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3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight

3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

LD-DL99911 Ts’ehetso:


Thekiso e nyane haholo

Lintlha tsa puisano:


3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight-LEDER,Leseli le patiloeng,Leseli la mohloa,Leseli la likhohola,Leseli la lebota,Leseli la serapa,Leseli la Wall Washer,Leseli la line,Mohloli oa leseli,Track light,Leseli le tlaase,Leseli la lebone , Hola leseli, Leseli le sa tloaelehang la tloaelo, Morero oa mabone a kahare, Morero oa mabone a kantle

Ho hlahisa 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight Series

Cutout Diameter: \Ø45mm (Tiltable)

Degree Of Tilt: 20°

Dimmable: Yes

24° Beam Angle

Tri-Colour Switchable


E Fanoe ka Micro Sized LED Driver le Flex le plug u00b0

Tilt: 20\° (Tiltable Model)

Dimmable: Yes

Lumen Output: 180Lm/210Lm


Material: Aluminium

Mmala Mocheso: 3000K/4000K/5700K (Switchable)


Cutout Diameter: \Ø45mm

Diameter: \Ø50mm

Bolelele: 32mm

Rea u amohela bokamosong ba tharollo ea mabone e masene le e rarahaneng. Letoto la rona la 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight le eme ka pele ho theknoloji e ncha ea mabone, e fana ka motsoako o ke keng oa lekanngoa oa ts’ebetso, ho tenyetseha le boipiletso ba botle. Tataiso ena e felletseng e shebisisa likarolo, melemo, le ts’ebeliso ea letoto la rona la mabone a morao-rao, a etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa merero ea sejoale-joale ea mabone.


Tlhahlobo ea Sehlahisoa

Letoto la 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight le etselitsoe ho fana ka khanya e ikhethang ka mokhoa o kopaneng, o boreleli. Letoto lena le nepahetse bakeng sa lits’ebetso tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa mabone a khabinete, mabone a bonts’itsoeng, le litlamorao tsa mabone a lebota. Hore na u ikemiselitse ho totobatsa likarolo tse itseng kapa ho theha mabone a tikoloho, letoto la rona la leseli le fana ka tharollo e fapaneng le e sebetsang hantle.

Likarolo tsa Bohlokoa:

  • Tsebetso e Ikhethang: High-Performance LED Chipset:
  • Ho fifala ha Mebala e Meraro: Optical Lens Diffuser:
  • The 24\° optical lens diffuser e entsoe ka botsebi hore e sebetse tumellanong le chipset ea LED. E fana ka angle e tsepamisitsoeng, e loketseng bakeng sa ho bonts’a lintlha le ho theha phello e poteletseng ea mabone. Tšobotsi ena e molemo haholo bakeng sa ponts’o le mabone a khabinete. Qetella Likhetho:
  • Moqapi o Kopanetsoeng: Ka boholo ba eona bo bonyenyane, khanya e tlaase e nepahetse bakeng sa likopo moo sebaka se fokolang kapa moo ho hlokahalang tharollo ea mabone a masene. Moralo oa eona o kopaneng ha o sekisetse ts’ebetso, o e etsa khetho e holimo bakeng sa merero e fapaneng ea mabone.
  • Mokhanni o Monyane oa LED le Plug e Flexible: Leseli le leng le le leng le tla le mokhanni o monyane oa LED le polaka e feto-fetohang, e nolofatsang ho kenya le ho netefatsa hore e sebelisana le mehloli e fapaneng ea matla.
  • Likopo:
  • Mabone a Khabinete: Moralo o kopaneng oa khanya le ho sekama ho ka feto-fetohang ho etsa hore e be khetho e ntle bakeng sa likhabinete le lishelefo tse bonesang, tse ntlafatsang ponahalo le ho bonts’a lintho ka nepo.

Bontša Leseli:

Liphello tsa Lebone la Lebota:

  • Bokhoni ba ho thekesela le ho itokisa ha leseli bo etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ho theha mabone a matla a lebota, ho eketsa botebo le thahasello libakeng tse kahare. Mabone a Kakaretso:
  • Litekanyetso tsa Morekisi e Moholo
  • Ho hlahlojoa ke Mark Thompson, Mookameli oa LuxLight Solutions
  • Company: LuxLight Solutions

    Position: Director

    Name: Mark Thompson

    Purchase List:

    5,000 diyuniti tsa 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight

    3,000 diyuniti tsa LED flush mount light

    2,000 diyuniti tsa mabone a siling a kentsoeng

Ho hlahlojoa ke Emily Rodriguez, Mookameli oa Theko ho BrightVision Lighting

Company: BrightVision Lighting

Boemo: Purchasing Manager

Name: Emily Rodriguez

Purchase List:

1,000 diyuniti tsa 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight

4,000 diyuniti tsa mabone a kentsweng morao
1,050 diyuniti tsa mininyane can lights


  1. Tekolo ea David Kim, Moreki e Moholo ho Illuminate Pro

Company: Illuminate Pro

Position: Senior Buyer

Name: David Kim

Purchase List:

8,000 diyuniti tsa 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight

2,050 diyuniti tsa lesedi le theohileng

diyuniti tse 1,080 tsa LED can lights


Iteanye le Rona Bakeng sa Boitsebiso bo Fetang

  1. FAQs

LEDER e netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa eona joang?

Ho LEDER, ho boloka boleng ba sehlahisoa sa boleng bo holimo ke ntho e tlang pele bophelong ba rona. Re rarolla mathata a boleng ka mokhoa o nang le likarolo tse ngata:

Sistimi e thata ea Taolo ea Boleng: Re kenya tšebetsong sistimi e felletseng ea taolo ea boleng e tsamaellanang le litekanyetso tsa ISO 9001. Sistimi ena e laola karolo e ‘ngoe le e ‘ngoe ea tlhahiso ea rona le lits’ebetso tsa netefatso ea boleng ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa rona li fihlella le ho feta maemo a machabeng.

Regular Audits and Advanced Equipment: Re etsa liphuputso tsa kahare le kantle ho beha leihlo le ho boloka boleng ba sehlahisoa kamehla. Ho feta moo, lisebelisoa tsa rona tsa morao-rao tsa tlhahiso le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho netefatsa botsitso le ts’epahalo ho sehlopha se seng le se seng sa lihlahisoa.

Litšebeletso tsa Phaello ea Boleng:

Litlaleho tse qaqileng tsa Tlhahlobo ea Boleng: Re fa bareki ba rona boleng bo qaqileng. litlaleho tsa tlhahlobo le litifikeiti tsa motho oa boraro, tse fanang ka ponaletso le tiisetso ea boleng ba sehlahisoa sa rona.

Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Mokhoa oa rona oa ho fana ka maikutlo a boleng bo pepeneneng o netefatsa hore mathata leha e le afe kapa matšoenyeho a hlahisitsoeng ke bareki a rarolloa kapele, ho thusa ho boloka maemo a phahameng a khotsofalo. .


  1. Ke mehato efe eo LEDER e e nkang ho sebetsana le litšitiso tsa puisano le bareki ba machabeng?

Puisano e atlehileng e bohlokoa bakeng sa likamano tse atlehileng tsa machaba. LEDER e sebetsana le litšitiso tsa puisano ka maano a latelang:

Basebeletsi ba Lipuo Tse peli le Phetolelo ea Setsebi: Re hira basebetsi ba lipuo tse peli ‘me re thehile sehlopha sa profeshenale sa bafetoleli ho tsamaisa puisano e nepahetseng le e hlakileng le bareki ba rona ba machabeng.

Mesebetsi ea Kajeno ea Puisano: Ho ntlafatsa katleho ea puisano, re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tse kang seboka sa video le melaetsa ea hang-hang, e nolofalletsang lipuisano tsa nako ea sebele le tharollo e potlakileng ea mathata leha e le afe.

Value-Added Services:

24/7 Tšehetso ea Bareki: Tšehetso ea rona ea bosiu le motšehare e tiisa hore re li lula li le teng ho araba lipotso le litlhoko tsa hau, ho sa natsoe phapang ea nako ea libaka.

Lintlafatso tsa Bareki tsa Kamehla: Re buisana le bareki ba rona ka mafolofolo ho utloisisa litlhoko tsa bona le ho fana ka lintlha tse nchafalitsoeng khafetsa, ho netefatsa hore maikutlo kapa liphetoho leha e le life li phatlalatsoa ka katleho.

LEDER e laola nako ea ho fihla joang le ho netefatsa phethahatso ea litaelo ka nako?

Ho tsamaisoa ka nako ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka ts’ebetso e bonolo le khotsofalo ea bareki. LEDER e sebelisa maano a ‘maloa ho laola le ho ntlafatsa linako tsa ho fana ka thepa:

Moralo oa Tlhahiso ea Mahlale: Re etsa moralo o hlokolosi oa tlhahiso le kemiso ho netefatsa hore liodara tsohle li sebetsoa le ho fanoa ka nako. Mokhoa ona o re lumella ho sebetsana le litaelo tse tloaelehileng le tse potlakileng ka katleho.

Keketseho ea Bokhoni ba Tlhahiso: Re na le mehloli ea matla e hahelletsoeng ho amohela liphetoho tsa tšohanyetso tsa tlhokeho le litaelo tse kholo, ho etsa bonnete ba hore re ka eketsa tlhahiso ha ho hlokahala.

Value- Litšebeletso tse Ekelitsoeng:

Litšebeletso tsa ho Track Track: Re fana ka ho latela litaelo tsa nako ea sebele, ho lumella bareki ho shebella tsoelo-pele ea litaelo tsa bona ho tloha tlhahiso ho ea ho lipalangoang.

Matšeliso bakeng sa Litieho: Ketsahalong e sa tloaelehang ea tieho, re na le matšeliso. Mokhoa o teng oa ho matlafatsa ts’epo ea bareki le ho fana ka tiisetso ea boitlamo ba rona ba ho fana ka thepa ka nako.

Litsebiso tse Eketsehileng

Setifikeiti sa Boleng le Maemo: LEDER e na le litifikeiti tse hlokahalang tsa machaba le tsa lehae (joalo ka CE, RoHS, UL), ho netefatsa hore ho latela litekanyetso tsa moraorao. Re fana ka litokomane tse felletseng tsa setifikeiti ebile re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa boeletsi bakeng sa likopo tsa setifikeiti le tlhokomelo.

Tshireletso ea Thepa ea Boithuto: Re nka ts’ireletso ea thepa ea mahlale ka botebo ka ho saena li-NDA le ho kenya tšebetsong mehato ea kahare ho thibela ho lutla ha theknoloji. Re boetse re fana ka lits’ebeletso tsa boeletsi bakeng sa likopo tsa patent le ho etsa koetliso ea khafetsa ho matlafatsa ts’ireletso ea thepa ea rona ea bohlale.

After-Sales Service: Sistimi ea rona e felletseng ea litšebeletso tsa kamora thekiso e kenyelletsa tšehetso ea ho lokisa le ho e ncha, leano le felletseng la tiisetso, le ts’ehetso ea botekgeniki ea 24/7. . Re boetse re fana ka lipakete tse atolositsoeng tsa waranti ho ntlafatsa ts’epo ea bareki

Contact Us for More Information

The 3W LED Tri-Colour Dimmable Miniature Recessed Tilt Downlight series represents the pinnacle of modern lighting technology, offering an ideal solution for a variety of applications. If you’re a big seller or involved in high-end lighting projects, we invite you to explore the benefits of our downlight series and see how it can enhance your offerings.

For more details, inquiries, or to place an order, please contact us:


Phone/WhatsApp/WeChat: +8615815758133


Experience the difference with LEDER’s innovative lighting solutions, and let us help you illuminate your projects with precision and style.


  1. How does LEDER ensure the quality of its products?

At LEDER, maintaining top-notch product quality is our top priority. We address quality concerns through a multi-faceted approach:

Strict Quality Management System: We implement a comprehensive quality management system aligned with ISO 9001 standards. This system governs every aspect of our production and quality assurance processes to ensure that our products meet and exceed international standards.

Regular Audits and Advanced Equipment: We conduct both internal and external audits to continuously monitor and uphold product quality. Additionally, our state-of-the-art production and testing equipment plays a critical role in ensuring consistency and reliability in every batch of products.

Value-Added Services:

Detailed Quality Inspection Reports: We provide our customers with detailed quality inspection reports and third-party certifications, offering transparency and assurance of our product\’s quality.

Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Our transparent quality feedback mechanism ensures that any issues or concerns raised by customers are promptly addressed, helping to maintain high satisfaction levels.

  1. What measures does LEDER take to handle communication barriers with international clients?

Effective communication is essential for successful international partnerships. LEDER tackles communication barriers with the following strategies:

Bilingual Employees and Professional Translation: We employ bilingual staff and have established a professional translation team to facilitate accurate and clear communication with our international clients.

Modern Communication Tools: To enhance communication efficiency, we utilize modern tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging, enabling real-time discussions and quick resolution of any issues.

Value-Added Services:

24/7 Customer Support: Our round-the-clock customer support ensures that we are always available to respond to your queries and needs, regardless of time zone differences.

Regular Customer Updates: We proactively engage with our customers to understand their requirements and provide regular updates, ensuring that any feedback or changes are communicated effectively.

  1. How does LEDER manage delivery times and ensure timely fulfillment of orders?

Timely delivery is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and customer satisfaction. LEDER employs several strategies to manage and optimize delivery times:

Scientific Production Planning: We carry out meticulous production planning and scheduling to ensure that all orders are processed and delivered on time. This approach allows us to handle both routine and urgent orders efficiently.

Increased Production Capacity: We have built-in capacity reserves to accommodate sudden changes in demand and large orders, ensuring that we can scale up production as needed.

Value-Added Services:

Order Tracking Services: We offer real-time order tracking, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their orders from production through to transportation.

Compensation for Delays: In the rare event of a delay, we have a compensation mechanism in place to enhance customer trust and provide assurance of our commitment to timely delivery.

Additional Information

Quality Certification and Standards: LEDER holds necessary international and local quality certifications (such as CE, RoHS, UL), ensuring compliance with the latest standards. We provide full certification documentation and offer professional consulting services for certification applications and maintenance.

Intellectual Property Protection: We take intellectual property protection seriously by signing NDAs and implementing internal measures to prevent technology leakage. We also provide consulting services for patent applications and conduct regular training to bolster our intellectual property safeguards.

After-Sales Service: Our comprehensive after-sales service system includes repair and replacement support, a detailed warranty policy, and 24/7 technical support. We also offer extended warranty packages to further enhance customer confidence.