
Jiangmen LEDER Illumination Co., Ltd.

Major Products: Buried Light, Fountain Light, Underwater Light, Step Light, Flood Light, Linear Light, Wall Washer Light, Point Light Source, Light Strip, Garden Light, Lawn Light, Wall Light, Down Light, Track Light, Chandelier, Table Light, High Bay Light, Street Light, Grow Light, Non-standard Custom Light, Outdoor Lighting Design, Interior Lighting Design.

Applications: Square, Park and Landscape lighting; Building lighting;  Hotel, Supermarket and Entertainment lighting;  Indoor space Display lighting;  Industrial lighting, Agricultural lighting.

Location: Jiangmen China.

Raon factaraidh: 3000 meatair ceàrnagach

Air a stèidheachadh: ann an 2009

Àireamh de luchd-obrach: 280

Margaidh thall thairis: Ameireaga a-Tuath, Ameireaga a-Deas, Astràilia, Àisia, an Roinn Eòrpa, Mideast, Afraga msaa.

Certificates: Rohs, CE, UL, ETL.

Customization: Glacadh

Companaidh-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh