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Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting

Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

LD-DL99955 Ts’ehetso:


Thekiso e nyane haholo

Lintlha tsa puisano:


Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Ultra Slim LED Tri-Colour Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Ultra-thin LED Tri-color Recessed Downlight 18W Round LEDER Lighting: Fusion of Fashion and Intelligence

Ultra Slim Design

1200mm Flex and Plug

Mokhanni oa Remote oa Hona Joale o Kenyelelitsoe
Housing ea Polycarbonate le Faceplate

White Diffuser

Mocheso oa Mobala oa Thapo

o Loketse Bakeng sa ho Finyella

E loketse bakeng sa 2-way Switching

E Lokela ho Sebelisa le Microwave le Motion Sensor

Warranty ea Phetoho ea Lilemo tse 3


Input Voltage: 240V AC

Matla (W): 9W/12W/ 18W

18W Lumens: 1350Lm/1550Lm/1450Lm

IP Rating (IP): IP40

LED mofuta: SMD

Mmala Mocheso: 3000K Bosoeu bo Mofuthu, 4000K Bosoeu ba Tlhaho kapa 5500K Bosoeu bo Botle.




18W Round

Fascia: \Ø222mm

Bolelele: 22mm

Cutout Size: \Ø205mm



Hey there , ba chesehelang mabone! Kajeno, ke thabetse ho u tsebisa ka mokhoa o hlollang oa ho bonesa \—U2014 Ultra-Thin LED Tri-Color Recessed Downlight 18W Circular by LEDER Lighting. Leseli lena ke motsoako o phethahetseng oa setaele le tšebetso, ‘me ke ts’epa hore u tla khahloa!

Moqapi oa Bokhabane

Ha re qaleng ka moralo. Leseli lena le na le sebopeho se boreleli, sa sejoale-joale se fanang ka bokhabane. Sebōpeho sa eona se chitja se tlisa molumo o bonolo le o tšelisang, o e etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa kamore efe kapa efe\—e ka ba kamore ea ho phomola, kamore ea ho robala kapa ofisi. Moetso oa eona o mosesaane haholo o eketsa bokhabane ba sejoale-joale ntle le ho imetsa sebaka, o etsa hore ho be le leseli le moea.

Dikgetho tse fapaneng tsa Lebone

Joale, ha re bue ka ts’ebetso. Lebone lena le tlase ke ntlo ea matla e feto-fetohang e nang le bokhoni ba ho fetola mebala e meraro. O ka fetola habonolo lipakeng tsa lithempereichara tsa mebala e meraro \—3000K bosoeu bo futhumetseng, bosoeu ba tlhaho ba 4000K, le bosoeu bo pholileng ba 5500K\—ho lumellana le maikutlo a hau.


3000K Bosoeu bo Mofuthu: E loketse ho theha moea o monate ha ho bata. masiu a mariha kapa ho eketsa mofuthu sebakeng sa hau.

4000K Natural White: E loketse tšebeliso ea letsatsi le letsatsi, e fana ka khanya e khanyang empa e phutholohile ntle le ho ba bohale mahlong.

5500K Cool White: E ntle bakeng sa matsatsi a chesang a lehlabula kapa tikoloho moo ho hlokahalang leseli le tsepamisitsoeng. , joalo ka libaka tsa mosebetsi.

Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED

Ka matla a 18W, lebone lena le tlase le fana ka khanya e eketsehileng ha e bapisoa le mefuta e fetileng. Ka lebaka la theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED, e kopanya ts’ebetso e phahameng le tšebeliso e tlase ea matla. Sena ha se thuse feela ho fokotsa likoloto tsa hau tsa motlakase empa hape se kenya letsoho ho bolokeng matla. Hape, nako e telele ea bophelo ba mabone a LED e bolela ho fokotseha hoa mabone a macha le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ho lokisoa ha nako e ntse e ea.

Ho Kenya ha Bonolo

Ho kenya ho bonolo ka moralo ona o fokotsehileng. E kopanya ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng mekhoeng e fapaneng ea siling ntle le ho nka sebaka. Ebang u motho ea chesehelang DIY kapa u rata thuso ea litsebi, ts’ebetso ea ho instola e hlakile ebile e potlakile, ho latela litaelo tse fanoeng.


Ho Felisa Mocheso o Sebetsang

Se ke oa lumella boholo ba eona bo kopaneng hore bo u thetse\—lebone le tlase le na le sistimi e sebetsang hantle ea ho felisa mocheso. Karolo ena e hahelletsoeng e thibela mocheso o feteletseng nakong ea ts’ebeliso e telele, ho netefatsa bophelo bo bolelele le ts’ebetso e ts’oanang ntle le ho senya polokeho.

Superior Build Quality

E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo le boenjiniere bo nepahetseng, leseli lena le tlase le netefatsa ho ts’epahala le ho tšoarella. Karolo e ‘ngoe le e ‘ngoe e entsoe ka makhethe ho qoba ho thekesela kapa ho ajoa ha mabone a sa tšoaneng, ho fana ka leseli le tsitsitseng le le monate.


Litlhahlobo tsa Bareki

Ahmed Al-Farsi, Motsamaisi oa Litheko ho Al-Khaleej Lighting

  1. Purchase List:

    1,000 units tsa 18W Tri-Colour Recessed Downlights

    15,000 units tsa 12W LED Downlights

    3,000 units tsa Adjustable Color Temperature Downlights

    Tlhahlobo: Re khahliloe haholo ke 20 LEDER9 lihlahisoa. The 18W Tri-Colour Recessed Downlights ha se setaele feela empa hape se sebetsa haholo. Karolo ea mebala e meraro e fana ka phetoho bakeng sa litlhophiso tse fapaneng. Thomello e ne e potlakile, ‘me boleng bo ile ba feta kamoo re neng re lebeletse kateng. Litšebeletso tsa bona tse ling, ho kenyeletsoa lintlha tse qaqileng tsa tšehetso ea ho kenya, li bile tsa bohlokoa haholo.\”


Omar Rashid, CEO oa Noor Lighting Solutions

  1. Purchase List:

    15,000 units of 18W Tri-Colour Recessed Downlights

    8,000 units of Modern LED Round Downlights

    6,000 units tsa IP44 LED Downlights

    Tlhahlobo: Litharollo tsa mabone ke tsa boemo bo holimo. Mabone a tlase a 18W ke motsoako o phethahetseng oa moralo oa sejoale-joale le likarolo tse sebetsang. Re fumane maikutlo a matle ho tsoa ho bareki ba rona mabapi le tšebeliso e ntle ea matla le ts’ebetso. Phetoho e potlakileng ea liodara le tšebeletso ea bareki e arabelang li entse hore ho sebetsa le LEDER ho be bonolo.\”

Fatima Ibrahim, Moreki e Moholo ho Middle East Lighting Co.

  1. Purchase List:

    2,000 units of 18W Tri-Colour Recessed Downlights

    7,000 units of Energy-Efficient LED Downlights

    4,000 units tsa LED Ceiling Downlights IP44

    Tlhahlobo: Lihlahisoa tsa “LEDER e bile tlatsetso e ntle haholo. ho inventory ea rona. The 18W Tri-Colour Recessed Downlights e fana ka mekhoa e mengata e fapaneng le e sebetsang hantle. Boleng bo ikhethile, ‘me ho fana ka nako ka nako ho re thusitse ho fihlela linako tsa projeke ea rona. Theko e ekelitsoeng ea tšehetso ea bareki le litokomane tse qaqileng tsa sehlahisoa e bile molemo o moholo.\”

    Na u thahasella ho ntlafatsa mabone a hau ka lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao? Ikopanye le rona kajeno ho ithuta haholoanyane ka Ultra-Thin LED Tri-Color Recessed Downlight 18W Circular le ho hlahloba hore na LEDER Lighting e ka bonesa merero ea hau joang ka setaele le ka bokhabane.


Melemo ea mantlha ea Ultra-Thin LED Tri-Color Recessed Downlight 18W Circular ke efe?

  1. The Ultra-Thin LED Tri-Color Recessed Downlight 18W Circular e fana ka melemo e mengata ea bohlokoa:

    Versatile Lighting: E ​​na le lithempereichara tse tharo tsa mebala (3000K bosoeu bo futhumetseng, 4000K bosoeu ba tlhaho, le bosoeu bo pholileng ba 5500K) bo ka bang e fetoha habonolo hore e lumellane le litlhophiso le likhetho tse fapaneng.

    Energy Efficiency: Ka tekanyo ea matla ea 18W, e fana ka khanya e phahameng ha e ntse e boloka tšebeliso e tlaase ea matla, e thusa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa motlakase.

    Modern Design: Moqapi o motle, o mosesaane haholo o ntlafatsa boipiletso bo botle ba kamore efe kapa efe ntle le ho senya sebaka.

    Ho Kenyelletsoa ha bonolo: Moralo oa eona o tsosolositsoeng o lumella ho kopanngoa ha seamless mefuteng e sa tšoaneng ea siling, e nang le litaelo tse tobileng tsa ho kenya.

    Long Lifespan: Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea LED e tiisa bophelo bo bolelele ba tšebeletso le litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa tlhokomelo. .

    Ho Felisa Mocheso ka Katleho: Mocheso o kentsoeng ka har’a mocheso o thibela ho futhumala, ho netefatsa ts’ebetso e ka tšeptjoang ha nako e ntse e ea.

LEDER e netefatsa joang boleng le ts’epahalo ea lihlahisoa tsa hau?

  1. LEDER Lighting e etelletsa boleng le ts’epahalo pele ka:

    Lisebelisoa tsa Boemo bo Phahameng: Re sebelisa thepa ea boleng bo holimo le boenjiniere bo nepahetseng ho etsa mabone a rona, ho netefatsa hore a tšoarella le ho sebetsa. ho thibela litaba tse kang ho thekesela kapa ho fana ka khanya e sa lekaneng.

    Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele: Mabone a rona a tlase a kenyelletsa theknoloji ea morao-rao ea LED le mekhoa e sebetsang hantle ea ho felisa mocheso ho matlafatsa ts’ebetso le bophelo bo bolelele.

    Feedback Customer: Re ntse re bokella le ho sekaseka maikutlo ho tsoa ho bareki ba rona ho ntlafatsa le ho ntlafatsa. rarolla mathata afe kapa afe hang-hang.

    Tiisetso e Felletseng: Re fana ka tiisetso e kholo lihlahisoa tsohle tsa rona, e bonts’a kholiseho ea rona boleng ba tsona le boitlamo ba rona ba ho khotsofatsa bareki.

Ke mofuta ofe oa tšehetso le litšebeletso tseo LEDER e fanang ka tsona ho balekane ba eona?

  1. LEDER Lighting e fana ka mefuta e mengata ea ts’ehetso le lits’ebeletso ho netefatsa tšebelisano-‘moho e bonolo:

    Litokomane tse qaqileng tsa Sehlahisoa: Re fana ka litataiso tse felletseng tsa ho kenya le lintlha tsa botekgeniki ho thusa ka ho hlophisa le ho kopanya sehlahisoa. ho rarolla lipotso leha e le life kapa lipelaelo hang-hang, ho netefatsa phihlelo e se nang mathata.

    Ho Hlahisoa ka Nako: Re khomarela linako tse lumellaneng tsa ho fana ka thepa ho finyella linako tsa morero oa hau le ho boloka tsamaiso e nepahetseng ea thepa.

    litaelo tsa ho kopana le litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa morero kapa litlhoko tsa branding.

    Koetliso le Litherisano: Re ka fana ka linako tsa koetliso le lipuisano ho u thusa ho utloisisa lihlahisoa tsa rona hamolemo le ho etsa liqeto tse nang le tsebo.

    Ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa eng kapa eng e eketsehileng tlhahisoleseling kapa ho buisana ka hore na lihlahisoa tsa rona li ka fihlela litlhoko tsa hau joang!

LEDER Lighting offers a range of support and services to ensure a smooth partnership:

Detailed Product Documentation: We provide comprehensive installation guides and technical specifications to assist with product setup and integration.

Responsive Customer Service: Our dedicated support team is available to address any questions or concerns promptly, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Timely Delivery: We adhere to agreed-upon delivery schedules to meet your project timelines and maintain efficient inventory management.

Customization Options: We offer customization services for bulk orders to meet specific project requirements or branding needs.

Training and Consultation: We can provide training sessions and consultations to help you understand our products better and make informed decisions.

Feel free to contact us for any additional information or to discuss how our products can meet your needs!