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Amber Dotless COB 24V LED Strip 50W China Factory
LD-DD–999001Ts’ehetso: Customization Thelese e nyane Lintlha tsa puisano: Email:hello@lederillumination.com WhatsApp:8615815758133 |
Ho Khantša Bokamoso ka Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip
Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa:
Matheba a LED a se Nang Matheba A Nang le Mabone a Tšoanang ka Bolelele bo Feletseng
E Khanyang ebile e Sebetsa ho Feta Methapo e Tloaelehileng
Amber LEDs
16.4’ Spool
Ho Fetoleha ho Feta Meqathatso ea Setso
Mocheso o Tlase ho Feta Mecha e Tloaelehileng ea LED
E kholo bakeng sa Mabone a Undercabinet le Lebone la Linear
Cut Points Every 2 Inches
Commercial Grade Quality
5 Years warranty
Lefatšeng la boqapi ba mabone, COB (Chip on Board) Mabone a marang-rang a LED a etella pele, a fetola libaka ka bokhabane, bokhabane, le bokhoni bo ikhethang ba moralo. Har’a tsena, ke Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip \– 50WLikarolo tsa Bohlokoa tsa Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip
Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea COB
The Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip ke sehlahisoa sa theknoloji ea COB ea morao-rao, moo li-diode tsa LED li kenngoa ka ho toba holim’a boto ea potoloho e hatisitsoeng (PCB). Sebopeho sena se ikhethileng se felisa mokhoa oa ho paka oa LED oa setso, o netefatsa moralo o bobebe, o tenyetsehang o seng bobebe feela empa hape o o fihlelang
high-density, mabone a tšoanang . Ka matla a eona a ho bonesa a sa tsitsang, lesela lena la lebone le felisa li-hotspots, ‘me le hlahisa boreleli, le khanya e bonolo mahlong le ponahalo e ntle.Enchanting Amber Color
Molumo o mofuthu oa amber oa mochini ona oa COB LED o tlisa moea o ikhethileng, o leka-lekanya boiketlo le bokhabane. Ke khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa libaka tse hlokang tikoloho e monate empa e le e rarahaneng. Ho tloha
libaka tsa khoebo joaloka lihotele, lireschorente le mabenkele a mabenkele ho ea libakeng tsa poraefete ka hare ho ntlo le mabone a jareteng, ‘mala o mosoeu oa seaparo sena o eketsa mofuthu le bokhabane, o ikamahanya habonolo le mekhabiso le lihlooho tse fapaneng.Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho kenya Ha bonolo
flexibility Dim-to-PreferenceLetlapa lena la COB LED le lona le na le likarolo tse felletseng
ho fifala
Ho Phahamisa Lumen Output Ho sa tsotellehe moralo oa eona o kopanetsoeng, lesela lena la COB LED le na le tlhahiso e tsotehang ea lumen, e fetisang mahlaseli a tloaelehileng a LED ka khanya. Ho fihla ho100 lumens ka watt
Hotspot-Mahala Moralo
E ‘ngoe ea litšoaneleho tse hlahelletseng tsa leseli lena ke eona ho khantša ntle le hotspotKhokahano e fapaneng le lisebelisoa
The strip light’s
daisy chain connection Likopo tse Ntle bakeng sa Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light StripThe Amber Dot-Free COB LED strip e loketse merero e mengata ea mabone. E khanya libakeng tseo ho tsona ho leng bohlokoa ho ba le sebaka se ikhethang:
Ho Rekisoa le Kamohelo
Libaka tsa Bolulo Litlhophiso tsa Kantle: Ka eona
khetho e sa keneleng metsi
Ka ho kopanya moralo o feto-fetohang, matla a matla, le khanya e khanyang ea amber, Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip e ikemiselitse ho fetola lipapali tsa tharollo ea mabone ea morao-rao.
- Litlhahlobo tsa Barekisi: Lintlha tse tsoang ho Balekane ba Rōna ba Bochabela bo HareAli Mahmoud
Motsamaisi oa Theko, Sehlopha sa Al Tayer, UAE - HoSehlopha sa Al Tayer
- UAE, re na le maemo a holimo bakeng sa sehlahisoa se seng le se seng seo re se rekang, haholo sebakeng saCOB LED strip mabone . Ha re qala ho kopana le Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip, re ile ra khahloa ke litšepiso tsa eona tsa kabo ea khanya e se nang moeli le boipiletso bo botle. Qalong re ile ra laela300 metres
ea lebala lena le bobebe bakeng sa mabenkele a rona a mabothobotho, ‘me ha ea ka ea soabisa. Boleng bo botle \—sehlopha se seng le se seng se fihlile se le maemong a hloekileng, ka lebaka la ho phutheloa ka hloko, le
nako ea thomello
1. e ne e le monate, re fihletse linako tsa rona tse tiileng ntle le mathata.
Ho tloha ha re reka lekhetlo la pele, re ekelitse odara ea rona ho kenyelletsa
200 metres of RGB COB LED mabone a marang-rang bakeng sa tikoloho e matla mabenkeleng a rona le150 metres ea COB LED mabone a tlas’a khabinete bakeng sa tharollo ea mabone a molumo. E ‘ngoe le e ‘ngoe ea lihlahisoa tsena e kopana le litebello tsa rona bakeng sa ho qhibiliha ho hoholo le mocheso o phahameng ka ho fetesisa, tse bohlokoa haholo maemong a leholimo a chesang a leholimo.
Ka holim’a sehlahisoa, LEDER Illumination e bile molekane ea tšepahalang, ho fana kaho khothaletsa tšehetso ea bareki le ho netefatsa hore litaba life kapa life tse nyane li rarolloa hanghang. Boitlamo ba sehlopha ho boleng le litšebeletso tsa morao-rao tsa thekiso bo tiisa qeto ea rona ea ho ntšetsa pele tšebelisano ea rona.Sara Khalil
Hlooho ea Moqapi oa Leseli, Setsi sa ‘Muso, Saudi Arabia Re hoSetsi sa ‘Muso Saudi Arabia e sebelisane le LEDER Illumination mererong e mengata e meholo ea mabone, ‘me Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip e bile tlatsetso e hlahelletseng mosebetsing oa rona oa morao-rao. Qalong re ile ra laela500 metres bakeng sa sebaka sa rona se secha sa mabenkele, kaha sebopeho se bonolo le se holofetseng se re lumelletse ho theha mabone a ikhethileng a lumellanang hantle le moralo oa rona oa sejoale-joale. Letlapa lena\’sseamless light e bohlokoa bakeng sa bareki ba rona ba pele, ‘me molumo oa amber o fana ka maikutlo a rarahaneng.
Ka holim’a mokhoa ona, re boetse re kentse250 metres
2. of 2700K COB LED strips ho ntlafatsa mabone a futhumetseng libakeng tsa rona tsa ho jela le
200 metres ea li-strip tsa LED tsa COB tse nang le lumen e phahameng bakeng sa likarolo tsa meralo ea morao-rao. Ho tsitsana ha boleng ho sehlahisoa ka seng ho bontša boitlamo ba LEDER ho sebetsa hantle. LEDER e nakongdelivery and value-added services , joalo ka likhetho tsa ho itšeha le lithuso tsa sebaka sa marang-rang, li bile bohlokoa haholo ho linako tsa morero oa rona.
Mokhoa oa bona o matla oa ho fana ka maikutlo a lihlahisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa litlhoko tsa rona, hammoho le tšehetso ea tekheniki, o etsa hore LEDER Illumination e be molekane ea ratoang bakeng sa maemo a holimo. -qetela mabone.Hassan Zayd
Moreki e Moholo, Nakheel Properties, Qatar Bakeng saNakheel Properties , ho ts’epahala ho ketane ea phepelo le botsitso ba boleng ke ntho e ka sehloohong, ‘me Leseli la LEDER le fana ka bobeli. Re rekile400 metres ea mochini oa LED oa Amber Dot-Free COB 24V bakeng sa projeke ea villa ea mabothobotho, moo khanya ea eona ea amber e thusitseng haholo ho theheng moea o monate empa o mabothobotho. Ea eonabokhoni ba ho tima re lumelletse ho fa beng ba matlo mabone a feto-fetohang bakeng sa maemo a fapaneng a maikutlo, e leng ho etsang hore e khonehe bakeng sa libaka tse fapaneng tsa bolulo.
Litaelo tsa rona tse ling li kenyelelitse300 metres
3. of flexible COB LED strips for mabone a jareteng, a ipakileng e le tharollo e sa keneleng metsi, le
100 metres ea COB LED strip light kits bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa libaka tse ka tlas’a khabinete ka kichineng ea villa. Thomello e ‘ngoe le e ‘ngoe e fihlile ka nako, ‘me sehlopha sa LEDER se fana ka tšehetso ea maemo a holimo. Kutloisiso ea bona e tebileng ea ‘maraka oa Bochabela bo Hare le tšebeletso e arabelang ka mor’a thekiso e netefatsa hore morero o mong le o mong o finyella merero ea oona hantle.
Ka kakaretso, LEDER Illumination e kopanyaboleng, lebelo, le tšehetso ea tekheniki ho theha boleng bo ikhethang, ho ba etsa morekisi ea ratoang ‘marakeng oa tlholisano oa Middle East.Hobaneng o Khetha Leseli la Leseli la LEDER’s Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip? The Amber Dot-Free COB 24V LED Light Strip ha se tharollo ea mabone feela—ke sesebelisoa sapolelo ea boqapi le katleho ea ts’ebetso. Ho tloha mabenkeleng le ho amohela baeti ho isa ho décor ea lapeng le ea kantle, mohala ona oa COB LED o tlisa mofuthu, bonolo, le ho tšoarella tikolohong efe kapa efe. Mohala oa rona oa lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa le lihlopha tse phahameng tsa COB LED, mabone a marang-rang a RGB COB LED, likhetho tsa COB tse sa keneleng metsi, le tse ling, li tiisa hore li lekana hantle bakeng sa litlhoko leha e le life tsa morero.
A LEDER Illumination, re motlotlo katiisetso ea boleng, ho fana ka nako, le tšebeletso ea bareki e inehetseng . Lihlahisoa tsa rona tse feto-fetohang le lits’ebeletso tsa boleng ba boleng li re etsa balekane ba tšepahalang indastering ea mabone lefatšeng ka bophara. Hlahloba menyetla e se nang moeli ea mabone a amber a se nang matheba ‘me u lumelle Leseli la LEDER ho u thusa ho theha libaka tse sa lebaleheng.
Ikopanye le rona kajeno ho fumana hore na lihlahisoa tsa LEDER Illumination’s li ka fetola morero oa hau joang ka litharollo tse ncha tsa mabone!FAQs Q1: Ke eng e etsang hore lesela la amber le se nang matheba a amber COB 24V LED le lokele merero e meholo ea khoebo le ea bolulo?A:
Q2: Sehlahisoa se ka tšeptjoa hakae mabapi le ho khanya, ho senya mocheso, le nako ea bophelo bakeng sa tšebeliso ea nako e telele?
A: Q3: Na nka etsa lesela le khanyang bakeng sa litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa projeke, ‘me lisebelisoa tse fumanehang bakeng sa lits’ebetso tse rarahaneng ke life?A: Ehlile. Leseli la lebone la amber le se nang letheba la COB 24V la LED le ka tloaeleha haholo ‘me le tla le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng ho lumellana le litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa ho kenya. Hore na o hloka lihokelo tse otlolohileng, lihokelo tse kobehileng, kapa libopeho tse ling tse ikhethileng, re fana ka likhetho tsa ho thusa ho kenya tšebetsong le ho rarahaneng. Ho feto-fetoha hona ho lumella mohala o khanyang hore o ikamahanye le libaka tse fapaneng, ebang ke ka tlung kapa ka ntle, e bataletseng kapa e pota-potiloeng.
Moetso oa eona o lumellana le ho itšeha sebakeng sa marang-rang, ho nolofalletsang hore ho be le litokiso ho lumellana le libaka ka mokhoa o phethahetseng, esita le meralong e thata joalo ka liphaseje tse matsoelintsoeke kapa siling e rarahaneng. Bakeng sa ts’ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng, mohala o bobebe o ts’ehetsa ketane ea daisy, e etsang hore ho be bonolo ho hokahanya likhoele tse ngata ntle le moroallo. Seta sena se lumella mohala o molelele, o sa sitisoeng oa mabone le menyetla e mengata ea ho kenya lisebelisoa tse kholo.Q4: Nako ea hau ea ho pepa e potlakile hakae, ‘me ke mehato efe e teng ho netefatsa hore ho tsamaisoa ka nako le ho bolokehile?
Re etelletsa pele delibari ka nako le e sireletsehileng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa barekisi ba kholo. Sehlopha sa rona se boloka mekhoa e metle ea tlhahiso le thepa, ho netefatsa hore litaelo li lokisoa le ho romelloa kapele kamoo ho ka khonehang, ka nako e fokolang ea ho etella pele. Ho ipapisitsoe le sebaka sa hau le boholo ba odara, re fana ka likhetho tse feto-fetohang tsa thomello, ho kenyeletsoa mekhoa e hlakileng le e tloaelehileng.
Taelo e ‘ngoe le e’ ngoe e kenngoa ka botlalo le ho hlahlojoa ho thibela tšenyo nakong ea leeto, ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa li fihla ho uena li le maemong a hloekileng. Bakeng sa liodara tse kholo kapa merero e sa tsotelleng nako, re fana ka ts’ehetso e inehetseng ho nolofatsa ts’ebetso ea thomello le ho amohela likopo tse ikhethileng tsa thomello.Q5: Na lihlahisoa tsa hau li tšehetsoa ke tiiso ea boleng le tiisetso, ‘me pholisi ea hau ea ho khutlisa ke efe bakeng sa litaelo tse kholo?A:
E, netefatso ya boleng ke ya bohlokwa mesebetsing ya rona. Lihlahisoa tsohle tsa rona tsa LED, ho kenyeletsoa lesela la lebone la amber le se nang letheba la COB 24V, li hlahlojoa ka thata pele li tsamaisoa. Re boetse re fana ka tiisetso e felletseng ea sehlahisoa ka seng ho koahela liphoso leha e le life tsa tlhahiso, ho netefatsa botšepehi le khotsofalo ea bareki.
Ha ho ka etsahala hore ho be le sekoli kapa bothata, re na le leano le tobileng la ho khutlisa bakeng sa liodara tse kholo. Ikopanye habonolo feela le sehlopha sa rona sa tšehetso ea bareki, ‘me re tla sebetsa le uena ho rarolla bothata bona, ebang sena se kenyelletsa ho nkela sehlahisoa sebaka kapa ho khutlisa chelete ka moo ho loketseng. Sepheo sa rona ke ho netefatsa khotsofalo ea hau le ho boloka likamano tsa nako e telele le barekisi ba rona ba baholo.Q6: Ke lits’ebeletso life tse ekelitsoeng boleng tseo u fanang ka tsona bakeng sa bareki ba bangata kapa ba pheta-phetoang?A:
Re fana ka mefuta e mengata ea lits’ebeletso tse kenyellelitsoeng boleng tse tsamaellanang le litlhoko tsa barekisi ba rona ba baholo, ho kenyeletsoa litheolelo tsa liodara tse ngata, ts’ehetso ea mantlha, le phihlello e khethehileng ea likhatiso tse ncha tsa lihlahisoa. Bakeng sa bareki ba pheta-phetoang, re boetse re fana ka lipehelo tse feto-fetohang tsa tefo le tsamaiso ea akhaonto ea motho ka mong, ho thusa ho tsamaisa mokhoa oa ho reka le ho finyella linako tsa morero oa hau ka katleho. . Litšebeletso tsena tsa tlatsetso ea boleng ke karolo ea boitlamo ba rona ba ho aha likamano tse tšoarellang le balekane ba rona le ho ba thusa ho fumana katleho ka lihlahisoa tsa rona.
A: Absolutely. The amber dot-free COB 24V LED light strip is highly customizable and comes with a range of accessories to suit unique installation needs. Whether you need straight connectors, curved connectors, or other specific shapes, we offer options to facilitate creative and complex installations. This flexibility allows the light strip to adapt to various spaces, whether indoor or outdoor, flat or contoured.
Its design accommodates on-site cutting, enabling adjustments to fit spaces perfectly, even in challenging layouts like winding corridors or intricate ceilings. For enhanced functionality, the light strip supports daisy chaining, making it easy to connect multiple strips seamlessly. This setup allows for a longer, uninterrupted lighting line and more possibilities for large installations.
Q4: How fast is your delivery time, and what measures are in place to ensure timely and safe delivery?A: We prioritize timely and secure delivery to meet the needs of big sellers. Our team maintains efficient production and logistics processes, ensuring that orders are prepared and dispatched as quickly as possible, with minimal lead time. Depending on your location and order volume, we provide flexible shipping options, including express and standard methods.
Each order undergoes thorough packaging and inspection to prevent damage during transit, ensuring that products reach you in pristine condition. For large-volume orders or time-sensitive projects, we offer dedicated support to streamline the shipping process and accommodate any specific delivery requests.
Q5: Are your products backed by quality assurance and warranty, and what is your return policy for large orders?A: Yes, quality assurance is central to our operations. All our LED products, including the amber dot-free COB 24V LED light strip, undergo strict quality checks before shipping. We also offer a comprehensive warranty on each product to cover any manufacturing defects, ensuring reliability and customer satisfaction.
In the unlikely event of a defect or issue, we have a straightforward return policy for large orders. Simply contact our customer support team, and we\’ll work with you to resolve the matter, whether that entails replacing the product or providing a refund as appropriate. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and maintain long-lasting partnerships with our big sellers.
Q6: What value-added services do you offer for large or repeat buyers?A: We offer a range of value-added services tailored to the needs of our big sellers, including bulk order discounts, priority support, and exclusive access to new product releases. For repeat buyers, we also provide flexible payment terms and personalized account management, helping streamline the ordering process and meet your project timelines effectively.
Additionally, our team is always available to provide technical support, assist with installation questions, and offer design recommendations. These value-added services are part of our commitment to building lasting relationships with our partners and helping them achieve success with our products.