepahalang tsa mabone.

    Bakeng sa lipotso le litaelo, ka kopo ikopanye le sehlopha sa rona sa barekisi ka sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang kapa ikopanye le rona ka WhatsApp kapa WeChat ho. Tseba ka moo li-strip tsa LEDER’s tsa COB LED li ka fetolang merero ea hau habonolo le ka nepo, le ho nka monyetla ka boleng ba rona bo ikhethang, tšehetso ea bareki le lits’ebeletso tse kenyellelitsoeng boleng.


FAQ 1: Melemo e ikhethang ea Letlapa la LED la Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip ke efe, hona e bapisoa joang le likhoele tsa khale tsa LED? Karabo:FAQ 2: Na mohala oa LED oa Lightlight White Dotless COB o ka sebetsana le maemo a fapaneng a tikoloho, haholoholo mabapi le ho qhala mocheso le polokeho? Karabo:FAQ 3: LEDER e netefatsa joang hore ho tsamaisoa ka potlako le tšebeletso ea boleng bakeng sa litaelo tse kholo tsa mabone a COB LED? +8615815758133Karabo:

LEDER e motlotlo ka ho fana ka lihlahisoa ka nako, e tšehetsoeng ke mohala o hlophisitsoeng hantle oa tlhahiso le sehlopha se inehetseng sa thepa. Mekhoa ea rona ea tlhahiso e hlophisitsoeng e netefatsa hore esita le litaelo tse kholo tsa mabone a COB LED li phethahala hang-hang ntle le ho senya boleng. Sehlahisoa se seng le se seng se hlahlojoa ka mokhoa o tiileng oa boleng ho netefatsa ho tšoarella le ho sebetsa pele se romelloa. Re boetse re fana ka lits’ebeletso tse kenyellelitsoeng boleng, joalo ka likhetho tsa ho itšeha le tataiso ea ts’ebetso ea litsebi, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho kopanya merero ea hau. Sehlopha sa rona sa litšebeletso tsa bareki se teng ho u thusa ka lipotso leha e le life, ho netefatsa hore mohato o mong le o mong oa phihlelo ea hau ea ho reka ha e na moroallo. Bakeng sa tiisetso e eketsehileng, re fana ka liwaranti le ts’ehetso e tšepahalang ea kamora thekiso ho rarolla mathata afe kapa afe a ka hlahang kamora ho romelloa.

FAQ 1: What are the unique advantages of the Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip, and how does it compare to traditional LED strips?


The Daylight White Dotless COB 24V LED Strip stands out due to its innovative design and superior lighting performance. Unlike traditional LED strips, this COB (Chip-On-Board) LED strip integrates LED diodes directly on the PCB (printed circuit board), eliminating the need for individual LED packaging. This setup results in higher brightness, a more uniform light distribution, and a seamless dot-free appearance. The 4000K color temperature provides a neutral white light that is highly versatile for both commercial and industrial lighting applications. Additionally, it can be dimmed and cut every two inches, allowing easy adaptation to various spaces, from irregular layouts to compact installations. Its daisy-chain connection and optional connectors offer flexibility in forming longer lighting lines, enhancing its functionality across diverse projects.

FAQ 2: Can the Daylight White Dotless COB LED strip handle different environmental conditions, especially in terms of heat dissipation and safety?


Yes, this COB LED strip is designed with safety and longevity in mind. It operates on a low-voltage 24V power source, minimizing risks during usage, and it produces significantly less heat than traditional lighting solutions, which reduces the potential for fire hazards. Enhanced heat dissipation technology further ensures that it remains cool and safe even in prolonged operation, extending the strip’s lifespan. For applications in environments requiring higher moisture resistance, we also offer waterproof versions that safeguard the strip from exposure to humidity or occasional water contact. These features make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use while maintaining consistent performance.

FAQ 3: How does LEDER ensure prompt delivery and quality service for large-scale orders of COB LED strip lights?


LEDER takes pride in delivering products on time, supported by a well-organized production line and a dedicated logistics team. Our streamlined manufacturing processes ensure that even large orders of COB LED strip lights are fulfilled promptly without compromising quality. Each product undergoes strict quality checks to ensure durability and performance before shipment. We also provide value-added services, such as custom-cutting options and professional installation guidance, to facilitate smooth integration into your projects. Our customer service team is available to assist with any inquiries, ensuring that every step of your purchase experience is seamless. For additional assurance, we offer warranties and reliable after-sales support to address any concerns that may arise post-delivery.