Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona

Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh



Airde: 11 cm

Leud: 31 cm

Doimhneachd: 6.6 cm

\\ u00a0




Slàn-reic beag

Fiosrachadh conaltraidh:


Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

Solais Balla LED Smart Solais Balla a-muigh Solais Shìona-LEDER, Solas fon uisge, Solas tiodhlagaidh, Solas feòir, Solas tuil, Solas balla, Solas gàrraidh, Solas nigheadaireachd balla, Solas loidhne, Stòr solais puing, Solas trac, Solas sìos, stiall aotrom, Canndelier, Solas bùird, Solas sràide, Solas bàgh àrd , Fàs solas, Solas àbhaisteach neo-àbhaisteach, Pròiseact solais a-staigh, Pròiseact solais a-muigh

Solais Balla LED Smart a’ soilleireachadh an àite agad le stoidhle is gnìomh!

Dath agus dealbhadh

Dath: anthracite, satain geal

Stuth: alùmanum, PC


Leud (cm): 11

Àirde (cm): 31

Doimhneachd (cm): 6.6

Stòr solais

Bollb aotrom: 1 x 12 W LED

Bha bulb solais a’ toirt a-steach: Tha

Watage (watts): 12

LEDan aonaichte: Tha

Dath aotrom: geal blàth: 3000K – 4000K – 5000K

Lumens (lm): 960

Gnìomhan a bharrachd

Dimmable: Chan eil

Sònrachaidhean teicnigeach

IP code: IP44

Protection class: I

Supply voltage (volts): 12V/24V/110V/240V

Looking to add a touch of modern elegance to your home or outdoor space? Look no further than our Smart LED Wall Lights! Crafted to perfection, these sleek lights are designed to enhance any environment, from your exterior door to your cozy bedroom alcove.

With a contemporary design featuring a frosted glass diffuser, our LED wall lights not only illuminate your space but also add a sophisticated flair to your d\écor. Whether you’re showcasing artwork in your living room or creating a warm ambiance in your bedroom, these lights are the perfect choice.

But that’s not all! Our lights are built to withstand the elements, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Rain or shine, they’ll continue to shine bright, providing 450 lumens of soft white light (3000 K) to brighten up any area. Plus, with a lifespan of 50,000 hours, you can enjoy years of reliable illumination.

And the best part? Our LED wall lights are compatible with most LED dimmers, allowing you to adjust the brightness to suit your mood or setting. Whether you want to create a cozy atmosphere for a quiet night in or illuminate your outdoor space for a lively gathering, our lights have you covered.

Ready to elevate your space with our LED wall lights? Contact our sales team today to learn more! We’re here to answer any questions you may have and help you find the perfect lighting solution for your needs.

Don’t forget, we also offer custom orders and welcome small wholesale orders for the first batch. Get in touch with us today and brighten up your space with style!

Contact us at or reach out via WhatsApp at +8615815758133. We can’t wait to hear from you!


1.For Dealbhadairean Solais, An urrainn dhomh teòthachd dath nan Solais Balla Smart LED atharrachadh a rèir feumalachdan dealbhaidh eadar-dhealaichte?

  • Tha, tha na Solais Balla Smart LED againn a’ tighinn le teicneòlas teòthachd dath a ghabhas atharrachadh, a’ toirt cothrom dhut gluasad bho gheal blàth gu geal fionnar. Leigidh an sùbailteachd seo leat an ambiance foirfe a chruthachadh airson suidheachadh no àm den latha.

2.For Dealbhadairean Solais, \\ u00a0Ciamar a tha fios agam air inbhean càileachd is dealbhaidh thoraidhean LEDER Lighting?

  • Bidh sinn a’ tabhann fiosan bhidio agus sgrùdaidhean factaraidh dhut gus am faic thu ar pròiseas toraidh agus smachd càileachd dhut fhèin. Bidh an sgioba gnìomhachais proifeasanta againn a’ ceangal riut ann an àm fìor gus ceistean sam bith a fhreagairt agus gus seallaidhean mionaideach a thoirt seachad mu ar dian agus ar spiorad sgioba.

3.For Dealbhadairean Solais, A bheil na solais balla LED agad co-chòrdail ri dimmers agus dè cho lùth-èifeachdach ‘sa tha iad?

  • Tha, tha na solais LED amalaichte againn co-chòrdail ris a’ mhòr-chuid de dh’ lasachaidhean LED, a’ toirt dhut smachd air ìrean soilleireachd. Bidh iad a’ tabhann 600 lumens aig 14 watts agus tha beatha aca de 50,000 uair, a’ dèanamh cinnteach à àrd-choileanadh agus èifeachdas lùtha.